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Posts posted by MattandLaura
I disagree we should let Jeremy crew take care of somthing that is local. That would just add more time and resources to his already busy schedule. I believe the intent of this is to get caches that are either forgotten about or just left without care. Most likely one would be able to get a hold of the cache owner in a reasonable amount of time. Example there was a cache down south(from Oregon) nobody found for a year. The people still e-mailed them and found out it was still there and located the cache. Let's say nobody responded to the e-mail after a month. Do we just leave the cache there to litter? There is already a small debate going on the the caches should be considered littering and I do not wish to add fuel to that debate and get banned from certain areas.
extremely worthwild idea. Nothing is going to kill this sport quicker than people leaving abandoned caches(otherwise garbage) laying around. I am willing to help maintain and moderate a forum to this cause
My wife just got back from that Rite Aid show at the expo. She got 3 bags full of quality items all for free. If someone is low on supplies I recommend going there. Everything including parking is free
i wondered where I left that
i wondered where I left that
ok I drop my wife off at work at 8:30am in Happy Valley. You guys think I can get the majority of these done before 3pm
lydia's in rockwood is right off of Max. So is Tacho's(kareoke sp?) Lydia's is at 188th and burnside. Tacho's is across the street. I could go for the 148th bar. BTW not all of us are bad out here
lydia's in rockwood is right off of Max. So is Tacho's(kareoke sp?) Lydia's is at 188th and burnside. Tacho's is across the street. I could go for the 148th bar. BTW not all of us are bad out here
you know..I just might do that. Thanks
you know..I just might do that. Thanks
is it my imagination or are new caches getting sparce lately? At least in the Portland area.
oregone I think my English puzzles are getting to you.
Originally posted by oregone:I've sense grown up a bit.
all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed
without checkpoints it would be difficult to keep people from speeding around. You may want to do a timed event, where one team leaves then 15 minutes another team leaves. That way you could curb part of the speeding. You may also time it out yourself to see how long it takes you and anyone beating that time is disqualified. I don't think you will have too much of an issue though.
without checkpoints it would be difficult to keep people from speeding around. You may want to do a timed event, where one team leaves then 15 minutes another team leaves. That way you could curb part of the speeding. You may also time it out yourself to see how long it takes you and anyone beating that time is disqualified. I don't think you will have too much of an issue though.
I'll chip in some(gotta help the fellow Gresham cacher). Maybe by the June 1 Champoeg trip we can all come up with enough for a least an etrex yellow.
Originally posted by Steak N Eggs:I hate to see a geocacher go out this way.
Originally posted by Waynepdx:The whole discussion is moot now. I went back with my fiances dad and redid this. He followed me up the tree so I wouldnt be such a whimp and chicken out. I signed the log for both of us. So I met the requirement of the cache.
I wish I hadnt done it because I started to lose my balance and sat on a branch pushing my gps out of my back pocket. It fell and broke. Since I cant afford a new one I will be retiring from caching for a long time until I can afford to buy a new one.
Thanks to everyone in this forum for their response (in my favor of course). But I thought about it and felt that if I wanted to claim it as a find then I would have to meet the requirements that fractal set out.
"My gps say's it RIGHT HERE".
12 caches in 12 hours.
I'll chip in some(gotta help the fellow Gresham cacher). Maybe by the June 1 Champoeg trip we can all come up with enough for a least an etrex yellow.
Originally posted by Steak N Eggs:I hate to see a geocacher go out this way.
Originally posted by Waynepdx:The whole discussion is moot now. I went back with my fiances dad and redid this. He followed me up the tree so I wouldnt be such a whimp and chicken out. I signed the log for both of us. So I met the requirement of the cache.
I wish I hadnt done it because I started to lose my balance and sat on a branch pushing my gps out of my back pocket. It fell and broke. Since I cant afford a new one I will be retiring from caching for a long time until I can afford to buy a new one.
Thanks to everyone in this forum for their response (in my favor of course). But I thought about it and felt that if I wanted to claim it as a find then I would have to meet the requirements that fractal set out.
"My gps say's it RIGHT HERE".
12 caches in 12 hours.
you pretty much stated in your directions to sign the log. I feel consistency should rule out.
Saturday my family will be going after One for the Dogs and Deadline. Anyone want to go with? We will be there about noon.
wasn't it already on the west side(compare to me at least)
Let's make a future meeting in the far east someday soon.
wasn't it already on the west side(compare to me at least)
Let's make a future meeting in the far east someday soon.
Thanks to everyone for their advice on caches. Even though we were only able to nab 4/7 we enjoyed the new areas. I wish I had more time to search for the 3 I didn't get. Look forward to coming up there again to get some more.
All set for Champoeg
in Northwest
I'm excited for next weekend and just got done getting my camping stuff out. I am planning on bringing some Kevlar coated gloves and wanted to know how many to bring.