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Posts posted by MattandLaura

  1. 1) I always print out the cache page of the cache I'm looking for

    2) You got to realize that GPS setups are not 100% accurate. You may be 30 feet off. Now considering there GPS may also be 30 feet. You get what I mean

    3) As far as the Magellan I do not know

    4) Try hooking up with someone in your area for the first couple of times

    5) You can download them into your GPS or manually input them. I find doing multiple caches in a day downloading them is easier



  2. it may have been a common sense rule at one time, but not anymore. They now edit and delete caches one puts out and then tell you not to re-edit them. I'm sorry, but now that I paid for a service, that should make me a customer and treated as such. Yes I believe Jeremy is a busy person and I give nothing but praise to him for what he has done, but anyone who doesn't think this is paying out is kidding themself. Geocaching is just part of a bigger corp. Ground Inc. and if the RONA is not there they would not have it. Excuse the rant but after the problems I had with getting IDS VI approved, even though all my others had no problem, it just got to me.




    [This message was edited by MattandLaura on June 05, 2002 at 06:07 PM.]

  3. sorry for the crosspost but I thought I'd post thiis here too,


    Looks like I ticked off the admin. First off let me apologize for my remark made earlier in a post about the Porshe cache on ways to beat the system. I only read about it on another post in the General section and didn't think much about it. Now it seems I have a black mark (via e-mail "The admins are all well aware of your posting in the forums re. the PORCHE cache, so I wanted to give you a friendly warning that admins have their "watch lists" too. ") No names given but again I apologize to the admin and will be careful in the future about what I write.



  4. ticked off the admin. First off let me apologize for my remark made earlier in a post about the Porshe cache on ways to beat the system. I only read about it on another post in the General section and didn't think much about it. Now it seems I have a black mark (via e-mail "The admins are all well aware of your posting in the forums re. the PORCHE cache, so I wanted to give you a friendly warning that admins have their "watch lists" too. ") No names given but again I apologize to the admin and will be careful in the future about what I write.



  5. I tell you what. Getting this cache approved was like having a root canal. Between the posted coordinates not being the actual coordinates and my fonts being too large I thought I would have to pull it for sure.



  6. Just got done creating my masterpiece of a container. I would like each of my team members to bring some items to put into it. I would like items that most represent Geocaching to you. The container is about the size of a coffee can.



  7. I have been giving some thought about it. I will be out there Friday to scout the area for placement. I do have one question. Do I need to bring a container for the cache? As far as a them goes I will post another topic to get ideas from my teammates.


    Originally posted by Maps-R-Us:

    Glad you are looking forward to it! Have you thought about the cache placement for your team? Any ideas for a theme, location, etc.? Don't mean to pressure you at all but just want to get others excited enough to come!


    As for gloves I know Oregone is bringing extra! I'll need large ones, myself.



  8. I agree on leaning heavy on the cache owners. However a cache can be maintained even if the owner does not have internet, and being maintain won't be an issue. I believe the the following things should be considered as suspect caches


    1) A cache that is in disarray AND the owner cannot be contacted within a 4 week period


    2) A cache that is in disarray AND the owner is contacted but doesn't give a darn.


    Missing caches-if it is missing how is it an issue


    My definition of a Disarray cache-A cache that is left unattended that is either deteriorating, full of trash, pretty much garbage.



    Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

    First of all, you have to lean HEAVILY towards letting the current owner maitain it. But some caches become abandoned. Or the owner cant' afford the internet for a spell from unemployment but can walk down and maintain their cache. Or they died, or are ignoring it.


    So you have to have a means of transfer, but you have to play it safe including posting a note in the cache itself.



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