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Posts posted by MattandLaura

  1. oh no...not in the far east. They have parks out there? It's over 2 miles from the Willamette. Didn't they film Deliverance there? Gresham? Is that some new honeybaked ham or something? There's nothing to do in Gresham, it's not totally boring there but it's next to it. Please don't mind my sarcasm icon_biggrin.gif , I just got off work and am extremely tired. Wayne, I'll help if you want it. There are a ton of places to do a nice get together.




    [This message was edited by MattandLaura on June 12, 2002 at 02:52 PM.]

  2. oh no...not in the far east. They have parks out there? It's over 2 miles from the Willamette. Didn't they film Deliverance there? Gresham? Is that some new honeybaked ham or something? There's nothing to do in Gresham, it's not totally boring there but it's next to it. Please don't mind my sarcasm icon_biggrin.gif , I just got off work and am extremely tired. Wayne, I'll help if you want it. There are a ton of places to do a nice get together.




    [This message was edited by MattandLaura on June 12, 2002 at 02:52 PM.]

  3. oh my!! does it gets worse?!? Man are you in for some real treats. So glad I have only 2 months left


    Originally posted by Syn Aka Waynepdx:

    I didnt think My chick could get any more lazier since she's pregnant. And shes only about 10 weeks pregnant.


    Great I have more laziness to look forward too.


    If I hear the lame excuse I'm pregnant and dont feel good one more time...I'm gonna download the coordinates for the nearest cliff to my gps and go jump off of it. (Don't worry I will take the time to get a couple of caches on the way and to plant a couple also)



  4. I really screwed up. I went to edit Kitty's X and accidently put the wrong html in there. I am unable to find any of the info I had. Does anyone have a print out they can scan so I can copy it? If not I'm not sure what to do.



  5. I said "on the fly". Most of your analogies are rule changes the were brought on by some sort of vote(which is the American way). I do agree that the rules will be changed to adapt to the mass, but they seem to change them, seemingly, on a case by case basis.


    Originally posted by mtn-man:


    I guess I just don't like people changing "rules" on the fly.


    Hehe, you better move out of America because that is the American way. Car theft was not against the law at one time but I am glad they changed that rule somewhere along the way, once cars were invented that is. They added video instant reply appeals to football once technology got good enough to support it. Geocaching is new, and rules will be developed as needed.


    I support the Georgia Geocachers Association, or the GGA!



  6. I decided to go for the macdaddy GPS V and am selling both of my GPS's. Units are located in Portland, Oregon


    etrex yellow $70<-----[soldSOLDSOLD)

    emap Deluxe $135 (data cable was chewed and thusfore spliced back together. THe cable works good though)


    Both units in great shape and look new. Still have original packaging. Unable to find emap manual, yet.


    I would prefer Paypal payments but will take money orders if need be. I will ship anywhere in the U.S. for $6 S/H. Outside the U.S. will be more.




    [This message was edited by MattandLaura on June 11, 2002 at 05:00 PM.]


    [This message was edited by MattandLaura on June 11, 2002 at 05:01 PM.]


    [This message was edited by MattandLaura on June 14, 2002 at 08:01 AM.]

  7. I don't see how this differs from the benchmark caches they have going now. I personally like to see pictures from different parts of the world. Then again the basis of Geocaching is to locate certain coordinates someone else posted. I tried a locationless cache recently and it didn't fly. I think they should just go ahead and just ban them. Stop delaying the inevitable.



  8. I decided to go for the macdaddy GPS V and am selling both of my GPS's. Wanted to give the great NW first shot


    etrex yellow $70

    emap Deluxe $135 (data cable was chewed and thusfore spliced back together. It works good though.


    Both units in great shape.



  9. Exactly the case....Thanks a bunch for the compliments. I'm feeling much better now. icon_biggrin.gif



    Originally posted by DenaliNW:

    Originally posted by Uplink:

    Gee, do ya think it could be because you can't have TWO CATCHES WITH THE SAME COORDINATES????


    Actually, this isn't true. MattandLaura have a few caches with the same coordinates, as the initial coordinates are simply dummy coordinates, i.e. you need to figure out a puzzle to get the real coordinates. Also, I've seen caches with the same coordinates, but one is listed as a bonus to the first - i.e. find the first cache, and you will find the real coordinates to the second cache inside.


    Having done a few of MattandLaura's IDS caches, I think this most recent one is similar in scope. They're just using a set of coordinates to fill in the necessary blank. Having read the description a few times now, I think that this bonus cache he wanted to have approved is in an entirely different area - you need to find one cache to get the coordinates for the next.


    Whether or not it constitutes a legitimate cache - can't say that I know. I do know that MattandLaura have some real quality caches that are extremely well hidden, and I'm sure that this is no different.



  10. Exactly the case....Thanks a bunch for the compliments. I'm feeling much better now. icon_biggrin.gif



    Originally posted by DenaliNW:

    Originally posted by Uplink:

    Gee, do ya think it could be because you can't have TWO CATCHES WITH THE SAME COORDINATES????


    Actually, this isn't true. MattandLaura have a few caches with the same coordinates, as the initial coordinates are simply dummy coordinates, i.e. you need to figure out a puzzle to get the real coordinates. Also, I've seen caches with the same coordinates, but one is listed as a bonus to the first - i.e. find the first cache, and you will find the real coordinates to the second cache inside.


    Having done a few of MattandLaura's IDS caches, I think this most recent one is similar in scope. They're just using a set of coordinates to fill in the necessary blank. Having read the description a few times now, I think that this bonus cache he wanted to have approved is in an entirely different area - you need to find one cache to get the coordinates for the next.


    Whether or not it constitutes a legitimate cache - can't say that I know. I do know that MattandLaura have some real quality caches that are extremely well hidden, and I'm sure that this is no different.



  11. The cache that I got denied was well thought about and was part of a series I have been doing for quite some time. The problem with it was the fact the person did not know the area and thought it would be counting a cache twice. I'm not going to keep beating a dead horse, however as this probably will be my last cache I put out for a while until things get better. Thank you for clearing up who the admins are. For some reason nobody seems to know who is who in geocaching. How would one know who approves what? You guys must work in shifts. Maybe somebody should post who is who and let people putting out the caches know who is going to be approving them.

  12. first off, a lot of the "stupid caches" have not been so "stupid" (ie: a member here had his cache denied just because of his name) and secondly HELLO the person who approves the caches is from Georgia, pray tell how he knows much about our area or the people. While I agree there are a ton of not-so-good caches that should not be approved, alot of them have been turn down for really not that good of reason(see above). You're entitled to your .02 but leave the namecalling and such out. Thanks



  13. I agree 100% with local admins. Like you said, No offense to th admins, and for the most part they do a great job, but they do not know the area. I believe regional admins should be the ones to OK caches.



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