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Posts posted by MattandLaura

  1. Please let's not get this religious topic going. Or at least post it in another group. I had one of these that went on for 228 post in another forum I visited..at least it was in the Off Topic cat. Thanks for you opinion but this just isn't the right forum to express it. Try the general group.



  2. no problem..I'll be at the Best Western Executel in Federal Way. We could meet up(I'm bringing my wife and my 3 year old for this trip) or you could put it in a cache(the only definate for us right now is Time Warp).



  3. Sometimes the problem with puzzle caches is someone places a cache in the same area as yours. One of my caches is literally 96 feet from another placed cache. Do you think I should pull this cache? I hate for someone to stumble onto mine thinking it belongs to the other persons.



  4. I wish I made a request for no Canadians in my foreign coin cache trade. It started with some pretty nice coins and now it is full of canadians and a couple of Chucky Cheese play coins. I feel it certainly is fine to request whatever in your cache. One thing you could do is to make it a difficulty 3 or higher thusfore having mainly adults do it



  5. My pregnant wife(who will at 7 months by then)has volunteered to help with the kids also. She was whining about helping pull ivy and she's only 5 months now imagine in 2 more months. icon_eek.gif



    Originally posted by Misguided One:

    We just made our reservations. Amazing thing, we ended up almost directly in front of Fractal's yurt. Hmmmm, imagine that.


    Wander Lost has volunteered her services as baby sitter for anyone with small children that wont be able to help with the clean-up. Besides, I can't get her do yard work around the house, much less convince her to drive to Oregon and do yard work there.



  6. My pregnant wife(who will at 7 months by then)has volunteered to help with the kids also. She was whining about helping pull ivy and she's only 5 months now imagine in 2 more months. icon_eek.gif



    Originally posted by Misguided One:

    We just made our reservations. Amazing thing, we ended up almost directly in front of Fractal's yurt. Hmmmm, imagine that.


    Wander Lost has volunteered her services as baby sitter for anyone with small children that wont be able to help with the clean-up. Besides, I can't get her do yard work around the house, much less convince her to drive to Oregon and do yard work there.



  7. quote:
    Originally posted by skooter:

    Help needed:

    + Ivy crew coordinator.

    + Food coordinator.

    + Photographer to document the project.

    + *Child of Rendezvous* team co-captains, requires a visit to the park before to scope out cache sites.


    Post your ideas and help us choose the date


    I could be a co-captain.



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