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Everything posted by Hesamati

  1. Thanks! Will be away for the rest of this month but will catch up in the first week of July. So, please post those winter holiday and world cup photos!
  2. I've been working on a "Google Spy" cache for some time in which I incorporated a European street view but life keeps on interrupting, so it's progressing slowly. But while this is in the open now - how many people would you think have access /use this and the Panoramio photos in GE?
  3. No Tom, you've covered your tracks too well this time and I can't remember ever being there, so you got me.
  4. Henzz daar's 'n nuwe cache vir jou by S 33° 58.188, E 18° 28.193, om te log moet jy om PRESIES 13:35 (Ma-Vr) op GZ staan met jou blou uitrusting aan...
  5. KZN...?
  6. Kentucky Fried Chicken became KFC because the state of Kentucky wanted to as royalties for the use of the name - maybe this was something similar...? Or the Baumann name was associated with some sort of scandal?
  7. Thanks everyone! Still have to look at the details - think MnCo's gmapcatcher might work. To clarify... Yes, I took over Noah's hand held Magellan. Small screen, old maps and not a great battery life but accurate and more than sufficient for caching. What I mean with GC map is... All I want is a simple street map with the cache locations on it, which I'd like to print (ye, I'm a hard copy kinda guy...) for general referencing. I do use the GE cache viewer online. My perfect solution would be that cache view functionality in G Maps (what the above actually is). I am a PM and do use pocket queries which works great on the GPS itself but Trev can you down load that info to G Maps or openstreetmaps (which I don't know)? DamhuisClan how do you "drop" something in GE? Could I maybe also "drop" it in G Maps? Will let you know when I had time to investigate your suggestions.
  8. No it's me an my youngest son... Correct! You're it Trev.
  9. Have a specific question but thought a general topic for help seekers can help manage clutter. My question - can one somehow download the geocaching maps? Even as an image. Or maybe export to Google maps? There should be something better than screen print... (know that some will be puzzled by why I would want to do this if you have a GPS... mostly for places/countries I don't have a base map for and sometimes to safe battery power)
  10. Vissershok & Cottermanskloof both very close but not quite there... Cache is still active.
  11. Cincol was close and Malo Mystery even closer. The one mountain in the background should help to orientate you.
  12. Ssssmokin'!
  13. Might be an easy one...
  14. Although Google Earth doesn't quite seem to agree, I'd go for Klaasvoogds stasie...
  15. I'll guess Japan.
  16. Will need a hand with this one...
  17. My magtig, I'm impressed! Went out of my way to keep the photo off our profile but iNokia is one of the 4 cachers that have found this one - FTF nogal! Way off the beaten track and therefore one that we enjoyed very much. Have a look at Tennis, Cheese and a School Bell. Over to you iNokia.
  18. Botanically speaking it falls within the grassland biome (but I don't have the foggiest how the Karoo is classified geologically, so it might be Karoo grassland...) - Go east young man.
  19. OK, had a few quick ones, so let's go for one that's a little bit of a stinker...
  20. Can only be Muratie. My wife hates their "ambiance", so it's pretty much burned into my memory... Had to check the map to see if it's Fine Wine 1 or 2 (which is at Delheim just up the road).
  21. Jannie comes lately… just to take Henzz’s reference to cache size further: Size does matter… the published cache size is one of the most important pieces of info in the cache description. It usually gives you a clear indication of where to search and/or what to look for. E.g. I think 99.9% of all regular caches are hidden “under rocks”, have never seen a nano that’s not magnetic and micros can only fit in so many places (around GZ) – except of cause if they are hanging in Karoo-bossies…
  22. Seems like the holes are very specifically designed/positioned - align them somehow with the stars...?
  23. Have to give it to Malo Mystery. The data... In summary: South Africans drink 2.8 billion liters of beer p.a. and more than 10 time less wine.
  24. EASY... Jors got the "before" picture and I got the "after" one...
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