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Everything posted by lakedawgs

  1. A lot of us must be pretty darn good at PhotoShopping because I happen to have a lipsticked pic at home too! Happy that you joined us Deermark & Daggy. Hope to see you again real soon... with or without make-up. Alicia (of lakedawgs)
  2. 41, 38 & 5... oh, I'm sorry, make that 5-1/2 (he's sort of sensitive about his age).
  3. Lakedawgs will be at site 45. Yay!
  4. Cool! We're already looking forward to it!
  5. If the scheduling works out for us, the lakedawgs crew might be able to make this one. We just have to decide if we can bring Milo or need to make other arrangements. Anyone know if the hike is appropriate (or too extreme) for kids?
  6. Question... is the picnic being held in the shelter that's in the campground area or elsewhere in the park? We've never been to Muscatatuck, so we were just curious.
  7. Congrats drgoby on # 600!!
  8. Welcome to this wonderfully addicting hobby from the lakedawgs team!
  9. Lakedawgs will be at site 10.
  10. For the life of me, I can't find the GC# for the fall picnic to get the dates... am I missing something? Is it posted yet? If not, what dates are we looking at? Gah!! Forget it... I just found the other thread. Will post our campsite here as soon as we have it! Thanks all!
  11. Thanks 6DT... the Fun Run was an absolute blast! We met at 5:15am and I didn't get home until nearly 10pm that night!! There are some beautiful cemeteries out there... thanks again for spotlighting them. We're planning a follow-up in the spring!
  12. We can second that emotion! We found our Molly (a beagle mix) through PetFinder.com just over a year ago and she is the best dog I think I've ever had... and I've had plenty! The only reason we refrained from bringing her to the event over the weekend is that she REALLY enjoys people and we were a little worried she might be too playful for some folks. And after that downpour, we're thankful we didn't have to sleep in a camper with a wet dog all night!
  13. We're glad you decided to bring Sophie. She was so well behaved! We sat next to you guys nearly all day long and she was just the sweetest thing. Hope to see her at another gathering soon.
  14. Hey Torry, sorry we left so early. Milo really wanted to say good-bye (and check out the piggies one last time). Hopefully we'll run into you again soon. It was nice to meet you in person, along with many many others. And thanks again and again to the whole planning crew and everyone who contributed and/or volunteered. The picnic was a terrific success, even with the little "misting" we got. The pop-up is going to be drying out for a long, long time...
  15. Our most unique (I think) was a small plastic coin purse. Inside was a note that my son wrote to his aunt in Texas (my sister). We released "Milo's Message" in Indiana and sent it on it's way to Dallas. It took nearly a year, but it finally made it to Dallas, within about 5 miles of my sister's house no less. But then the last person made a mistake when logging the TB and no one has seen it since. The last person even went so far as to give my sister a list of the last few caches she had visited because she couldn't remember exactly where it was dropped, and my sister hit all of them, but never found the TB. We still think it's a neat idea and will probably give it another go sometime in the future.
  16. I enjoyed that. Thanks for sharing!
  17. Whoo-hoo!!! Way to go, DougSmiley!
  18. Congrats Wolverine Warriors & Ali Kat on your milestones!!!!
  19. Funny you should mention it, Chris. We've made up a little sign already that we're planning to post at our campsite. So naturally I think it's a terrific idea! Alicia (1/3 of the lakedawgs crew)
  20. Congratulations Muther & Sun... way to go!!! That's some incredible cachin' right there.
  21. What is it? The nearest benchmark coord I can find is quite some ways away, so I know this isn't an official USGS BM. But what the heck is it? It's kinda cool though. They had them running all up and down the strip.
  22. Way to go, Deermark!!! It should only take us 20 years or so to catch up!
  23. Congrats IndyDiver... cache on!
  24. We'll be visiting friends just north of Cincinnati sometime before the end of September, but can't help by the August 11th deadline. Sorry & good luck!
  25. CACHR CACHE And for the record, I personally love TFTC.
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