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Posts posted by lakedawgs
The cache page will be listed sometime in the next few weeks, but save this date... May 15, 2010! The picnic will be held in the Lake Mississinewa area, details to follow. Hope to see lots of you there!
Whoo-hoo!! Thanks Team I&S for the camping info. We are SOOOO looking forward to it.
Wow! We'll be able to stay home & just drive over... oh wait, but camping is part of the fun. Know of any nearby campgrounds?
In my opinion it seems that too many cachers in the area feel that an event must always correspond with the placement of new caches. To me that shouldn't matter. It should be everyone coming together and meeting up. Welcoming new cachers and just sitting around and talking about the things we like to do. I honestly feel this is why our monthly meet and greets fell to the wayside.
I agree, Jeff. I really look forward to our GiG meet-ups every month (in the Indianapolis area). We just hang out and socialize, no one runs off to cache (except maybe before or after the event
). We've made lots of great friends through these gatherings.
Not sure where they got the idea that GC'ing began in Germany. But overall, I think it's a pretty good article. And absolutely STUNNING models.
I would guess that since the photos are of a couple Geocachers maybe one of them provided that info????
Absolutely not! LOL Actually I spent quite a bit of time with the reporter over the phone before we met for the photos. I told her about it starting in Oregon in May of 2000. I even emailed her the website address (which she used in the article) and told her that there's a simple history of GC'ing in the Resources area. The only thing I can think of is that she confused it with something else in the article - she also talked about orienteering and adventure races.
Not sure where they got the idea that GC'ing began in Germany. But overall, I think it's a pretty good article. And absolutely STUNNING models.
Welcome to your new obsession, DilMar & akrigby!
Sorry you missed the Fall Picnic, it was a blast (as usual). But keep your eyes out for the Spring Picnic in May 2010. Planning has already begun! The event should be posted in mid-November.
And if you ever find yourself in the Indianapolis area, be on the lookout for our monthly GiG dinners. GiG stands for "Girls in Geocaching," but EVERYONE is welcome (the events are hosted by women). I *think* the next one is scheduled for October 19th.
... Can't wait until next year!
Neither can we, Daggy, neither can we.
Let's Go Caching Baby... sounds a little flirty. Not sure if Mr. lakedawgs would be cool with that.
Jello Dolly... mmmm... jello shots...
Just Sign The Log... you probably put the log 20 feet up a pine tree.
Gauging Your Opponent... is this sort of like the "guess your weight" game at the State Fair???
Duck It... I've said a phrase that sounds remarkably familiar many times while caching.
Hiking The Wood... I'm picturing a football field for some reason.
How did Matt guess every game right. He is a psycho.....I mean psychic...whatever.
Heh... it wasn't Matt.
Let's Go Caching Baby... sounds a little flirty. Not sure if Mr. lakedawgs would be cool with that.
Jello Dolly... mmmm... jello shots...
Just Sign The Log... you probably put the log 20 feet up a pine tree.
Gauging Your Opponent... is this sort of like the "guess your weight" game at the State Fair???
Duck It... I've said a phrase that sounds remarkably familiar many times while caching.
Hiking The Wood... I'm picturing a football field for some reason.
So, the cat is out of the bag. Thanks, Jeni for the intro.
It seems the latest and greatest thing in geocaching is challenges. Soooooo, the Planning Team challenges everyone to decorate their campsite. Theme of your choosing. We've all seen the creativity cachers have, so now is the time to show it!
Whoo-hoo!!! Great idea. Let the planning begin!!
Today marks MarauderMom's 365th straight day of caching. Way to go, Susie!!!
Less than two months people!! Get those camping/hotel reservations in!! (can you tell I'm a wee bit excited?
I can second Dulcimer Guy's suggestion to hit the White River State Park area. Lots of great caches (both virtual & traditional), plus you get a great view of the city and it's a great place to just walk from cache to cache (no bushwhacking!). I love to take folks down there when they are visiting our fair city. If you do go the WRSP route, be sure to check out GC6BFF ("92 Counties" Virtual). Oh gosh, there are just so many, I can't pick a fave there! LOL
I'm starting to feel sorry for that muggle in site 94... OK, not really. Maybe we can recruit them!
Bump! The picnic is getting closer. Make sure you get your reservations in soon!!
Daryl - Morgue is in site #91.
Got it,
I have created a list of waypoints in Mapsource for our upcoming Route 66 trip. How do I load these so they show up on the map screen in my NUVI 750?
These are not caches but points of interest along Route 66. Caches will be handled by our 60C
I have created a list of waypoints in Mapsource for our upcoming Route 66 trip. How do I load these so they show up on the map screen in my NUVI 750?
These are not caches but points of interest along Route 66. Caches will be handled by our 60C
Welcome to your new obsession! I also have a fun little guy. His name is Milo and he's 7... and moderately well-known in the local caching community as SpiderMilo.
You'll know him if you see him - a curly blonde haired, mile-a-minute talker, who usually just walks up to you and says "Hi I'm Milo, are you a geocacher too?" LOL We've had a few odd looks from folks who are NOT cachers and just think he's a bit "touched" in the head.
When looking for kid-appropriate caches, be sure to check the attribute icons on the cache page. More and more cachers are using the icons and it makes it really easy to know immediately if the cache is kid-friendly. However, in my personal experience, darn near every cache in every park in the Indianapolis area is fine for kids (as long as accompanied by an adult... blah, blah LOL). Some are more rigorous hikes than others, but should be safe enough and offer interesting hunts (and finds!).
We really enjoyed a couple of recent days at Southeastway Park and Paul Ruster Park. Both have TONS of caches and we found all of them to be great for kids... actually, for one specific cache in SEWP, it's helpful to have a kid along. The container is wedged in an area that would be easier accessed by tiny hands.
Happy caching! Hope to meet you in person sometime soon. Oh, and be on the lookout for our monthly GiG dinners. GiG is "Girls in Geocaching," but everyone is welcome - all events are hosted by women, but we usually end up with about a 50/50 men/women split and often kids come too. The next one is June 8th at Tata's Cuban Cafe downtown. (yeah, yeah "Tata's" "GiG"... laugh it up, guys
Alicia (of lakedawgs)
Bwa-ha-ha... you guys are a riot!
Actually we just bought an outdoor fireplace tonight, so Milo will be practicing his fire-starting skills soon, I'm sure. He'll be ready to take on T-Bird in the bonfire department someday soon.
We happened on a very cool event going on at the Dick's Sporting Goods store at Castleton Square Mall today. They had a Jr. Geocaching Event where they gave the kids "coordinates" and a map of the store layout. They also rec'd a tag with a State Park related question. They had to use a grid on the map and the coords to figure out where in the store a matching tag was located - the tag had the answer to the question. Once the answer was found, you gave it to the event coordinator and you received a prize. Milo had a ball and we thought it was a terrific promotion idea! The odd thing is that his prize was a pack of firestarters... not so sure about that one. LOL
They had representatives from Summit Lake State Park there too. We had a very interesting conversation about upcoming events & we're really looking forward to a trip we were already planning to Summit Lake in July.
We'll be there! If the weather cooperates, we'll be pulling in the campground Thursday evening to make it a long weekend. If raining, we'll be there early Friday morning instead. We've got our tropical shirts for the luau!
Has anyone in Indiana been GEOCACHING ? or has everyone still been sleeping ?
Caching, yes. Keeping up with the forums, no.
We're planning on going to the Mushroom Fest at Brown County SP on Saturday with some non-caching friends. DNR has a "geocache hike" planned for 10am. We've picked up most of what's in the park, but we might join in anyway. If not, then we'll definitely be picking some up on the way home... caches that is, not mushrooms.
Problem installing Mapsource.
in GPS technology and devices
Trying to install Mapsource 6.0 on a new laptop and keep getting an error.
When I put in my 25 digit unlock code for the maps I get the error...
"Problem with the Unlock Wizard registry.
Reinstall the Unlock Wizard and try again"
Have reinstalled the program 2x with no joy.
Even tried using a backup copy of the program with same results.
Any help would be most appreciated.