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Everything posted by lakedawgs

  1. We'll be there!! Our first time!
  2. Save the date! The 2011 Indiana Spring Picnic will be held on Saturday, May 14, 2011!! Location will be revealed a bit further down the road.
  3. Welcome to your new obsession! Both Bloomington and Indianapolis have VERY active social geo-communities. Be on the lookout for GiG dinners. We have them monthly, all over the Indianapolis area (FYI - the one in October will be on the South side). "GiG" officially stands for Girls in Geocaching, but the events are only hosted by women... the event is open for everyone to attend. Happy caching!
  4. Does Vince know you've volunteered him? See you guys soon!!
  5. So who are the mystery campers in 14 & 15?
  6. Daryl, put us down for site 27 - the lakedawgs crew will be sharing a site with FourRushkateers. We'll be camping Saturday night only.
  7. Can't wait to trade!! See you there.
  8. Thank you so much for that, Leprechauns!! That's EXACTLY the sort of information we were looking for. Hopefully you'll see the "lakedawgs" name on a few logs in the area soon! Happy caching!
  9. We're heading to Pittsburgh soon to meet some muggle friends from Australia, visiting the States. They are very interested in seeing what this whole Geocaching thing is about, but since we haven't cached Pittsburgh before, we'd love some advice on any "must do" caches while in town. We're not on a numbers run, we'd prefer quality over quantity on this trip. Any suggestions?
  10. I would start by contacting the INDNR office for that particular park. The Indiana DNR website should have all of the contact info you need. Good luck!
  11. Aw, shoot... wish we had seen this a few weeks ago. We had a caching couple from the Netherlands attend the Indiana Spring Picnic and I'm sure they would have loved to get it back home, closer to Finland. Oh well... good luck moving it along!
  12. Hello all! Can't wait to see everyone this weekend. It looks like we're going to have a GREAT turn-out with FABULOUS weather. Here's the final campsite map before the picnic. There are still plenty of sites available, this is just the last time we're updating before we head to Mississinewa for the weekend. Alicia (of lakedawgs)
  13. Updated campsite map... We'll see everyone VERY soon!!!
  14. The Fall Picnic usually is check out the forum thread 2010 Indiana Fall Picnic Hey thanks for the info! I just stared caching in Frb and have never got to go to s gathering like that. hoosier guy, DEFINITELY plan to make the trek to the Fall Picnic. It's the largest event in the state (except for the occasional year when the MWGB is in IN) and cachers from all over come to mingle. It's a really great event. This year it will be at Boondocks Farms near Knightstown, a bit more central than south, but definitely worth the trip. Hope to meet you there! And Are_We_There_Yet?.... HECK YEAH!!!! We're ready!!!!!!
  16. Just FYI... there will be LOTS of kids there... including the host's (that's us LOL). Hope you can make it!
  17. Updated campground map...
  18. Dawn, everyone is welcomed to attend. The more the merrier. Absolutely!! Hope to see you there!
  19. I don't know that there is a formal definition. I'm sure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong. A night geocache is typically one in which the product called firetacs are used to locate the cache. These tacks look like tree bark in the day, but in the night, when a flash light is shown on them, they light up like little orange lightning bugs. The typically mark the way to the cache. Although this is definitely one way of doing a night cache, I've seen others where the owner simply intends for you to find it at night to fully enjoy the experience - firetacks may not be involved. We found one where the container was a hollowed-out plastic owl and the eyes glowed in the dark. Sure, you COULD have found it in the daytime, but it was quite a jolt to turn a corner in the deep, dark woods to see a pair of eyes staring at you! LOL We just used our GPSr and flashlights/headlamps to guide the way. There's another here in Indiana that I truly hope to go after one night too, where reflectors are used. You have to take a boat out to a specific spot on a lake, use your GPSr or compass to triangulate the next position on the water, then from there you should be able to use a flashlight to see a reflector in a specific area of the forest (on land, of course LOL). Then you follow the reflector to land, and eventually to the cache. But I guess the reflector is positioned in such a way that you cannot see it at all unless you're in the perfect spot on the water... and it must be nighttime.
  20. Have you already checked with your District Council to be sure they don't have any loaners? I know that ours here in Central Indiana has a whole slew of basic GPSs (eTrex Yellows) for loan to Packs/Troops. We just borrowed them last weekend to teach a Scout Lock-In.
  22. Thanks for the campsite updates. I'll get the map revised and upload a new version soon! In the meantime, just FYI, a WWFM event has been planned for Saturday afternoon, immediately following the picnic: WWFM VII - Air Mail! (GC24EB6)
  23. An event has been added for Friday night... GIG on the Go: Poker Night (GC240PV)
  24. Thank you for the update, Star. We do not personally know, BMD, but will certainly keep her in our thoughts with best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  25. Camping map update...
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