I'm starting to work on this year's major Moozer geoevent - the 2009 Sonoma County GeoRally. It'll start in Santa Rosa, and travel along Sonoma County's scenic backroads.
Mark you calendars for Saturday, May 2nd. I've already reserved a huge picnic area in a local park for the post-rally potluck, and am busily working on coming up with enough devious questions to keep you guessing the whole day.
To sweeten the deal, this is also the day of the WWFM V (World-Wide Flash Mob 5), and Mr.Moo is setting up a flash mob event to take place just before the rally - you get a two-fer this way!
I know it's a long way off, but I wanted to make sure you keep the date free. I'm expecting somewhere over 100 people at the event, so it should be oodles of fun!
Moozer (Donald)