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Everything posted by Moozer

  1. No regrouping, and all accounted for
  2. Let's get to 1000!
  3. Very cute!
  4. oops. went over the 50 limit. Forgot about that. Will try to remove the extras...
  5. Yes, they were all picked up - I made sure of that. It looks like I just tired some folks out too much with the hunt, and they haven't recovered enough to do the logging!
  6. I just sent out a reminder to the attendees to log the cows out of the event - gotta get those mooers moving!
  7. Info sent.
  8. The cows had a wonderful time at the GeoRally event, and are now headed out in all directions to start their adventures I posted a picture of the entire herd at the cache page (coord.info/gc2nrd3).
  9. Yes, I have more cows than have been dropped into the event. If you own one of the event cows, please drop it in - the event starts in a few hours!
  10. I live right by the official Charles Schulz/Peanuts museum and would love to have one too. I might even be willing to pop into the museum gift shop to pick up something exclusive to the museum to sweeten a trade offer
  11. How embarrassing - I almost forgot to order cows for myself! Got my order in, though. Come on folks - let's get the rest of them purchased and on their way to my event to start their travels!
  12. I don't care whether it's through reservations or not, so long as I gets me some dillos for my collection!
  13. It sure does sound like you have your hands (and a few spares) full! Good luck pulling it all off with at least a few hairs left
  14. I have a large GeoRally in early May that has ~150 attendees. This year will be the 5th annual. And of course, there's an extra tie-in with my name Moozer
  15. I'm up in northern California in the SF Bay Area. Let me know if you need anything up here
  16. Green Bay 20 Pittsburgh 17
  17. My cat and I agree that they're terribly cute. Please make some available for sale/trade...
  18. Woo-hoo-moo-moo! Get back on after a week away to find the terrific news! Thanks so much your alien-ness. Terrestrial contact info sent
  19. Please add me to the wait list for a 7-item combo, hold the fries
  20. A blinking LED light that sends a message back to the mothership!
  21. How about a glow-in-the-dark squishy alien?
  22. How about these icons. I went for more of the mysterious, abstract grayness...
  23. Not chosen here either. Oh well - perhaps next time
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