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Everything posted by Tarzanadana

  1. I've received new newsletter a couple of times and prefer the old style. To add to the misery the newest newsletter won't let me into the survey to say that I liked the old one. All the links on the new newsletter come up with this The site ahead contains malware Attackers currently on Ink.ie might attempt to install dangerous programs on your computer that steal or dlete information (for example photos, password, messages and credit cards). Needless to say I've not ventured further to see the newsletter.
  2. Wow thankfully you have an iFinder I was beggining to think I was the only one and had bought some obscure gps. There is an iFinder group on Yahoo by the way. I am totally new to this whole thing and so far I am happy with the iFinder, it has taken a bit to figure out how to enter a way point and navigate to it.
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