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Team Noodles

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Everything posted by Team Noodles

  1. What is a period? its a full stop, comes after a sentence, or is that an appeal I'm pretty sure it's diss, with 2 x s if you wanna take a man down homez, make sure you do it properly (perhaps dedicate a cache to it?) peace out, aight!
  2. Quite agree Flipping Micros #@#' Power Trails and now bad spelling & grammar. What's next, 'you have the wrong coloured GPS' or the 'wrong coloured walking boots' Repeat after me 'It's only a game' *nudges, you missed the part where people 'need' 250 finds 'at least' to place a cache*
  3. I agree and also just my opinion again, your own first cache placed without a 'significant' amount of finds. I'm not picking a fight here, just trying to prove a point. It doesnt matter about the amount you find, if you have found 150 crap caches it doesn't suddenly make you an expert. Numbers isn't where it is at all. Restrictions are not the answer, education is. We can jump up and down all day long about what quidelines should be in place, in the end it all matters little as none will be applied by TPTB. I think if people spend half the energy on talking to new cachers as they do on complaining about those caches it would probably get more results then anything else. How about pointing new cachers to 'interesting caches'? So they can get that xp behind them, and maybe some novel ideas of their own? Just one of many things that can be done to actively promote quality.
  4. you placed you first cache with less then 50 finds and about 3 weeks after you started. Surely you have been learning as you go along? Would you have been pleased with such a restriction as a new cacher? How do you look back on your first cache now? Placing a restriction on a free recreational sport is less then constructive imo. Tis probably far better for people to start being a bit more honest in logs, and/or start talking to/mailing CO's their thoughts about their cache. Not every cacher reads the forums, most happily cache away and log/place caches without ever looking here.
  5. well, at least it didnt get blow up like the last few ones found in the States, bonus
  6. phoned them and they told me it was £235, when i asked about other prices they said they were wrong too, so to me their advert seemed nothing more than a way of getting people to look at their site or ring them up. oregon check these guys, they seem to be cheap, or willing to match a price you can find. gl.
  7. thats a lot of comma's dude, but ye, agreed with yer point.
  8. 2 adults and a 3 sec attention span 4yr old tentatively attending
  9. I too would like to be able to log my trackables on EC.
  10. You could try using google earth to help narrow the area down visually, so you got a rough idea of where you need to be
  11. The thing I find most nonsensical is claiming "first to log online" which loosely translated means "was too slow and am ****** off not being FTF" I remember doing that on one of yours I think, we're not FTF hounds, I just found it funny
  12. does this help? http://www.magic.gov.uk/website/magic/
  13. I've made a back-up copy of mine, just to be on the safe side. Have you tried the backup copy yet? I ask this because the majority of software loaded on SD cards is locked to the cards hidden internal serial number.. I tried to use a backup copy of my Garmin maps, but it never worked. the 'back-up' copy is in the unit... Works fine. The original -checked, still works- is kept in a safe place. (Somewhere, can't remember where... Isn't that always the case, put it "Somewhere safe" and forget where it is! ) So do they have a Garmin logo on them? I 'think', he means he has a spare back up of brand x in his gps. without a logo, while the original is floating around in the attic somewhere, possibly hijacked by mice. might wanna check/confirm with him tho
  14. hmmmm, Hope I can have more then one vote : From a 'should be able to drop of the kid at his nan's for the night' point of view , the night cache session sounds awesome with our kid in mind, bunny hunting all the way
  15. Will possibly attend depending on times etc. We're 'closeish' but might need to juggle a bit workwise.
  16. I quite like the trivia that comes with the questions to be honest
  17. It's called contour ploughing. It was introduced in the 1930s as a way of reducing the rain-washed "dustbowl". By ploughing along the lines of the contours water runoff is greatly slowed down and percolation is much more effective. And protecting recently seeded land from wind? Or am I mixing that up with something else?
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