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Team Noodles

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Everything posted by Team Noodles

  1. right, well, that's a bit weird, I'm not sure how that would rock your boat. not a FTF hound myself, but why make people waste time/money to only go : "NAR NAR but i already got it!" Some peeps like the FTF thrill and will jump in their car and drive the 40 miles, only the get the above.. congrats on your ftf tho.
  2. are you three the nerdy guys i sometimes see sitting drinking in the corner of my local? Not talking to anyone else but eachother?
  3. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Awesome, and happy christmas/new year!
  4. yes, it was me. In a nigh on superhuman attempt to beat the hackers that rule the arcade i submitted a score of awesomeness that was awesome enough to make the server crawl up in a corner and cry. alas my score was not submitted.
  5. if your name is in the logbook first, it's your ftf, simple as. said cache placer could have given the coords before it was published out to person intended to find the cache first, but he didnt, so if you logged it first, it's all yours imho. but, does it matter?
  6. Merry Christmas to everyone from me and the family!! Yup!! A pair of bridgedales I wanted to try out I still owe you a beer grumpy!
  7. ?????? Hangen die 2 meter boven de grond met een zwaailicht erop ofzo dan?
  8. No, it's not an actual downpipe. Its a left over length of actual downpipe which is being out to a far more entertaining use *takes notes*
  9. I'm looking for a "Loved this Cache" Red Lips coin, anyone have on for sale? thanks in advance
  10. Valid for how long? that be a day max me thinks, not very long at least
  11. disregard me, i fail. /me hands self epic fail badge.
  12. pure commercialism!!!! An outrage tbh!!! obviously TPTB like Guinness!!! we're doomed, coords will be off by miles, reviewers found in garbage bins at midnight approving caches!! ps, hi guys
  13. any chance you could split it to two lists? One <20 and one 20+? nice fast way to filter the 'longer ones' from the shorter ones generally so I know which list to grab depending on the time i have available?
  14. lol!! *sips coffee* bet yer gonna log a *First To Rescue* eh? I have essential Christmas shopping to do in Parson's Green! (and it certainly beats taking the SmallDragons to play rugby!) ah yes, of course *checks daily cache excuse calendar* makes sense now! And here I was hoping the waders and such were for the last cache placement I am waiting for
  15. lol!! *sips coffee* bet yer gonna log a *First To Rescue* eh?
  16. If you can't I will somewhere mid next week PS, the CO US based it seems? Might wanna CITO the cache as well I think. Sorry - won't get there now. Ryuchan - over to you. I make you right about the CITO. kk, CITOman will be there wednesday, thursday latest, depending on work
  17. If you can't I will somewhere mid next week PS, the CO US based it seems? Might wanna CITO the cache as well I think.
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