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Posts posted by KD5XB

  1. I don't like micros -- I think they're WAY BEYOND a waste of time. I like to find a cache big enough to have something in it, my favorite being Geocoins. If I run across somebody mislabelling a micro as small or other or whatever, I put them on my ignore list. I don't believe they're worth my time to try and correct or even discuss it with them.

    While that may solve the "problem" for you, it does nothing to correct the fad. If enough people speak out - i.e.. tell the CO it's labeled wrong - then maybe it'll pass.


    Yep, I understand the limitations of my method. Maybe I'm just a curmudgeon, but I figure that they shoud start wondering why their cache isn't being attemopted so much - at some point.

  2. I don't like micros -- I think they're WAY BEYOND a waste of time. I like to find a cache big enough to have something in it, my favorite being Geocoins. If I run across somebody mislabelling a micro as small or other or whatever, I put them on my ignore list. I don't believe they're worth my time to try and correct or even discuss it with them.

  3. Here's one that happened to me last September (of 2009). You might get a kick out of this, but I STILL haven't been back!


    It's cache number GCR4A7 --


    September 19, 2009 by KD5XB [Click to add KD5XB to the VIP list.] (352 found)


    Logged from my phone using the Geocache Navigator by Trimble


    BAD NEWS! While I was headed to GZ a fellow in a pickup stopped and yelled at me that I shouldn't go "up there" because of his 110 pound German Shepherd. At this point I was about 20 feet from GZ and took a step that way. Before I knew it this man was halfway to me yelling and wanting to know "what do I think I was doing". He said this whole area is his private property.


    I left. Although he didn't appear to be armed, this IS Dodge City, after all.

  4. You can only run it once every 7 days. When did you last run it?


    when did YOU last run it? And has it worked in the past 2 days?


    I last ran mine on September 15, 2009 -- and I can't get my finds to come through today on November 11, 2009 -- much more than the required seven days.


    This doesn't appear to be a problem with trying too soon, it seems to be actually broken.

  5. I've had one for a year or two, and it rarely gets logged by anybody other than me logging it into and out of caches I drive close to. It's currently prominently displayed on teh side of the truck I drive, albeit at about 9 feet above the ground! But it just seems like that big white patch should draw some activity.

  6. When I looked at it a couple of years ago, I saw a red elastic band holding a 35mm film can -- and it was laying inside the bottom of a pipe that holds a historical marker up. The only reason I found it before is that it was in a pocket query I made then. Yesterday, those same items were now clipped inside the TOP of the pipe.


    It's certainly confusing.


    I've tried looking in the geocache listing for the person I THINK owned the cache and came up empty. I'm not sure what to try next, but I sure would like to log it -- lessee -- FTFAR -- First to find after repair -- LOL...

  7. I figure this has been asked before, probably more than once, but the search feature isn't cooperating with me -- so --


    I found a cache yesterday. I know it USED to be in the system, because I stopped and found it once before, but never logged it because the cache had fallen into a pipe and was inaccessible.


    Yesterday morning, I stopped to take another look, and somebody has been successful in getting the darned thing out of the pipe. I signed the BRAND NEW log, but now I can't find the cache on Geocaching.com -- not as archived, not available, nothing.


    As far as I can remember, it's been at least a couple of years since I first tried this one -- so how do I search for this cache? I've tried using coordinates, nearby caches, etc., but it just doesn't show up.




  8. Do you have wireless internet access when you are driving, maybe a laptop? And what kind of mapping software do you have?


    No woreless for me -- the laptop rolled over and died last summer and I'm too cheap to replace it! :lol:


    I use the mapping software that came with my GPS V a few years ago -- MapSource.

  9. Try the caches along a route feature.


    I use that one all the time, but carrying 20,000+ caches in my GPS is a little hard to keep current. A "rest area" cache could be run every time I'm home.



  10. I'm having just a bit of a problem -- I'm trying to edit a PQ so that I only get TRADITIONAL hides -- no multis, no virtuals, no letterboxes, etc.


    I have REPEATEDLY "unchecked" :Any cache type" and checked "traditional", gone to the bottom of the PQ page and click on "Submit information". Yet, I continue to get all kinds of caches.


    What am I doing wrong???




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