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Everything posted by TFTC

  1. That's one of the few cases where I managed to get the lighting to match in both images! Aha! lighting effects, there's another good Photoshop lesson somebody could write. In this particular case, I just looked for an image with a matching light source. Duh, why haven't I ever thought of that? You be smart. No, normally too lazy to go the extra mile but that photo was a bit more inspiring. (I left all those quotes in because it reminds me of a Sandy Creek Cowboy Cache I once found ) Twenty-two levels as I recall. We hunted for pieces for months to do that setup. Good gosh, we even spent some money for a few of the pieces. I wonder if that is some sort of record that needs to be equaled in the Forums . . . Hmm, what could you possibly have in mind?
  2. That's one of the few cases where I managed to get the lighting to match in both images! Aha! lighting effects, there's another good Photoshop lesson somebody could write. In this particular case, I just looked for an image with a matching light source. Duh, why haven't I ever thought of that? You be smart. No, normally too lazy to go the extra mile but that photo was a bit more inspiring. (I left all those quotes in because it reminds me of a Sandy Creek Cowboy Cache I once found )
  3. We're all gonna die!!! (some other day - not tomorrow!! )
  4. That's one of the few cases where I managed to get the lighting to match in both images! Aha! lighting effects, there's another good Photoshop lesson somebody could write. In this particular case, I just looked for an image with a matching light source.
  5. Oh, it's blocked off to vehicles? Even mountain bikes?
  6. But I don't wanna die!
  7. So who will be meeting at the P&R tomorrow at 8AM? I'm planning to be there - but I have to be back here around noon. Has someone picked the cache route for anyone who's running late? Does anyone plan to hit the "Wildwood Glen" cluster on the road near the intersection of 79 and 8?
  8. That's one of the few cases where I managed to get the lighting to match in both images!
  9. I think I see what might have happened - I never had my Load set to delete since the gpx files always had the same name - but I rearranged my PQ's a while back and I bet there were some stragglers in the folder. I just changed it to delete after load so between that and your suggestion, I think I'll be in good shape now! Thanks again!
  10. This can happen if you load an older GPX file. When GPX files are sent to you from Geocaching.com they have a Date inside them that indicates when this GPX file was generated. GSAK uses this date to update the "Last GPX date" when you load a GPX file. So this scenario can happen when: 1. You load a current GPX file that has the latest data and latest logs - GSAK updates the "Last GPX to this date" 2. You now load a GPX that is Two weeks old. This GPX files does not delete the new found logs in step 1 (hence why the found date is more current) but it does set the "Last update GPX date" back to two weeks ago. You can protect yourself against this scenario by selecting the "newer only" option when loading GPX files. Ah, thanks Clyde - I'll give that a try. Considering I'm getting new GPX's at least weekly, I'm surprised the "old" GPX date is nearly two months old. I'll see if the next round updates the date.
  11. How it is that I can set a filter for (Last Found Date) (Compared To) (Last Update GPX) (Is Newer) and have a result set of 200 caches where the Last Found Date is more recent than the Last GPX date? I can't figure out how GSAK can update the Last Found Date without updating the Last Update GPX date. Thanks!
  12. Yeah, and their jokes weren't even funny! P.S. Based on Duncan!'s log, it looks like the parking lot will be closed after sunset - this will be interesting! I hope there's a lot of street parking!
  13. That didn't cross my mind! I was thinking about how I'm always a little unprepared when I go out - it would be nice to have everything I need in the car! On the other hand, group caching helps because someone is bound to have whatever you've forgotten!
  14. Not nearly enough! Wonder how many cachers it would take to fix this cache up? Something tells me it might get a few visitors soon!
  15. Sounds like a good prospect for a cache event! When you put together your CS4 Caching Kit, let us know what we need to make our own - seems like something we'd want to always keep handy in the car! (sounds like plenty of spare batteries would be a good start)
  16. Not nearly enough!
  17. For future reference, you can just use this (plug in whatever gc code you want): http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GCRGWB
  18. "Happy happy joy joy!" "Good thing I bought that at REI!"
  19. Well, that's the beauty of this game. We have 3000 or so caches in greater San Diego and based on the logs he found, some people apparently like those caches he doesn't. If he was a bit smarter, he would have looked at our Best Caches in SD thread before looking around here.
  20. You mean a Burmese Python? MIAMI -- Al Cruz, captain of Miami-Dade Fire Rescue anti-venom unit; Danny Lima, park naturalist at the Sense of Wonder Nature Center at A.D. Barnes Park, center, and Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Lt. Charles Seifert hold up a 12-foot-long Burmese Python. The python is suspected of swallowing a 15-pound cat whole, according to Cruz. (10/12/05 AP photo)
  21. WBC? Um, um, um ... World Boxing Counsel, you betcha. WBC?
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