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Everything posted by TFTC

  1. But at least duganrm got a good photo of one leaf before it got eaten! The next finder will have a much easier time walking thru the barren landscape.
  2. Good, but the B.R.A. weren't among us!
  3. On the way to the dreaded Snail Rock: Then, of course, most of us died on the way back so I don't have any more photos.
  4. Caption this photo:
  5. Make sure that each of you bookmark your finds and note your password on your PDA. That way when Chuy recovers bodies and equipment from Snail Rock we all can pitch in and enter your finds. Finds may count at the Pearly Gate you know. Ummm, with only three caches to hit before Snail rock, and a two-hour headstart, I'm the one that needs to bookmark my finds . There is still rain in the forecast for tonight, but nothing has fallen in Lakeside, yet. Lookin' good:
  6. Oooh, alphabetical! I guess you need an A-list in there, huh?
  7. Now they just need to add an option to the PQ screen - # Of Public Bookmarks Greater Than X... Otherwise, you have to stumble onto them.
  8. Nice work - now that's the list we want to see (and share)!
  9. Well, based on all the discussion here, I'm going to try this for my waypoint names tomorrow: %drop2%typ1%con1%dif1%ter1%last4 So Laguna Junction looks like this: G42QTR12FF That tells me enough to decide to go for it or not. Then in the description field, I have this: %bug=+-%hint: %shortname Which, for Laguna Junction, looks like this: -On the way to Snail Rock y'all are gonna die.: LagunaJu The hint has been disguised to protect those who don't want one! Now to see how it works out in the field!
  10. I'm afraid you are all miles ahead of me on the logging part - I just use the calendar in my 60CS, which shows the caches I've found by my GPSr waypoint name (which in my case starts with the GC code). When you log a find at the GC.com web site, there's a field at the bottom where you can enter the GC code for the next cache you want to log.
  11. What do you have in the Waypoint Name field in the Cachemate export screen? Is that where you've put the %dropdeadatsnailrock, etc.?
  12. I probably need to rethink the value of the TB indicator - I put that in there when we went on a long drive up to Oregon and back. We wanted to grab TB's to move along. Not really as important now... Probably be worth replacing that and one of the last finds with difficulty.
  13. As far as I know, the "wpt" sort shows whatever you stick in the waypoint name field in GSAK's cachemate export (as I described above). The "Name" sort will always show the entire cache name.
  14. Well, one thing GC codes have going for them is that they can uniquely identify a cache in 4 digits or less - and you can look up a cache on the GC site using them.
  15. And I use %drop2%bug=+-%typ1%con1%last4 (I can have 10 char names in the 60CS) - I put the hint in the description. Laguna Junction looks like: G42Q-TRFFF That tells the me GC code (GCG42Q), that there's no TB's in it (-), it's a (T)raditional cache in a ®egular container and the last three logs were (F)inds. This makes caching almost possible with just the GPSr - but I passed on including the difficulty so I could include the finds. I have similar waypoint names for Cachemate (and I usually view the listing by waypoint), so a cache is easily located in either by the GC code: %drop2-%typ1%con1%dif1%ter1-%shortname (no limit on names there). Laguna Junction looks like: G42Q-TR12-LagunaJ The downside is that when you start talking about a cache by name, I have no clue what you're talking about. But of course, if I have the cache loaded in the PDA, then I have everything I could ever want (ok, Google Earth would be nice ).
  16. Hey, Harmon thinks we're actually gonna make it! We're gonna live!!!
  17. That's not a bad idea!
  18. Find/Email another player
  19. Oops. I messed up. Sorry. -GD OK, quick lesson - when combining images, unless you know how to change the lighting, pick photos where the source of light comes from the same direction!
  20. How about: Laguna Junction Rock-Hard Cache Valley View Cache MOO!! Treasure Tree #6 Snail Rock Thing Valley View to the Stars (Multi?) ... That would get us to Snail Rock pretty quick but also knock off some of the easier ones on the way in. On edit: ok, maybe skip Rock-Hard going in ...
  21. It looks like there are a half dozen that could be snagged on the way to Snail Rock for those of us who haven't gotten them yet - how long could they take? How long will Snail Rock take?
  22. Dang! We are just seconds from the TOP (Top Of Page) - anyone have a lesson ready?
  23. I guess we found the limit of this board . . . No, that was just me, mixing my Sandy Creek Cache virtual metaphors!
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