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Everything posted by LoriDarlin

  1. (sigh) ditto...double sigh....
  2. oh oh...you've planted the seed now droo
  3. And to think I am even pondering trading some of my GEOCOINS for an old FAKE heheh
  4. It AMAZES me what some of the newbie collectors think!!! wow!!!! LOL Too bad you weren't around in 2005...you woulda been jumpin at the chance to own one and better yet, you would APPRECIATE them for what they are. oh well....
  5. oh please...give me a break (not a geocoin ha!) back in the good ole days that's all there were (NON TRACKABLES) and everyone was THRILLED to trade for one. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't care whether they are trackable or not. They are all the same to me since I am NOT an icon whore. After awhile of trading non tracks, Groundspeak changed their rules and allowed trackable coins. Just because you think they are a waste of time, others do not. They for sure are NOT fakes LOL Perhaps you should do your searches on ebay as GEOCOIN, TRACK so that you "dont waste your time". Lastly, a FAKE geocoin is a picture of a geocoin glued onto a piece of metal. Hope I cleared up that one and I usually stay out of silly threads like this.
  6. sent ya an email Pastor
  7. These are sooooooooo cute!!! Great job
  8. I ordered a couple of these and am so happy with them...they are SO cute...nice job
  9. I love this idea Drneal
  10. Nice coin Yime
  11. I love them Great job Miss Montana
  12. I have no extra military coins to offer trading with - but just wanted to thank you for all that you do for us. Pretty nice coin too. Neat thing to do for your team. They will treasure it forever. Take care
  13. Yes, every version sold of all the coins today will be at GCF So there is still hope I AM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THIS :)
  14. wow bummer....3 times they were in my cart as I headed to check out and 3 times it kicked me off. No joy for me
  15. I received this today and it made me but they were HAPPY tears!!! THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART - PATTY....MORE THAN YOU KNOW!! Isn't this just the cutest?!!!!!!
  16. Hi Bernice...Just bought your coin the other day (Toojin and I each bought one) and it is ADORABLE I love it!!! I love everything about it but I especially love how your glasses are on it. Very cool coin...congrats!!
  17. Thanks for getting us on here Lenny Hope we made it on time!!
  18. I also got a donation from LESLIEDODSON9 at the event She added a: Sun blazing micro, gold Sun blazing micro, gold or silver Uigji Board, chrome (probably spelling it wrong but it was highly sought after by a local member lol) Thanks so much Leslie!! You not only donated your coins but time...we so appreciate you Had two others say they were going to donate but I wonder if they don't realize the date got moved and the event is now over???? Hopefully they will know now and won't send them!! THANKS SO MUCH EVERYONE FOR HELPING OUT OUR EVENT...IT WAS FUNTASTIC!!!
  19. Hope your poochie is going to be ok. Best wishes on your auctions for big bucks to help
  20. ok....couple of posts to make..... Thanks to Tsun for donating: 2 new froggies ---------------- Grampapa for donating: 2 of his event coin from last year ----------------- Thank you ssoooooooo much!!!!! ------------------------ TOTAL DONATIONS THUS FAR: Nevade .999 silver 4 Musketeers, green Accessiblity Geocoin + Pin The Guardian of the Night Freedom version (red/blue owl coin) Sextant Bronze/Nickel Diabetes Day Geocoin The Guardian of the Night Freedom Geocoin (red/blue owl coin) Freie Hansestadt Bremen 2008 Geocoin 2.75 inch opalsns custom sig item...ohhhh Official Geocache Sticker Notebook 2 Pens 3 Trackable Geocoins Amazing Geocaching Magnets 2 small caches 1 large Cache with misc items TRIGO geocoin PURE micro geocoin, orange North Carolina Foothills Geocoin Misc. Geocoins from a few local cachers 4 Crowesfeat30 coins, 1 silver, 1 gold, 2 black nickel (different transparents) Caching Around the Clock geocoin Jukebox v2 Lavel K-9 geocoin Geocoin Collecting geocoin, ab 57Chevy Thanks for the Cache 3 Cacher tags, trackable micros Crake Indian Paintbrush San Diego 2005 Flip phone, red Pursuit of Caching Pie, pink Berkshire Search & Rescue Dogs 2 Tsunrisebey froggie geocoins 2 grampapa and Nanna's First Ever Event geocoins
  21. email sent
  22. I just noticed this thread. If I send something tomorrow do you think it will have enough time to get to you??
  23. Got a huge package from Lorca yesterday She sent us: Crake Indian Paintbrush San Diego 2005 Flip phone, red Pursuit of Caching Pie, pink Berkshire Search & Rescue Dogs Thanks Lorca You're awesome!!! ---------------------------- TOTAL DONATIONS THUS FAR: Nevade .999 silver 4 Musketeers, green Accessiblity Geocoin + Pin The Guardian of the Night Freedom version (red/blue owl coin) Sextant Bronze/Nickel Diabetes Day Geocoin The Guardian of the Night Freedom Geocoin (red/blue owl coin) Freie Hansestadt Bremen 2008 Geocoin 2.75 inch opalsns custom sig item...ohhhh Official Geocache Sticker Notebook 2 Pens 3 Trackable Geocoins Amazing Geocaching Magnets 2 small caches 1 large Cache with misc items TRIGO geocoin PURE micro geocoin, orange North Carolina Foothills Geocoin Misc. Geocoins from a few local cachers 4 Crowesfeat30 coins, 1 silver, 1 gold, 2 black nickel (different transparents) Caching Around the Clock geocoin Jukebox v2 Lavel K-9 geocoin Geocoin Collecting geocoin, ab 57Chevy Thanks for the Cache 3 Cacher tags, trackable micros Crake Indian Paintbrush San Diego 2005 Flip phone, red Pursuit of Caching Pie, pink Berkshire Search & Rescue Dogs CONTRIBUTORS: Toojin ATMouse Opalsns LD McCall Idaho area chamber of commerce REI sports Pablo Turtle Chickahominy Dressel Dragons Crowesfeat30 Lavel K-9 57Chevy Lorca
  24. TOTAL DONATIONS THUS FAR: Nevade .999 silver 4 Musketeers, green Accessiblity Geocoin + Pin The Guardian of the Night Freedom version (red/blue owl coin) Sextant Bronze/Nickel Diabetes Day Geocoin The Guardian of the Night Freedom Geocoin (red/blue owl coin) Freie Hansestadt Bremen 2008 Geocoin 2.75 inch opalsns custom sig item...ohhhh Official Geocache Sticker Notebook 2 Pens 3 Trackable Geocoins Amazing Geocaching Magnets 2 small caches 1 large Cache with misc items TRIGO geocoin PURE micro geocoin, orange North Carolina Foothills Geocoin Misc. Geocoins from a few local cachers 4 Crowesfeat30 coins, 1 silver, 1 gold, 2 black nickel (different transparents) Caching Around the Clock geocoin Jukebox v2 Lavel K-9 geocoin Geocoin Collecting geocoin, ab 57Chevy Thanks for the Cache 3 Cacher tags, trackable micros CONTRIBUTORS: Toojin ATMouse Opalsns LD McCall Idaho area chamber of commerce REI sports Pablo Turtle Chickahominy Dressel Dragons Crowesfeat30 Lavel K-9 57Chevy
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