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Everything posted by dragonflys

  1. another good one knitter (GCKC9G)
  2. you're very welcome, your event sounds awesome but I will be in Quebec City that day. Next time
  3. road trip
  4. here is a quick list: In Moncton Area Underground Lake (GC11F6) The Hopewell Rocks Earthcache (GC11F89) If you do the five caches in Fundy Park you get a free geocoin the drive from Moncton to Fundy is nice and lots of Park and Grabs Irishtown Park in the North of Moncton is really nice In Halifax area Plain as the nose on your face series is fun by BPCacher Creatures of the night cache (GCQA08) night cache is fun A bit out of town the "Fergus has an All Terrier Motive" series is a nice drive Point Pleasant Park is nice to visit in downtown Halifax is nice to visit and a few caches there I'll think and try to send you some more
  5. I centered on the May flash mob event, this should help you. I hear the people are very friendly and the scenery is great. Hope you have a great trip St. Johns geocache search
  6. WOW what a nice coin. I know someone I would like to give that to
  7. All great picks
  8. Hi Chappie, I am not an islander but there are some excellent PEI Cachers around. We have lots of information on models etc and other helpful advice on forums.atlanticgeocaching.com df
  9. Old guys rule!!!!!
  10. cross border caching is a definite draw, many from Maine are going to the Quebec Mega as it is the closest Mega thay will be able to go to As New York state just pulled off a Mega in a park just an hour south of the Border, I'm going to suggest that it's neighbor Ontario could pull off a Mega should the local caching community(s) want to come together to do it.
  11. would be good if it would be east one year and west next to spread it out, I think Alberta or BC would be an great choice for 2009 Hmmm. Hopefully that would be out west.... I'm ALREADY touring Atlantic Canada this year before I head to the Quebec event.... need an excuse to go out to Banff
  12. knitter has some awesome picks, anything by Bush Babies are good.
  13. maybe I am all hyped from Geowoodstock but wouldn't it be nice to have a Canadian Mega event that goes around the country each summer? There are some strong associations in Canada that could pull it off for sure. What do you think?
  14. What type of caches do you like? The oldest cache in Canada is just southwest of Halifax. There are so many great caches in Moncton and PEI it would be hard to narrow it down but I will try. Let me know what you like to do
  15. thanks for the input P&S, I think it went well. It would be nice if this spreads across Canada
  16. email sent, hopefully I made it in time we'll see you next Saturday?
  17. I agree TD2, I have ssen alot of those type too Just lazy I guess
  18. This is a huge pet peeve of mine. Recently I could find a cache and the hint was morse code. One time a couple of years ago the weather was miserable and I wasn't doing paperless at the time, the clue was "I really like cheese". Which is nice for him I guess but made me a little preturbed
  19. Plenty of Earthcaches down here in NS and NB []
  20. What an awesome project, looking for trails to hike is what led me to geocaching in the first place. I will help down here in Mainland NS once i kind of get my head around exactly what needs to be done
  21. dragonflys


    what if you geocache during work
  22. Here in Halifax I find WAAS make little difference
  23. I seem to have lost the artwork, I emailed you a picture as I can not seem to post pics here
  24. Everyone welcome, June 28th in Chester Nova Scotia GC18ET9 Cointest It will be hard to top last years coin design but we have some really talented people here. The rules are basically the same as last year. Design a coin befitting of our event submit art work to gravesislandgeobash@gmail.com by April 24th 11:59 PM ADT The winner will be announced May 2nd The winner will receive 2 free coins Good Luck to all
  25. here is one list http://www.geocaching.com/bookmarks/view.a...69-ec122ba43ec7
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