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Everything posted by dragonflys

  1. nope not telsat think 1962
  2. Name the first Canadian Satellite?
  3. A February 8th, 1855 earthquake was reported by Dawson (1868) to have occurred at "the bend of the Petitcodiak", the nineteenth name for the Moncton region in southeastern New Brunswick. This earthquake was felt throughout most of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and as far to the southwest as Boston, Massachusetts. A felt area IV magnitude of 5.2 was proposed in a reevaluation of this event by Leblanc and Burke (1985) and the epicentre proposed by Smith (1962) of 46.0oN, 64.5oW was accepted. This epicentre and a magnitude of mN are now listed in the Canadian National Seismological Database. The general location of the earthquake is confirmed by the reports of several aftershocks being felt in the Moncton area during the month of February, 1855 (Saint Andrews Standard, March 7th, 1855). Minor damage was reported for this earthquake, such as in an account from Hopewell, a village 17 km south-southwest of the epicentre, which states "At the chemical factory in this place, the shock caused the plastering of walls to crack and rend from top to bottom ....", New Brunswick Reporter, February 16, 1855.
  4. Hmmm I grew up in Moncton and i am not sure
  5. right on, over to you Percé Rock on the Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec?
  6. I am limestone I am 433 metres long, 90 metres wide and 88 metres at my highest point. I also have a 15 metre high arch which I get my name from. Who am I?
  7. I knew what and when but had to look up how much. Canso Causeway 1955 10,092,000 tons of rock
  8. 9th Anniversary of Geocaching in Canada Graves Island Provincial Park Chester NS June 27, 2009
  9. I was trying to get w Mega 2010 committee going down here but my life kind of hit the skids. I am trying to get it going agin in January. If it does happen it will likely be July 2010 somewhere in the Maritimes
  10. Looks like the pictures are on another website and were moved. nothing you can do
  11. We have a winner. Go ahead Landsharkz
  12. Center Centre being defined as the mid-point of the extremities of Canada's landmass. Yes a physical (REAL) cache. Can you tell us how you're defining centre? (and why you're spelling centre the american way in a canadian forum ) Are we talking centre of mass, or centroid, or (max lat+min lat)/2, (max lon+min lon)/2. Dale
  13. What is the closest cache to the Geographic center of Canada?
  14. welcome to an island with over a thousand caches
  15. Interesting but #1 moved to ontario so that may not be 100% Assuming you mean #6 in number of finds, it's BPCachers at 3413. Luckily I already had a link to cacherstats.com.
  16. Finds, hides or date started?
  17. I am going to be in Toronto in a few weeks I could join your team
  18. One suggestion for the Halifax calculation is to use the urban component of 282,924 instead of 372,679. The popualtion of the entire municipality encomapsses 5,577 square kilometres which is 10% of NS and roughly the size of PEI. Just a suggestion.
  19. of course the big giant Bedford Basin and Bedford Magazine ignored. Just saying
  20. Can see where I live now, Halifax, which is on a penisula having a serious disadvantage over say where I was from, Moncton, which is surrounded by woods. Congrats Fredericton. It is an awesome city.
  21. Got my coin last night, they are a nice looking coin. Forgot to ask where we activate them
  22. The closest to you would be http://www.3geeks.ca They are really good to deal with. I bought some patches from here http://shop.geoswag.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/ for a good price. df
  23. put my order in
  24. darn missed out need to read forum more often
  25. and if you get to a beach, put up a net and well you know What if you speed walk to all your caches?
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