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Everything posted by dragonflys

  1. I just asked the communications co-ordinator and there is no geocaching policy at DU so just ask
  2. does anyone know how to create one?
  3. thanks Tequila Awesome news. Congratulations.
  4. well done murfster, I heard of 2 groups working on big events on opposite sides of the country on top of COG's so you have your work cut out for you in 2011 You are the 4th and I have been lucky enough to have been to them all. Not sure how long I'll be able to say that!
  5. We made it to Mega status thank you all for your support http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?LU...45-ce5eff05bfbb I think we were the 4th Mega in Canada
  6. Thanks to everyone who came to to the event, to the dedicated volunteers and the sponsors. I haven't double checked the numbers but looks like 522 attendees with every province represented excepted Manitoba and a large group from Maine, many of whom just got back Geowoodstock. It was a pleasure to involved with
  7. the 5 parks in the challenge are Smileys, Amhert Shore, Salsman, Battery and Ellenwood
  8. so far every Province will be represented at the event except Manitoba
  9. GC14J90 Point Pleasant Park - Halifax hidden in July 2007 452 times. Very popular with cruise ships
  10. Today, ACGA has learned that along with its partners at Fundy National Park & The Fundy Guild; that it will receive an Award of Excellence from Parks Canada for our work in developing the EcoIntegrity Geocaching Program over the last 3 years. The program has been able to engage people by exploring the National Park and to connect the visitors with everything that the park has to offer by being able to leverage geocaching. Along with a strong relationship and passion; ACGA & Fundy National Park have been recognized by Parks Canada with one of its most prestigious awards. ACGA prides itself with the strong relationships that it has built over the years in order to create new geocaching experiences by engaging with its partners such as Parks Canada & Environment Canada. The model used at Fundy National Park is currently being adapted by Cape Breton Highlands National Park and by Nova Scotia Parks. The model is being considered by several National Parks across Canada. ACGA will continue to lead in this area and will be looking forward to new partners to engage within Atlantic Canada.
  11. Nova Scotia allows and promotes it. They had me teach an intro at a park last summer and this year they are running a geocaching contest. The ACGA has worked several years promoting geocaching as a viable activity in the parks http://www.novascotiaparks.ca/misc/geocaching.asp
  12. can't wait
  13. been telling my kids I am cool but they still aren't buying it
  14. RESOLUTION NO. 821 MS. DIANA WHALEN: Mr. Speaker, I hereby give notice that on a future day I shall move the adoption of the following resolution: Whereas Todd Beal of Clayton Park is the president of the Atlantic Canada Geocaching Association; and Whereas geocaching is an outdoor scavenger hunting game which uses a GPS receiver to hide and seek geocaches; and Whereas the new sport of geocaching is catching on and introducing people to a healthy lifestyle by promoting hiking and orienteering; Therefore be it resolved that all members of this House congratulate Todd Beal and the Atlantic Canada Geocaching Association, and wish them well in the future. Mr. Speaker, I request waiver of notice. MR. SPEAKER: There has been a request for waiver. Is it agreed? It is agreed. Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay. The motion is carried. ]Resolution 821
  15. Great job, we need great ambassators to ensure geocaching is managed and welcome. Thanks
  16. The park was worried about saturation and placement in environmentally sensitive areas. They worked with ACGA to develop a program similar to what we have done with Parks Canada. If you have questions contact the NB rep, Rev Slippery, through his profile. Here is another news article http://atlanticgeocaching.com/index.php?op...&Itemid=172
  17. Goldsy has completed NS, check out my profile page
  18. Please to have Landsharkz as a Silver sponsor and ACGA as a bronze. We are at 344 people coming so please consider a vacation in the Maritimes next summer and let us know you are coming
  19. follow us on twitter MaritimeMega and on facebook as well
  20. looking for some french translators too. If you are interested email maritimemega@gmail.com
  21. can't take credit for this one. Zonker&co did this one
  22. New Brunswick is done http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...f7-8674f95cebd8
  23. I posted your message to the atlanticgeocaching.com forum, may have better luck there
  24. just testing
  25. Atlantic Canadian Mega geocaching event one year from today. Website now live http://www.MaritimeMega.ca working on getting mega status currently watch for news
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