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me N u

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Everything posted by me N u

  1. Not Seoul, Sydney or Helsinki. Big hint now - it is one of the cities that has hosted the summer olympics since Sydney (2000)
  2. Maybe a bit more difficult than we thought judging by the lack of answers so here is a hint: The city has also hosted the summer olympics.
  3. Thank you for the ding - we were fans of Spike Milligan. We'll change the subject but keep seasonal - what is the host city for the 2022 winter olympics?
  4. The colours on the London underground map? Orange is for the not yet completed crossrail line?
  5. If its any consolation, those are the answers we thought -now we have googled it we are a bit wiser.
  6. Quick ding to searcherdog, over to you
  7. Thank you for the ding unfortunately we haven't made it to Australia yet. Which of the UK's national parks is the latest to be established?
  8. The rock known as Uluru (spelling?) formerly known as Ayers rock.
  9. Here's another, this time from Saudi Arabia - GCX9TY "Cannibals "Solou" cave.
  10. From the south west of England - GC45H98 Kernow killers- Matthew Weeks. There were another 3 caches about Kernow (Cornish) killers but these have now been archived.
  11. The same cacher has had your trackable since July 2012 - we would be interested to know if they (1) still have it in their possession (2) actually take it to every cache logged as visited.
  12. All three logs by same username. Didn't find it 03/09/2019 A good long search but no cache to be seen. A few no shows now. Time for owner to check please. Found it 03/09/2019 Missing? Thanks for placing this cache for us to find. Needs Maintenance 03/09/2019 This geocacher reported that there is a problem with this cache.
  13. Bumping this thread as we have received this log on an EARTHCACHE - we've added the bold, just love attention to detail. Found it 10/10/2019 What a lovely day in and around Newquay, the weather forecast said it would rain this afternoon, but all we had all day was a bit of light drizzle which did not last long. We parked up on the road (as it was allowed after 31 sept) and made our way down to the beach. Nice walk over to the cave and in we went. After discussing the questions, taken some photos it was time for us to move out to let others in. Many thanks me N u for placing and maintaining this cache; We signed the log and replaced as found. The finders knew it was an earthcache as they sent answers to the logging tasks.
  14. Rviewer Temporarily Disable Listing 03/01/2018 It seems the sign which toppled over -see previous notes is no longer there. Please could the CO check or archive the listing Please respond in a timely manner ( that is 30 days ) to prevent possible archive. Throwdowner #1 Found it 15/03/2018 We replaced this cache on our holiday tour in six different countries. Now its magnetic on the big sign at the entrance. 24m off the original coords. This sign not more exists. Thanks for hiding the boxes to all owners. Friend 1 of Throwdowner #1 Found it 15/03/2018 During our holiday in six different countries we traveled by rental car, cruise ship, taxi or on foot, we also passed this cache. TFTC Friend 2 0f Throwdowner #1Found it 15/03/2018 During our trip, we also visited a few caches and found. Including this one. 2 more found it logs, then Reviewer Enable Listing 24/05/2018 As the CO no longer seems active and the cache has been replaced by a tourist 24m away but on a current sign , see photo I am enabling and will check periodically. 11 more logged visits including 2 DNF after enabling, followed by Throwdowner #2 Found it 23/03/2019 There are 3 signs around the park and I searched all of them but no cache. Replaced with a black magnetic micro on the sign nearest the co-ordinates. It’s on the post furthest from the park entrance
  15. Ding to colleda! That is the common plural, the uncommon being mongeese.
  16. Thank you. We'll stick with animals for the next question- what is the common (according to the Oxford English dictionary) plural of mongoose?
  17. We'll hazard a guess at its legs then.
  18. Curious as to why there would be a logbook for a VIRTUAL cache (our bold in the quoted replies).
  19. Found it 02/10/2018 We decided to log this as found but we didn't actually touch it, we saw it and climbed to it, but those pesky guardians of the cache (wasps nest) prevented us reaching it! Picture attached to prove the find. Tftc Found it 02/10/2018 Im going to say we found this one. I went to go and retrieve it but it had a wasps next right next to it and i couldnt get past it. Found it 07/10/2018 F Found it 13/04/2019 So windy here today but no wasps about. Located and retrieved. TFTC Found it 15/05/2019 Logged as found. Worried about wasps nest so didn't attempt. Allergic to wasps ??? Found it 14/07/2019 We spotted the hiding place but like many before us the wasps prevented us from getting up there. Found it 14/07/2019 Like others before us we knew where it was but not attemped it due to the bee's nest Archive 18/08/2019 The area has become overgrown this black thorn and there is also a wasp nest very close by
  20. A selection (edited) from found logs on the same cache - a D1 T5 (due to the drive in) Found it 21/09/2009 Our second "Off-road tour". Heart-stopping and unique. Beautiful landscape. A little bit nerve-racking, but the road is really well maintained. Found it 08/10/2009 #361 13:35 A few months ago we were looking for this cache on the opposite side of wadi Tanuf, near the village of al Aroos. When we realised we had entered one of the digits of the coordinates wrongly into the GPSr, we looked over the ravine and thought: another day! Well today was obviously that day and we were pleased to finally 'bag' this cache. Following the hair-raising drive up and over the mountain, out of Wadi Bani Auf, this recently graded gravel road was a bed of roses. me N u, TFTC. It is a great place to visit with unforgettable views (especially if you actually stood on the other side of the chasm and wished you were where we were now Found it 13/10/2009 TFTC! FITW We decided to explore that road too, only until cache. Very challenging tour up and down the plateau on graded road. Found it 23/12/2010 This is what geocaching is about! When I saw the "road" winding up for the first time, the part about nerves of steel came to my mind. And, yes, they are quite helpful, as is the vehicle. The view was truly spectacular and the driving experience is nothing short of adventureous, especially for a someone with little offroad driving experience. Thank you so much for making me do this! Found it 25/01/2011 This road seemed to go on forever and was so pleased when we go to the geocache. Great views and definitely need nerves of steel for this one. Glad you made us do this but would not want to go up again! Found it 17/06/2012 Whoa! My hands have only just stopped shaking Bring Valium or nerves of steel TFTC Found it 22/06/2012 A great location - TFTC Found it 19/02/2013 What a place.
  21. Found it Found the stone and piece of wood. Have sent pic to CO. Tftc
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