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Cow Spots

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Posts posted by Cow Spots

  1. Sometimes, smart people become really interested in a puzzle, especially if it is a challenging puzzle. And that is not limited to people who just live in the immediate area of the puzzle. People seek out the mental challenges, and they look all over for them, outside their neighborhood to other neighborhoods. And cities. And states.

    For example, CowSpots from Arizona does it. As does sleuthers from Colorado. ...just a couple of examples.


    Cow Spots occasionally looks at puzzles from afar for mental stimulation, you betcha. Found some great puzzle cache creators throughout that way. And through emailing these folks back and forth over the years, I've found several cachers who've been kind enough to play-test some of my puzzles and vice versa. (Which I wish more puzzlers would do -- can't tell you how many times I've caught blatant mistakes or multiple solutions which render something unsolvable.)


    Rarely have I had the good fortune to have actually gone and found any of these in the field, unless I'm already making a trip to the area. I've from Tucson, and I have managed to get a bunch in San Diego (including a first find, yay!), some in Minnesota. But most of the time I'm content to work 'em out from the relative comfort of the blast furnace that is Southern Arizona.


    Since the topic is remote finds, IMHO, that's lame. Back in the day, I sometimes used to post a note that I'd solved it, but I think I've since outgrown that. It is up to the conscience of the individual cache owner, but I'll wipe any finds on the cache page that don't have a matching signature on the logsheet. And have already done so in the past.

  2. My family and extended family all packed up this morning and left for San Diego before any evacuations were ordered. Now I see that they have been ordered for Scripps Ranch. We're safe in Point Loma at my parent's house watching the coverage on TV...


    Glad to hear you're OK. I'd like to send Cowspot Jr out to help, but it's a school night.




    One of the caches that has impressed me the least was the one I once found:

    • In a Wal-Mart parking lot
    • Under a lamp post skirt
    • With a magnetic hide-a-key as the container
    • And using the Wal-Mart receipt for the purchase of said hide-a-key as the log sheet .

    That's right -- the hider walked into the store, bought a hide-a-key box, walked out to the parking lot, got as far as the nearest lamp post, unwrapped the box from its packaging (this step represented the most effort involved), placed the receipt in the box, placed the box under a lamp post skirt, marked the coords, and drove home to submit his hide.



    I haven't laughed that hard in a while. :)

  4. I heard of one once where the cache was a micro, just a log sheet hidden inside a plastic 35mm film canister.


    Oh yeah.


    The film canister was hidden inside a giant plastic office water dispenser jug.


    Oh yeah.


    There were about 100 identical empty film canisters in there with the real cache.

  5. I am pleased to report the birth of Andrew Garrett Thomps(e/o)n, who was born this morning in New Jersey and weighed in at 8 lbs. 9 ozs. and 22" long! He is reported to be quite sweet and adorable (but give him 20 years or so and watch out!) :ph34r:


    Jeff asked me to pass on his thanks for all of our warm wishes and kind thoughts.


    Who likes pictures?? :huh::huh:


    TT V 2.0

  6. I've been contacting other cachers in the area that might know her or her real name so I can talk to my buddys in law enforcement. I have a name but nobody knows who she is.


    Umm.... really bad idea. Invasion of privacy, in my opinion.


    If the cache is really worth saving, in your opinion, then, yeah, send an email to your local reviewer to request adoption. If it's a lamppole micro that continually fills up with water, then maybe it should rest in peace.

  7. We started geocaching this year and we are having a blast with it. Recently we've run across a couple of caches that are not being taken care of. The owner was a premium member but is not current at this time and has no finds or hides in almost a year.


    My question, how do you go about taking care of another person's caches without getting into trouble? I want to do the proper way and don't want any hurt feelings.




    Start with a polite email to the cache owner. Just because they're not actively on the trail doesn't necessarily mean that they don't care about their cache.


    If you don't get a response, and it's something simple about the cache that needs to be maintained (like a new logbook, ziploc bag, etc.) go ahead and do it. Nothing wrong with being a good neighbor.


    If the cache is thrashed, and you don't get any response from an email, then I'd consider a "Should be Archived" note. But try contacting 'em first.

  8. It was so hot again today . . . and with the Forums down . . . I didn't know what to do to keep busy, so I went into San Diego to be closer to the water where it was cooler. I walked over to "Don't Fear the Reaper" and discovered it had been muggled . . . :laughing:


    That was one of my favorite caches. I got to know that location very well during two lengthy visits trying to find that cache . . .


    It saddens me greatly to learn of the likely muggling of "Don't Fear the Reaper." Pulling that trick on my little brother with the help of Tom and Dan was probably one of the greatest experiences I've ever had geocaching, and seeing the look on Jeff's face when he realized that he'd been had was simply priceless.

  9. Let's take this one at a time.


    You're comparing apples and oranges by accusing me of 'giving up.' The one cache that I chose to archive since it kept disappearing was because I determined that I had placed it in too high traffic of an area. My fault, not a thief. I never suspected a cache maggot thief -- the cause was poor placement on my part. Two different situations entirely. Live and learn.


    If you know it's not there, it's your responsibility to say so, and either correct the situation or archive the cache. Your approach might thwart the thief --- though I doubt it --- but if a cache isn't there, and you know it, you're affecting other cachers. Plain and simple.


    Example : John Doe Cacher goes looking for a cache. He gets a DNF because the cache has been stolen by a thief. Joe Bob Cache Owner is aware that the cache has been stolen by a thief.


    Who should John Doe Cacher be more irritated with, the thief, or Joe Bob Cache Owner, who knows it's gone and didn't say anything?


    Perhaps a cache handled this way should be listed at a different website entirely -- maybecaching.com sounds like a good possibility. I _do_ sympathize with your problem, but I think you've got tunnel vision regarding the thief and might not be fully aware of the side effects.


    Cow Spots,


    I am glad you agree (contrary to what some have asserted) there is no way to stop a determined thief.


    You obviously have not had to deal with anything like we have and you gave up much easier than we did. If we gave up as easy as you did there would be no caches in the area. Is having no caches in the area a better situation that what currently exists?


    You say, "Telling people about a cache thief absolutely is proving accurate information. It's just not telling a hunter the full story." How is that? I am telling them exactly what I am doing. When the thief steals the cache over and over, there is no way I can let anyone know for sure it is there. All I can do is try to make it more likely it is there. That is what I am trying to do.


    You state, "My opinion is that there are better ways to handle it. It's my opinion that you should provide the best information you can about the cache."


    Yes but you acknowledge he cannot be stopped. So what is your better way? I am providing the best information I can about the cache. The problem is you can never be sure it is there.


    You state, "The only burden I share as a cache hunter to prevent a cache from being stolen is to rehide the cache as well as I found it, and in the cache of high-traffic areas, not to be too obvious to non-geocachers while searching for it. What other duties should I have for your cache?"


    What about being more understanding of the situation? What about not helping the thief out by making it easier for him to know when he needs to go steal the cache?

  10. How many of your caches have been stolen and how many times?

    Let's see. I'm listed as owner of 14 caches.


    Of the three that have been archived --- one got stolen 3 times, and I chose to archive it because I felt that I had made a poor choice of location in retrospect. One was a co-hide with my brother that was archived after he left the area, and the third archival was due to the cache being buried by rising floodwaters.


    Of my 11 currently active caches, I've had to replace 2 : 1 that was stolen, and one that was inadvertantly taken away by workers in the course of their duties.


    Fortunately, I have never suspected a habitual cache thief --- just muggles, would be my guess.


    How is telling people what the situation with the thief is not providing accurate information?

    Telling people about a cache thief absolutely is proving accurate information. It's just not telling a hunter the full story.

    When the caches get stolen after they are replaced there is no reasonable way to know if the cache is there. So it is not possible to provide accurate information on if the cache is there.

    This is where a "temporarily disabled" option, or even a note is entirely appropriate - something to the effect of "The cache may have been stolen, and I will check this at my earliest opportunity and replace it if necessary."


    While I could tell people when it is gone and replaced, that just makes it more likely it will not be there when someone looks for it.

    You act like it is all about you as a cache hunter and all the burden of dealing with the thief should be on the cache owner. Why should not cache hunters share the burden of dealing with the thief?

    Because it's your cache -- you chose to place it there, you chose to agree to maintain it, you chose to be responsible for it.


    The only burden I share as a cache hunter to prevent a cache from being stolen is to rehide the cache as well as I found it, and in the cache of high-traffic areas, not to be too obvious to non-geocachers while searching for it. What other duties should I have for your cache?


    No one is forcing you to go hunt caches there and no one is concealing the situation.

    By listing the thief problem on the cache page, you are providing a caveat emptor to a prospective searcher. But by deleting pertinent information about the cache being missing or not, you're certainly concealing information, aren't you?


    Most people appreciate the hundreds of hours we have put into fighting the thief so they can have a good time. So would not the solution be people who do not appreciate the efforts to provide quality caches go find some other caches and stop complaining about our efforts to provide others a good time?


    You can't stop a thief that is determined enough. They can pay for premium membership. They can solve a puzzle. They can create a sock puppet to get the coordinates directly from you in email.


    As I said previously, I absolutely sympathize with fighting the thief. My opinion is that there are better ways to handle it. It's my opinion that you should provide the best information you can about the cache.


    Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

  11. Maybe I'm missing something.


    To me, part of your responsibility as the owner of a cache is to make an honest effort to provide accurate information about the cache to prospective fellow geocachers.


    This includes reasonably accurate coordinates and the current status of the cache, be it missing, damaged, or "good to go." Removing information that accurately reflects the current status of the cache, or the last known status of the cache, does a disservice to anyone that may seek it in the future.


    Hey --- I sympathize with someone dealing with a cache maggot. But this one's cut and dried. Removing pertinent info about the status of a cache does more harm than good.

  12. Hi - id like views from the forum please:


    Im working on a puzzle/encryption cache and was thinking along the lines of a couple of puzzles to solve, which leads to a camouflages micro, which contains a 'codeword' - the finder then needs to return to the cache page on the internet (mobile or otherwise) and use the codeword to crack an encyption puzzle which will then reveal the final cache co-ordinates


    Is this idea acceptable? - it may appeal to local cachers but may deter those who travel further?


    Thanks in advance


    I think it's totally acceptable. Codeword only caches (those without a logbook at all) aren't approvable anymore, but as it stands that looks OK. Whether or not you make it clear on the cache page that they'll need to come back is a matter of personal taste.


    Of course, depending upon the encryption you use, it may very well be crackable without doing the fieldwork. Some puzzle cache solvers can be pretty crafty :)

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