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Jurgen & co

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Posts posted by Jurgen & co

  1. First do not set any filter just the right centerpoint then look for the result. From there go one step ahead.


    I use GSAK to work and filter with all the Caches. Therefore i have made PQ's with my home as center point with a max distance of 200KM. As filter a use the placed between filter.


    PQ1 from 01-01-2000 to ? ( You have to try until you have a little less as 500 caches. )

    PQ2 from ?+1 to ?? and so on.


    Now i get these PQ divided over the week. If you place them on a map the are several layers of the same area. But the do not have overlap because the placing date is uniek.


    Those PQ's are loaded from Gmail in GSAK.net. GSAK remembers all the Caches and logs. If a Cache is not updated after 1 week, i know, it is archived. Because archived Caches are not in the PQ's. I also get every day all the new caches and the updated in the last 7 days.

  2. A Pocket Querie will hold 5 Logs.


    A GPX loaded from a cache page will held 20 Logs.


    No it it is not possible to get more logs.


    But you can Use a program like GSAK to feed with your PQ's or GPX to keep the data you put in it. The program will remind all the logs and merge it with the new wan.

  3. I work with the program gsak. The pq that i become are from a certain fixed area. To get al the caches from that area without overlap or forgetting caches i work with the date that the are placed. Give me all the caches from homefrom date A to B. If the pq is 500 Then the next pq is from date B+1 to c, ent so on. It is already explained some were. Thry to use the search function.

  4. If you want to use it with GSAK put the next line in to Custom Url's. You can find that under Tools,Options,Html.




    Here is my complete list. I don't know if the are uptodate because I don't use them all.


    Microsoft MapPoint=http://mappoint.msn.com/map.aspx?C=%lat%2c%lon&A=35&P=|%lat%2c%lon|1|Cache|L1|
    Microsoft Terra Server=http://terraserver.microsoft.com/image.aspx?w=1&Lat=%lat&Lon=%lon
    Bench Mark=http://www.geocaching.com/mark/details.asp?PID=%code
    Multimap (Zoom in)=http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?&scale=10000&gride=%lon&gridn=%lat&lat=%lat&lon=%lon&width=600&height=600
    Multimap (Zoom out)=http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?&scale=25000&gride=%lon&gridn=%lat&lat=%lat&lon=%lon&width=600&height=600
    Add  cache to watch list =http://www.geocaching.com/my/watchlist.aspx?w=%gcid
    Log cache=http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?ID=%gcid
    Co-Ord Grabber=http://boulter.com/gps/grabber/grabcoords.php?url=www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=%code
    Google Maps=http://maps.google.com/maps?q=%lat+%lon+(%code-%ShortName=30)&hl=nl
    Google Earth=http://www.nearby.org.uk/googleEarth.kml.php?lat=%lat&long=%lon&p=%code
    Mail Owner=http://www.geocaching.com/email/default.aspx?aid=%ownerid
    GC.com Google Map Search=http://www.geocaching.com/seek/gmnearest.aspx?lat=%lat&lng=%lon&zm=12
    Google Maps=http://maps.google.com/maps?q=%lat+%lon+(%code-%ShortName=30)&hl=nl

  5. I use a macro because I get the PQ from a certain area. I combined wo macro's but hadent had the time to mace it clean and internaional to put it on the website from GSAK. But you can have a look.


    It wil open internet. make the window small. Hit on the download gpx button from the cache. These information wil bedownloaded to the harddisk. After don so with al the caches GSAK wil load the gpxen. And the database is updated again with the last 20 logs and availebilti is also updated.


    # Macro to display possibly-archived caches.
    # Edit the below value to match your caching name
    $user = "Jurgen & co"
    DEBUG Status=Off
    # Get from user the last time GPX was imported/how long ago to search
    INPUT Msg="How many days ago was the last GPX import? (Yesterday = 1)" Default=7 VarName=$daysago
    $lastgpx = $_Today - Val($daysago)
    # Filter so that we only show caches that may be archived or disabled
    MFILTER IF=$d_LastGPXDate <> [00000000] .AND. $d_LastGPXDate < $lastgpx .AND. $d_DNFDate = [00000000] .AND. $d_PlacedBy <> $user .AND. .NOT. ($d_Found .OR. $d_Lock .OR. $d_HasCorrected .OR. $d_Archived)
    IF $_FilterCount > 0
    SORT By="lastupdate"
     #Pause Msg="Wanneer deze caches gearchiveerd moeten worden druk op Continu anders op Skip next command"
     #MACRO File="C:\Program Files\GSAK\Macros\UpdateCaches.txt"
     # Subroutine om GPX te downloaden
     Speedmode Status=Off
     Goto Position=Top
      While .not. $_eol
    WEB url="http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?id=%gcid"
    pause msg="Click on contine for next cache"
    Goto Position=Next
     Pause msg="Finished Moet ik de GPXen laden dan continue anders Stop Macro"
     LOAD Settings="Mijn Downloads" ShowStats=Yes
     # Einde subroutine
    PAUSE Msg="No records match archiving criteria. Restoring."
    # Cancel the filters

  6. It is correct that GSAK is not neceserry but it makes life mutch esier because it can do a lot of thing with only one click on a button.


    Therefore I can use Custom Url's. If you put these code in Custom Url's you can filter the caches you want to see and choose the right maps.


    Microsoft MapPoint=http://mappoint.msn.com/map.aspx?C=%lat%2c%lon&A=35&P=|%lat%2c%lon|1|Cache|L1|
    Microsoft Terra Server=http://terraserver.microsoft.com/image.aspx?w=1&Lat=%lat&Lon=%lon
    Bench Mark=http://www.geocaching.com/mark/details.asp?PID=%code
    Multimap (Zoom in)=http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?&scale=10000&gride=%lon&gridn=%lat&lat=%lat&lon=%lon&width=600&height=600
    Multimap (Zoom out)=http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?&scale=25000&gride=%lon&gridn=%lat&lat=%lat&lon=%lon&width=600&height=600
    Add  cache to watch list =http://www.geocaching.com/my/watchlist.aspx?w=%gcid
    Log cache=http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?ID=%gcid
    Co-Ord Grabber=http://boulter.com/gps/grabber/grabcoords.php?url=www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=%code
    Google Maps=http://maps.google.com/maps?q=%lat+%lon+(%code-%ShortName=30)&hl=nl
    Google Earth=http://www.nearby.org.uk/googleEarth.kml.php?lat=%lat&long=%lon&p=%code
    Mail Owner=http://www.geocaching.com/email/default.aspx?aid=%ownerid
    GC.com Google Map Search=http://www.geocaching.com/seek/gmnearest.aspx?lat=%lat&lng=%lon&zm=12
    Google Maps=http://maps.google.com/maps?q=%lat+%lon+(%code-%ShortName=30)&hl=nl

  7. The best way is to use GSAK (with babel under the hood.) I work wit 7 PQ ( 1 a day )to get all the caches in the Netherlands. All the PQ are the same the only difference is the placingdate. I have chosen the from to dates to get up to 490 caches in one PQ in this way a dont get a overlap. After 1 week all the caches are updated in GSAK. I also have a PQ New caches placed in the last 7 days and A PQ caches updated in the last 7 days. I let them run about 3 times a week. In GSAK I can filter as i want and export that to MS autoroute ( MS Streets and Trips). You can also use the Route system from GC.COM a good help for making PQ you can find here.


    My advice is start with simpel PQ to see for your selve if you are doing it right. The most commen failure is that people start with making a lot of choises and dont get any result. Dont pick a day to make a PQ until u are satisfaid. Use the preview option to see if the result is wath u want.


    But the best way is to load all the caches u can get in GSAK and than filter as U want. GSAK has a whery hi valua for the money.

  8. Sorry i was doing several things at a time. For this i have made a pocket querie with my home coord. and only new caches. You can than see the preview. Copy the url of the preview and place it as a bookmark in your browser.

  9. I just recived a rss feed of your message it works with me. Perhaps you have to look to your system. The new rss-url's ar on the buttom end of the mainpage.

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