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Posts posted by fivegallon
First the bad news.
I have given the future of GSAK a fair bit of thought. I have now come to the conclusion that I can no longer sustain the current level of time, effort, and money drain, using the current totally free model. If development and support of GSAK is to continue (and I think people want this) there has to be changes.
I have decided to make GSAK shareware. Before you start with the howls of derision please read on.
Now the good news.
Although technically shareware, my proposed version will be a somewhat liberal interpretation. I guess you could say my version of shareware is more like fixed priced “donation ware”. I am just giving you the opportunity to thank me in a more tangible way – it is not compulsory.
Though I would prefer otherwise, the bottom line is that you can still use GSAK for free. For the full scoop on how I see this working please visit http://gsak.net/Register.htm
Sounds fair to me. I will be registering very soon
All done Clyde. Thanks for GSAK!!
First the bad news.
I have given the future of GSAK a fair bit of thought. I have now come to the conclusion that I can no longer sustain the current level of time, effort, and money drain, using the current totally free model. If development and support of GSAK is to continue (and I think people want this) there has to be changes.
I have decided to make GSAK shareware. Before you start with the howls of derision please read on.
Now the good news.
Although technically shareware, my proposed version will be a somewhat liberal interpretation. I guess you could say my version of shareware is more like fixed priced “donation ware”. I am just giving you the opportunity to thank me in a more tangible way – it is not compulsory.
Though I would prefer otherwise, the bottom line is that you can still use GSAK for free. For the full scoop on how I see this working please visit http://gsak.net/Register.htm
Sounds fair to me. I will be registering very soon
Just because something is a 'receiver only' doesn't mean it can't generate interference. For example, I remember flying back from Arizona during the 1990 Superbowl and one passanger had a small tv turned on and was trying to watch the game. He was told to turn it off due to it interfering with instrumentation in the cockpit. And a tv is just a receiver, right?
Lighten up Francis , i was making a joke , not having a go
These types of back lights tend to generate a lot of energy or electromagnetic energy. Try activating the back light and put it right near a radio that is on (preferably tuned to an AM station) and check out the inteference it generates.
You wouldn't think it, but it does generate quite a bit of energy.
And they're only meant to be a receiver huh...
Now , on your next flight , ask to see the captain , making sure to take the GPSr with you into the cockpit , and watch the auto-p......nah , only gaggin'
I have no idea why I put it up to my ear in the first place but.....I have noticed that when I put my Sporttrack up to my ear like a cell phone it makes a buzzing noise. It doesn't make this noise when the light is off. You really have to listen to hear it. I was wondering if any other units make a buzz noise when the light is on? Does your sporttrack make a noise?
Live as you would die tomorrow...learn as if you would live forever,
Yep. The Magellan Map330 does it. I guess it's just a reminder that you have the backlight on.
The easiest way that I know of is to download GSAK at http://gsak.net/ and use it instead of Easy GPS because GSAK outputs Mapsource Files. You will have to go to Garmin's website and get the iQue 3600 Transfer Waypoints Ver. 1.0 at http://www.garmin.com/support/collection.j...ct=010-00264-00 then export the info out of GSAK as a Mapsorce MPS format then go to your Palm Desktop and inport the info. GSAK is free, BTW.
Thanks for that. I had previously given up on the idea of purchasing an IQUE as i had invested so much money into Magellan products and it appeared i had to do the same to use the IQUE.
I hadn't thought of GSAK output - me idiot!
Thanks again
5G, you're right that there is no dedicated field at the present time to designate DNF's. I *think* Clyde expressed an intention to add it in the future (I could be fabricating memories again). However, if you enter a code in the user data field such as DNF you can create a filter to separate those caches from everything else.
Does that give you what you want for now?
Yep , thanks Embra. I thought a filter would be easy enough , i was looking more for a "count" listing.
Maybe something Clyde will look at for the future.
It's not a big deal for me currently with my huge stats , but hopefully i will progress that in a few weeks time
I had a look through the help file but couldn't find an answer on this one.
Is there a way to sort between not found and dnf's?
The options only list found,not found,placed and archived
It's bound to be something straight forward
A big blue spark eh? hehehehe
Last night i saw a big blue flash when the 69,000volt lines in the sub-station i'm working at drew an arc and a blue "sheet" ran along the lines for about 70-100metres......now that's a spark!
only took me about a half hour to stop shaking...
I travell quite a bit and often don't know exactly where I'll end up. So it is frustrating to get info on possible caches in the area. I thought a CD, that I could pop into my laptop would be a big help. Then be able to serach useing the same criteria as the web site. I don't know how many caches would fit on a CD, at least a state if not a region. I realize that it would dated, but when travelling there are so many caches a few newer ones wouldn't be a problem to miss. Is there any thought at Geocaching.com to sell such an item?
Ummm......maybe i'm missing something? Why bother with a cd that you're just going to "pop into your laptop" , when you could just save the info directly to your hard drive?
Its not very exciting,it's only two dimensional
I went the portable , home-made option.
Got me a 240v - 12v transformer (just like your mobile phone charger) , and wired a cigarette lighter socket on to the end of it.
All up about $20 from Dick Smith Electronics
I think Rosco's point got derailed some posts back.
HE was simply stating that there are way too many threads on the "60".
Maybe he was trying to get people into a "GSAK Thread" frame of mind , and keep it all together in one thread.
Then go to "My Cache Page" , "Edit Profile" , and next to where it says "Title" , punch in something meaningless like the rest of us.....anything but Tadpole
What's this Tadpole stuff? I thought the tadpole was supposed to go away when I became a premium member.
Please tell me I don't have to post 5 more mindless emails to lose it.
OK,we won't tell you that
If this was a train , the carnage would be horrific!
Thanks to all the responses,there's plenty to digest here.
I'll lock it if i can find the right button
What's the difference between Palm and PPC?
More to the point,which one requires the least third party apps?
I'm unsure if i'm needing a Palm,an Ipaq,or some other option.
What i'm after is the PDA that will help me to cache,with the least number of steps to get the info onto said PDA
Money is no object
I will attempt to stay on topic and respond to the thread starters questions.
The difference in palm and PPC is the operating system. Palm is its own OS while PPC is basically a scaled down version of Windows. The pocketpc is going to cost you more to start but its going to include a lot of things like word and excel that would cost you extra on the Palm. The PPC is more like a scaled down version of windows and the palm is a simpler operating system which is easier at the cost of features.
Typically your going to spend $400 for a decent PPC while a decent Palm is going to be around $200. The palm is generally going to be smaller and have longer battery life while the PPC has a bigger screen which makes them overall bigger and have shorter battery life.
As far as caching goes your going to need a map program and something to read GPX files. I love mapopolis on my PPC and as far as I can tell the palm version is similar. The only big complaint I've heard is how you get waypoints into the palm. They show up as contacts in your address book. For reading GPX files I use GPXsonar, its free and very easy. All I need to do is copy the gpx file to the PC I don't have to do any tweaking or converting. I'd bet there is something similar for the palm.
So it depends on what else you want to do with your pocket device. Is there a certain program or peice of hardware you want to use? Do you want a bigger screen or a smaller lighter device? Do you want a simpler operating system or one with more features?
Off topic alert
Jeremy can your palm do this?
-Terminal Server Client
-HP remote insight board client
-HP insight manager
-voice over IP phone
-microsoft reader
-browse network file shares
-Pocket RAR (unzip rar or zip)
-Virtual display (rotate, scroll, or compress your display)
-Play WMV, divx, vidx files (plus almost any video or audio file format out there)
-arcade and console emulators
This is not a list of everything the palm can't do, its a list of what I do on the PPC that I don't think the palm can do. I use my PPC for all these things.
Sorry for the slow reply,had a slight geographical relocation for my work...hehehe...closer to Boracay Island now....woohooo
Also,thanks for steering the topic back on track
To answer your question about what else i want to do with it....basically anything it lets me. What i mean by that is,the primary objective is to use it as a "caching tool", with minimum(or simple) steps to get the cache info onboard. Whatever the unit does outside of caching is simply a bonus.
As stated - money is no object
Call me low tech, but I just simply cut and paste the text of the cache page into a Word document and print it out.
That's pretty much what "Sax" was saying,'cept using copy instead of cut.
Also,using Notepad is a lot quicker than using a Word doc,less crapola to load,quicker to print.
I'm sure there's an easy answer to this one.
I just want to convert *.wpt files from my Mapsend Worldwide Basemap to gpx or loc files.
I know i can just upload to the GPSr and download to Easygps etc , but i often find myself with spare computer time at work and don't necessarily have my GPSr with me
Any/all help/markwells appreciated
Edit: and running a pq isn't the answer as i'm looking at converting POI's as well as Caches
Heh,initially i just rolled my eyes and thought; yay,another 60cs thread.....but curiosity got the better of me.....and in a word - Cool!
I use Watcher to filter my GPX downloads before putting them onto my PDA. For the last couple of weeks when I save them they don't appear anywhere. I've got a file for GPX downloads and I save them to this file - then when I open the file they aren't there..................what am I doing wrong??
Help pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze!
have you tried searching for them with your pc's search function? (not simply by looking in the folder where you think they should be)
try a search with either the name of the file,or if you can't remember the name,use *.gpx to search for all gpx files.
Try this for your pq's
thanks all-i am a premium member, just can't find where to submit a pocket query.
From the Main page
Click on My Cache Page
Then click on the Pocket Query Generator
Click on the Create a new query button
You will then be able to build your query by "checking" the appropriate boxes and then clicking on the "Submit Information" button at the bottom left corner of the page
in Website
Posted · Edited by fivegallon
This topic was subjected to much heated debate here and here and i'm sure those that remember will shudder merely at the sight of the OP's name
edit: added an additional "here"