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Posts posted by fivegallon
Keep it! You can never have too many toys!!!
Maybe try sending waypoints to the gps using EASYgps just for test purposes??
In GSAK, I found GPS, I clicked and all there was, is Garmin and Magellan. Didn't see a Enable USB support and no check box. Am I looking in the wrong place?
Maybe you have an earlier version?
On mine:
Click on GPS
Click on Setup
This brings up a dialog box - GPS Setup
The box contains the following:
GPS Brand
Enable USB Support
Communications port
Port Speed
Maximum waypoints for GPS
Make sure you connect...
I really don't know if I did. If I did by chance, where do I go to undo it?
Under "GPS brand" there is "Enable USB support" and a checkbox
Unless I did it wrong, the pocket query doesn't list them all on one page. Archived caches don't show up either. The "old" my cache page was perfect.
gpx files don't contain archived caches
go to the individual pages and d/l them as a gpx , then merge them with your "caches placed" gpx with gsak
Jamie, just spent some time and got the automation to work.
Create your text file in notepad as suggested
this would have something like :
load file=c:\my documents\downloads\49008.gpx
next - on your desktop,right click,create new shortcut
under "program" tab -
Cmd line - gsak.exe /run perth.txt (perth=the name of your txt file)
Working - "c\program files\gsak (or wherever you have gsak located
click apply
click ok
and that's it!
edit: easiest to keep the txt file in your gsak dir
Now my question:
I'd like to automate GSAK using the macros... and I think I understand the commands, but what I don't understand is where to put them.
The docs say, "You run GSAK from the command line:" Um, what's the command line?
Is this the same mysterious command line as used in GPSBabel? Good, cuz I have no idea what that is either.
It appears I just create a .txt file (in Notepad, perhaps?) with my desired commands--and then I run it. Is that right?
Could someone give me a brief tutorial of where to start; I think I can handle it from there.
Anyone have any idea?
the command line is typically the black box called a dos prompt.
click start/run and type cmd (hit return)
then you'd typically do....
c:\progra~1\gsak\gsak /run "gsakcommands.txt"
gsakcommands would contains commands like
LOAD File="home-39489.gpx"
I'm with Jamie on this one;the help file is a bit ambiguous.
Dom,are you saying we just need to create a batch file?
If so would the batch file contain all the commands? - or would the batch file point to a command.txt as suggested in the help file?
Typically, before adding a new pq to GSAK, I delete all entries for caches that I have not looked for. This pretty much guarantees that the data on unfound caches is current.
Just a note about updating archived caches in GSAK...this is a task I have neglected in my database, and I was quite surprised to see the amount of "dead wood" I had to prune. Although it appears pretty painless to update one by one by using some of the techniques suggested in other posts, I realized after a half dozen or so that with over a hundred to check out, I'd best use Katguy's global approach.
I concur with katguy and the last poster... this approach is definitely a great answer. Clyde, is there a way to code something that will make this approach a bit easier. Something similiar to the following:
1) Upon loading a new PQ have the option to a) merge the current database with a longtime running backup database,
remove all UNFOUND caches in the current database.
Obviously, point 'a' would require that you make an initial backup of your database before you proceed with this approach, but thereafter everytime you load a new PQ the current database would be merged with the old database (with the newer overwrtiting the older, or however you want to do it) and then all UNFOUND caches in the current DB will be removed, thus allowing the database that you load into your GPS being up-to-date. So you'll have one always-running, always-building, all-knowing database and then one current, up-to-date database.
The reason I ask about this is I'm not sure that GSAK supports merging two databases at the moment. Without the ability to merge two databases this approach kind of falls short because it would require you to make a new backup database everytime you load a new PQ and that'd get quite annoying and it wouldn't even really be of any use.
Did anyone follow what I was asking for? (hint: merge current to backup db, erase unfound caches, import new data)
Sorry, you lost me on this one.
I kind of think Katguys approach is quite simple.
Just set a filter on not found (you can save this filter so your can select from the drop down list) then, right mouse click and select "delete=>All waypoints in filter"
This will get even easier when I allow for macros to be created and run from within GSAK. That is, create a macro that has the requird steps (filter, then delete, then load GPX) then just select the macro from the drop down list.
I agree Clyde, my whole idea was pretty stupid. I wasn't quite "thinking" when I wrote it as I had just gotten up. Now that I've thought about it a bit... about the only thing from that post that *WOULD PROBABLY* be useful would be one more option on the 'Open' dialog; one of "Remove 'Not Found' Caches." That'd be the simplest (even over a macro).
Not sure if its a good idea or not, but I'd definitely have it checked off 24/7.
pcmike, i think you may be looking too deep for an easy solution if i understand what you're chasing.
Simply filter on "found caches" with any attempted caches "user flagged" by yourself - this will remove all your "unfound" caches.
Then merge your new gpx and you're up to date - i think!
Edited to insert a very lazy "g"
It's listed on the "Contact Us" section of the site, linked on every page on geocaching.com
Salamat Po!
Wow. IV Warrior is right on, including the fact that the volunteers cannot actually process the transfer of ownership. For consensual transfers, we don't need to be involved.
See this entry in the Groundspeak Knowledgebase. There's a separate entry for adoptions when the original owner is absent.
KA, that's a fairly useful link you've provided there. Had i not been browsing this particular thread i would not have known there was a "knowledgebase" as such (apart from all our clever members!).After seeing this i went searching,starting at the main page and working my way through, yet failed to find a link to this page anywhere(apart from your post obviously).
Maybe i missed it?
Maybe there isn't one?
Maybe a prominent link to this would reduce repetitive posts?
Also - is there a site map anywhere?
I was unable to get to either the forums or the gc web sites for several hours last night - from around 7PM to 10PM.
Was there a real problem or was this just due to heave usage again?
First time I have been unable to get to the forums to see if something was wrong.
At one time I was able to get the home page but then nothing after that. Continued DNS errors.
You weren't alone...
And if you're having problems with your Mapsend Worldwide Basemap Software not talking to your Magellan GPSr , which section you gonna post in???
Easy...we create a third combo forum
I can agree that there feels like a lot of stuff to sort through to find answers to questions. As a Magellan user, I find myself skipping over a *lot* of 60CS discussions. But if someone has tried to find their answer with the search function unsuccessfully, others here are happy to provide answers or direct them to the relevant thread. It works out reasonably well.
Yep. And then you can search through 3 forums. why didn't i think of that
And if you're having problems with your Mapsend Worldwide Basemap Software not talking to your Magellan GPSr , which section you gonna post in???
If you don't have an SD card or slot, you have my condolences.
I have the SD card, but alas no card reader (I'm going to have to get one that reads CF as well, for my digital camera!).
Thanks for the tip!
Card readers are available everywhere. Get yourself a multi-reader (7in1) to cater for a multitude of uses. They're only about 20bucks, a great investment
Clyde, the second link did the trick.Thankyou.
ps. the scroll bar problem is no longer there with the latest one
I just got an e-mail about the bugs in 4.1 and it said to download 412 to correct it but when I do it won't open as it says archive interity check failed, set up file size 6,032 bytes, actual size 2,364 bytes, set up will abort and that is all I get even when I go back to the e-mail. Suggestions.
My two download attempts failed. One at a little over 2mb , the other just under 1mb.
If it's got t_ts or wheels....it'll give you problems..........
I just got MS Streets&Trips, and find I am unable to load it due to one limitation or the other on any of my three PCs (one desktop and two laptops).
The software requires 400-500 MB for the limited installation and 1 GB for the full install. My desktop has 4 GB but it has Windows 95, and the SW requires Win98 or later. One of the laptops has the reqd disk space but it has no CD. The other latop has a CD, but the diskdrive is rather full.
I am looking for suggestions (other than mass deletion of files on the laptop with the CD, or setting up a network, or swapping the CD).
Get yourself an "internal" cd-rom and a caddy and usb cable = use it with any system with a usb port
Sorry , somehow my response went to the wrong topic , disregard above response
I have been reading here for some time now and have learned a lot. I want to thank all that participate for the time spent helping the tech disadvantaged among us.
I just purchased Mapsend Directroute for my Meridian Gold. I had already upgraded the firmware to 5.12 so I left that as it was. I was able to select a region and upload it to my GPS. I also had no trouble importing waypoints from GSAK into the DR on my computer. However, when I try to upload the waypoints from DR to my GPS, I always get a Time out message. It tells me to check that NMEA is off (it is) but offers no other help. I tried all night and can't get past this.
Please, What am I not doing???
Buy yourself an "internal" cd-rom along with a caddy and usb cable = use it with any system that has a usb port
I live in Australia
I purchased my GPSr's from the USA
I use the Mapsend Worldwide Basemap
Currently i'm based in the Philippines (for work) and it all works well for me
, both here in RP and back in Oz.
fivegallon, not sure what to tell you. It saves a .loc file for me.
Note this is not my program. For further support, email Boulter via the link at the bottom of the page.
That is my guess. Unfortunately most locationless caches seem to have a handful of duplicates1) - In the example suggested (Old Stone Walls) it appeared 681 coords. grabbed and 6 duplicates. This means that 6 spots were logged twice?I don't know of a way to determine which ones are duplicates.
First, double-click on "your" waypoint, or right-click and choose "Set Active Point". You will then notice a red arrow next to it. Now click on the "Distance to Active Point" heading. This will sort that column. Your waypoint will be at the top, and the closest one will be right below. Note you might have to scroll horizontally or resize a few columns to bring the distance column into view.how can i sort those 682 entries in order to check if any is near the spot i want to log in a LCYou can also click on any of the headings, to sort by that column.
OK , a strange twist to the downloaded xml file. I did a right click on the saved file (stonewall loc.xml) and chose to open it in GSAK , which it duly did! ( i wasn't aware GSAK would deal with an .xml file ? )
We all know how easy it is to sort with GSAK
Maybe this will help MAntunes with finding any co-ords near his. Sort by either Lat or Lon or Distance or anything else GSAK offers
You can use the GPS Coordinate Grabber to grab all the coords on the page, and pull them into EasyGPS. Add a waypoint of the site you just found, and see if anything is close. If you have ExpertGPS you can map all the locations.
Ok , i expect i'm doing something wrong/stupid here. Each time i try to d/l the co-ords it only lets me save them as xml , there are no options for loc?
Any help appreciated
Edit: Update:
clicking on the "open" option works in as much as it opens the co-ords in easy gps and you can then save from there.
clicking on the "save" option only allows a save as xml
Would it be possible in a future version to include a field, to where you either can upload pictures or enter a URL to pictures, you have saved to your hard drive? That would be an awsome enhancement to the best geocaching database there is!! This way, pictures could be allocated to the appropriate cache. For the time being I use the ThumbsPlus program, but then I don't have the cache information
This feature is already there
The user notes supports HTML. So you can place any URL in there. Also in version 4 I have added the "Picture" button. Just click on it, select your graphic from your hard drive, and GSAK will insert the corresponding HTML code to show that picture.
You can then instantly see your picture in split screen mode.
You can add/edit a user note several ways:
1. Main Menu - Waypoints=>Add/Edit user note
2. Right click menu - Add/edit user note.
3. Keyboard - Ctrl T
4. Mains screen - double click on the user note icon.
Now THAT (picture button), is an awesome addition. You are definitely "the man".
Request #100,001 :)
in Website
Order yourself up a PQ and let GSAK do the rest with a filter on your favourite hider...