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Everything posted by markandsandy

  1. Not here yet. My Monday ones are usually here by around noon.
  2. I never quoted you saying "put me down in the anti list". That was my statement, not a quote. It was in response to a statement you made about "this topic", which I assumed was the topic of this thread. Your being a suspicious person is your problem to deal with, not mine. The assumption was implicit in the phrasing of the question. If you want the answer, its right there in my profile, not hidden, where you can get it without the drama. I have yet to see a convincing reason to hide them.
  3. Put me down in the anti list. There, that adds a new anti voice speaking up, not one of your 'same people'. 'bout time a new one showed up but why are you against? I mean, to say you are for or against anything without giving reason... I'm gonna go out on a limb without making a click to verify for myself and just ask "You have less than 500 finds to go along with your new chiming in, don't you?" ~~~edit~~~ added missing r The reasons that I didn't give any details were: 1. I was short of time 2. The other "anti's" were doing a good job already. The reason I chose to chime in was to show that although the trend you saw was only the same people posted anti this, that there were others of us around. Yet you assume that I have less than 500 finds. Very little of the angst that I've seen on the forums has anything to do with anything that would be hidden by making a profile private. Angst-ridden people are always going to find something. Well put. As others have stated, the profiles help provide a sense of community in geocaching. If people start hiding their profiles, the angst-ridden will start wondering "what are they trying to hide?". Cachers can already decide how much personal information to share on their profile, and there are other ways to get their hide/find counts (unless all of these are locked down as well). For those who try to look important by using number of hides as a measure of self-worth, if hide counts are hidden, the number of forum posts and/or 'member since' dates will replace those numbers. As far as the argument that 'other sites allow hiding profiles', this is not a site where a lot of real personal information is expected in your profile. Cachers names aren't even typically included. If you look at our profile, you can see what city we live in, but if you try to find a couple named Mark and Sandy in this town, you won't find us. In summary, and without specifically addressing every argument for or against in this thread, I have yet to see anything that convinces me that there is any real benefit to being able to hide profiles, and more benefits from leaving it as is.
  4. Put me down in the anti list. There, that adds a new anti voice speaking up, not one of your 'same people'.
  5. Recently, while hiking between two other caches, we stumbled upon a new one at the feet of the FTF.
  6. I hate to bring you bad news, but you are probably going to have to take the alternate route to the APE cache instead of the tunnel. The tunnels are closed indefinitely until funding for repairs is found. See this thread in the Northwest forum John Wayne Trail Tunnels Closed Indefinitely
  7. Because I don't agree with you I'm a troll? Who cares if doesn't look good? I imagine all the people that don't have 30" monitor would care because the site would be unusable. On yours, it may not fill up the full screen, but you can still use it. If you want the map to be bigger, you can always adjust your resolution down. On a smaller screen, there may not be an option to adjust the resolution up as high as 2560x1600. I'm guessing the majority of users don't use 30" monitors. I think he wants it as an OPTIONAL size.
  8. Same problem here, with IE6 & XP SP2
  9. Wow !!! Hmmmm... what ever happened to dads climbing belt? It was made (literally) for climbing towers like this. Was your dad a Radio Tech? Mine is a radio tech for the US Forest Service. From the late 40's thru the mid 60's, dad owned a TV & Radio Sales & Repair business (in those days, you actually repaired them) up in Lynden. The belt was for climbing TV towers that he erected for people.
  10. Nope. Never noticed anything like that.
  11. Is it possible?? Vinnie was WRONG?????
  12. It's only been 3 weeks. This subject is supposed to only get posted every 4 weeks. Please check the schedule next time! Cache Ratings - every 4 weeks Who's Watching My Cache - every 3 weeks Micros Should Be A Cache Type - every 6 weeks Bring Back Virtual Caches - every 2 weeks I Want The Whole World In A Pocket Query - every 8 weeks What's the point of scheduling subjects that get posted over and over again, if we're not going to stick to it? You forgot: How do I change my user name - every 0.7 weeks Night caches should be thier own type - every 4 weeks
  13. I agree completely. I'm surprised I haven't seen a certain picture of a horse show up in this thread yet.
  14. It's in degrees, minutes, seconds format. Just split it like I show below. 0774511W, 400305N 077 45 11W, 40 03 05N 077 degrees 74 minutes 11 seconds West, 40 degrees 03 minutes 05 seconds North Hopefully the website gives info on what datum is used.
  15. With the current state of our educational system, I suspect a lot of them wouldn't know the difference.
  16. Not that I can find.
  17. I think that's just because they don't want you to poke a hole in the side and let the electricity drain out all over your shoes. That stuff is pretty hard to clean up too. Well, I'm told that if you use a good wet mop, it comes right up! I see that you have some experience with this. But that isn't electricity draining out it is PCB (Polychlorinated biphenyl) which at one time was commonly used a coolant in transformers but due to the high health and environmental hazards it's production was banned years ago. Dude, neither one of us thought it was actually electricity draining out. We were joking. Didn't you see the laughing and smiling emoticons?I though I WAS playing, now your the one taking it serious just because I didn't include a in my post. Sorry.Just be careful, because what we're really talking about here is Dihydrogen Monoxide, a compound that has caused more death and destruction than... well, just about anything else! When Dihydrogen monoxide and electricity come in contact, the results can be dangerously unpredictable! Beware! So that's what happened; someone poked a hole in a padmount transformer! I couldn't get home for two days last week because of record levels of Dihydrogen Monoxide in the rivers around here.
  18. Since you seconded this notion, I'll third it. Been there, done that.
  19. One of the 800+ podcasts called Buzz Out Loud referenced it. The issue of copyright protection of music, DRM, the DMCA, RIAA, MPAA, and Fair Use, come up quite a bit. One one episode they covered mix cd's (or tapes) being decided in a court case. I find them to be accurate in general, and also more than happy to follow up when they are wrong. Their audience includes enough experts to give insight when they are off. I will check it out.
  20. Unfortunately, as the rivers carry them downstream, they are going to be hard to find. Maybe we need a new difficulty rating of 6.
  21. I'd like to post some pictures, but the cameras are at home in Carnation, and we stayed in a hotel last night. You can't get there from here. I'm not optimistic about getting home tonight. The Snoqualmie & Tolt rivers are setting new records. In 25 years living in Carnation, I've never seen the Tolt cross Hwy 203. Our house should be OK, it's in mid-town. It's all a matter of access.
  22. So it's OK to do something illegal if you probably won't get caught? He's right to endorse fair use as defined by the courts. Meaning it's legal. Besides, the law doesn't always follow what's right. Our founding fathers proved that, and a few other societies along the way. Also just becaues someone has a different OPINION on the law and fair use doesn't invalitate the competing opinion. For every legal argument you can find attorneys who study the law on both sides. A lot of our judicial system is dedicated to determing which side is 'right'. In the case of mix CD's. That side is fair use because it's alreayd been to court. Not they can't argue that point, instead it's an argument of when it stops being a few friends. Can you cite a reference for me? I'm willing to be educated.
  23. To answer your question, are you a bad person for doing it? I don't think that makes you a bad person, but leaving them in the drivers car after the trip would be a violation of the copyright law. You may make mix CDs of music you own for your own personal use, but giving those away is a violation. But the OP asked for opinions, and copyright laws matter more than the opinion of a reviewer.
  24. Still waiting to hear where you got your previously mention figures from.... Do you dispute them? The only way you could is if you know another number, so if you dispute it, offer up your number. They are accurate, I got the number accurately, and it hasn't been seriously disputed. It's not necessarily a question of disputing the number, but of accepting a number from a source that has not establlished any credibility on the subject. Why should we believe your number, just based on your saying that it is accurate?
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