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Everything posted by markandsandy

  1. A spell checker on these forums would bring the servers to thier their knees drat
  2. A spell checker on these forums would bring the servers to thier knees
  3. markandsandy

    New Bug

    Thank you.... (still feeling stupid but laughing about it) Don't feel too stupid, I was dumb enough to quote your post in mine where I warned you about posting the number. Duh. I emailed Eartha this morning, hopefully things will get corrected.
  4. Wow !!! Hmmmm... what ever happened to dads climbing belt? It was made (literally) for climbing towers like this.
  5. Awesome cake! Happy birthday, and my compliments to the chef! OMG!!! That is freaking awesome!!! I would make you birthday card, but gaging the reaction to my homemade FTF certificate, I better not. I loved your FTF certificate
  6. Lego, If you re-read his original post, his suggestion of sharing was separate from the subscribed queries, so it could result in fewer sales. Lego understood what I ment. I have never ment that we should share PQs with other "non premium cachers". I thought this was obvious, sinc a regular member do not have access to the Pocket Querys. My intention was sharing PQs amongst the paying cachers. I stand corrected.
  7. I don't think you can see the coins in other locations. I noticed that if you move the map, it doesn't update to display coins other than the ones that were initially displayed. This may be intentional, as the caption is "Geocoins near your home location".
  8. markandsandy

    New Bug

    First, you want to edit your original post and remove the tracking number. People can virtual log it if they have the number, and then the bug will be shut down. Instead, use the travel bug number (TB29V9C). Second, from the description, it sound like a bug I'd steal move along. Just be aware that 'collectible' items occasionally get 'collected', and disappear from circulation.
  9. There may not be any in your area. I live in a city of almost a half a million people, and I count a total of 7 coins on the map for the whole area Like Kohavis said, there might not be any in your area. As far as not seeing any in any other area, I noticed that if you move the map, it doesn't update to display coins other than the ones that were initially displayed. This may be intentional, as the caption is "Geocoins near your home location".
  10. Agreed, this is an issue that should be addressed. Hasn't bit me yet...
  11. No, the sharing would only be between premium members (via "subscribing"), so they are not losing premium member income. Lego, If you re-read his original post, his suggestion of sharing was separate from the subscribed queries, so it could result in fewer sales.
  12. I'm considering this as a Labor Day weekend hike for 2009 if my schedule will allow it then. That gives me some time.
  13. I'd say he's overqualified for these forums!
  14. But as I've said, I've checked that search result on at least 3 different computers, using 3 different web browsers, in 2 different countries, and 2 different states. I'd say that's quite a bit of 'reloading'. P.S. I never bookmark anything so every time I go to any page it's loaded anew. That's one of the SUPER-PREMIUM members only caches. You're not allowed to see it.
  15. If you are looking at the list of caches in your bookmark list, the distance is just to the left of the cache name. On the cache page, upper right corner, below where you log your find, is an option to bookmark listing.
  16. Look here
  17. And since everyones ideas of what is fun, difficult, etc. varies, it will be about as useless as the rating systems on Amazon, ebay, etc. (edited for errant comma)
  18. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Get your hand back in that sock again. Vinny was starting to think he was a real boy again!
  19. Pet Peeve: There is no P in Hamsters!
  20. Its a personal coin by cacher nielsenc. Try contacting him through his profile. It may be a non-trackable version of his coin.
  21. All joking aside, I fully agree. We sign the logbooks if at all physically possible, and log all our finds and DNFs online.
  22. WOW! I gotta drop 50 pounds and get in much better shape!
  23. Maybe we need to be able to pick our icon based on what we thought of the cache.
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