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Everything posted by markandsandy

  1. A rather tear jerking tale... I'm thinking Granpa could've used a bit of judgment when helping Junior set up the cache. "No son, it's a cache, not a trash can. I know your 3 legged dinosaur toy is your favorite, but maybe we should stick with toys that aren't quite so used? Maybe add a few that aren't actually broken? No son, I don't think your used wax teeth belong in there either." Obviously, Granpa also had trouble handling criticism. Back to the question: I practice the trade up/trade even mantra everywhere I cache. If I find something in a cache that is obvious trash, (I.e: a sales receipt from McDonalds), I'll remove it and leave something of a higher value in its place. If I don't happen to have any swag with me, I'll make a mental note of the cache and come back to it better prepared at a later date. On the flipside of that coin, some people are just ungrateful. Ayup. My girl LOVES the old scraggly hello-kitty toy we traded out of a cache. "junk"? not so sure. My friends boy found a hotel comb (still in the hotel-labeled sleeve) the other day, and thought it was great. To each their own. However, broken sunglasses, railroad spikes, and golf balls? Not so much. I like railroad spikes!
  2. Works better for me now. I'm just outside Seattle, and it shows Morristown NJ. That actually IS the CORRECT location for the corporate network I'm currently on. We'll see tonight how it works from home. OK, at home in Carnation it shows me in Gig Harbor, only 41 miles away. While this feature sounds good, I'm not sure how useful it really is going to be.
  3. Works better for me now. I'm just outside Seattle, and it shows Morristown NJ. That actually IS the CORRECT location for the corporate network I'm currently on. We'll see tonight how it works from home.
  4. Don't let it get you down. We were FTDNF (First To DNF) on a 1/1 cache with 114 previous finds. It's now up to 144 finds and 2 DNFs The second DNF was by a local cacher with over 4800 finds.
  5. So that's how that box got there. I've been wondering. Thanks for the info.
  6. What's the fun in showing something statically that might be right some of the time, if you can do it dynamically wrong most of the time? I believe they are using a beta version of Vinnie's Time-Space Portal technology. It has transported me from Washington State to Maine
  7. Congratulations on your first hide!
  8. Last saturday - six mile round-trip - in the rain and wind - for one cache. My wife didn't think I was crazy, she was right there with me. Had a great time. Dress appropriately and go for it. PS: The risk of a cold from walking in the rain is greatly exaggerated. You know and I know that you really can't get sick from walking in the rain. I have done it all of my long life and never got sick. Well wouldn't you know after my last escapade in the rain I came down with pneumonia and am just getting over it after 2 months. Now I have to somehow convince my loving wife that you can't get sick from walking in the rain You must have missed the 'Dress appropriately' part. Actually, I didn't say you wouldn't get pneumonia, just that you wouldn't catch a cold. Hope you're well now.
  9. You can go in and edit the cache pages, since they are now yours. Change the name to yours. Often cachers will give credit to the original CO, either in a note on the cache page, or by leaving the original owners name, with thier own name added as 'adopted by' i.e. Owner: OriginalOwner (adopted by newowner) Hope this helps
  10. Rain is isolated pockets of 100% humidity, called drops, surrounded by areas of lesser humidity.
  11. Same around here. Personally, I think they are greatly over-rated.
  12. First: Take a deep breath. Second: Please repost using coherent sentences. It's nearly impossible to follow things the way they are written. Third: If GC1H0B7 is your unpublished cache, we can't see it. What's the number of the cache that you believe is in your way?
  13. Best Wishes, and Thank You for the work you've put into these hikes. We really enjoyed joining you and the rest of the crew on the August HOTM.
  14. Mine's been on the truck for about 3-1/2 weeks and not yet discovered. It's in the shop today, we'll see if any of the auto technicians are cachers.
  15. No, no, I just haven't let him out alll day. Glad to hear it. That makes me feel better.
  16. For #1: A lot of groups just have their own threads in the regional forums on this website. The nice thing is it makes them visible for newcomers to find. For #2: See Prime Suspects response above.
  17. Rattrak, If I'm ever caching in Michigan, the first beer's on me. CCT, you're invited too. I'm just afraid I killed Vinny He hasn't posted all day.
  18. Yep, that's a multi.
  19. Here's a whole page of Cache Types
  20. Last saturday - six mile round-trip - in the rain and wind - for one cache. My wife didn't think I was crazy, she was right there with me. Had a great time. Dress appropriately and go for it. PS: The risk of a cold from walking in the rain is greatly exaggerated.
  21. Rattrak, I enjoyed your post, ... ... and there are even those on the web who claim that I am an embodiment of Satan on earth, ... Above quotes edited for brevity. Please read the originals if you haven't already. Rattrak, I also greatly enjoyed your post, and have to agree with Vinny on this. Can't see what everyone is getting worked up about. And to be totally honest, the muggle who found the original cache could be considered the true FTF! By the way, Vinny is actually Sioneva's sock puppet, but he doesn't know it. Well, Vinny kind had a flash of realization about that today, and he is still in shock, unable to write anything. For all he is, is my evil sock puppet. --Sioneva, aka Sionevil Vinny? Speechless? Wow!
  22. Rattrak, I enjoyed your post, ... ... and there are even those on the web who claim that I am an embodiment of Satan on earth, ... Above quotes edited for brevity. Please read the originals if you haven't already. Rattrak, I also greatly enjoyed your post, and have to agree with Vinny on this. Can't see what everyone is getting worked up about. And to be totally honest, the muggle who found the original cache could be considered the true FTF! By the way, Vinny is actually Sioneva's sock puppet, but he doesn't know it.
  23. For some reason, the TB is shown to be in Unknown Location, so the first thing you need to do is to get it into your inventory. To do this, go to the TBs page and log a 'Grab it from somewhere else'. Next go to the cache page where you left it, and post a Note. At the bottom of the 'Post a new log' page is a list titled 'Dropped off any travel bugs?' This list shows all TBs in your inventory. Highlight the bug you dropped, and then click 'Submit log entry'. Hope this helps.
  24. You need to check with the owner. It's their travel bug, so they decide what it does next. You can give them suggestions...
  25. Although I believe that only works if you load them as POIs.
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