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Everything posted by L L L

  1. A question: What year was the first year a traveller released? I also wonder what one/s is the oldest survivor/s?
  2. Thailands fem bästa öar Det finns en bit Thailand i Sverige med!
  3. Glömde länken till uppropet: http://upprop.nu/ZHNC
  4. Manifestation på Scandinavian Raceway i Anderstorp Lördagen den 23 Januari P.g.a. alla turer runt Scandinavian Raceway's tävlingstillstånd och användning ska nu Anderstorps Samhällsförening anordna en manifestation på banan. Den äger rum lördagen den 23 januari. Exakt tid är inte bestämd än. Jag återkommer så fort jag vet mer om det. Arrangemanget går ut på att så många bilar som möjligt skall delta i en "cruising" runt banan. Media är inbjuden... Tycker detta är en självklar grej att åka på! Berätta för så många som möjligt nu så vi kan visa att bilfolket vill ha kvar motorbanan! Ny info: Den 23 januari kl 13.00 är ni välkomna till Anderstorp Motorbana för att vara med andra motorintresserade och köra runt banan max 30km/h , målet är att ha minst 500 bilar ute samtidigt vilket vi hoppas på men hellst 2500 bilar för då fyller vi banan ordentligt , TV4 kommer och gör ett reportage om detta för att visa i TV . Sprid detta till alla ni känner och hoppas att du/ni kommer för att visa erat stöd för banan Mer info här: http://www.garaget.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=164298
  5. Okay. I accept that, even though I sign every post with "Elle". But, hey, maybe there are guys named Elle. Who knows. But I am a huge history nerd. I guess we could talk about whether geekitude and other nerdisms are default male. - Elle We could, but it would have to be discussed in the Geek/Nerd forums, as it would be off topic in the GeoCaching Forums. This was fun to read! 1. Go geocaching with a girl that is afraid of all kinds of small and creepy animals is very amusing! All that noice and jumping around before she digs out the cache....... 2 I read somewhere that a man think in a straigt line and a woman in circles, Who's cache is most fun to hunt? 3 A wise (?) man once said: Women ara amazing, You can't live with them and you can't live without them I should bee the last one to speak about avatar but, the bowtie and that hat makes the poor dinosaur look's a lot like Blondies husband when he has'nt eatin for the last ten minutes
  6. Don't laugh! (too much) This is my geocache hunting car. She, my woodenshoes and my crutch has taken me to over 100 caches in south Sweden now. The only modification to the car is steel rims with higher profile tires. Ok I'm saving up money to by me a mitsu pajero or a suziki vitara. I put in a road picture taken from the sunroof
  7. I use mapsend lite that you can download at magellan homepage Step one: download a pocket qeary to your computer, unzip it. Then go to mapsend program Gps contents/geocaching open the control center. it appears to the right klick on open file choose pc hard drive DONT choose the file xxxxxxx-wpts after it has opened you can save directly on the 210 as My pocket.gs Remember that the 210 can't read gpx-files they have to be converted to gs. the xxxxxx-wpts can be used in a palm pocket pc software can be dowloaded at Groundspeak. I learned to do this on the premium member page in my account. The long way is to choose the nearest cachees to you home coordinates and download the gpx-file for every cache of interest. Then mark every one and open them in mapsend. save as My trail.gs. i did it this way before a came premium member. At last dont choose more than 200 caches 210 cant work with more
  8. L L L

    New Tb Design

    No. We're talking twice as much as one tag. An acid etch and fill for each tag is pretty expensive. Good ideas about bolding. I also considered the cache to cache text replacing place to place. I'd prefer place to place but I wanted folks to understand it is supposed to move and not kept. It seemed obvious in "do not keep me" but I wanted to stress it more. Why acid etch? Use laser engraving instead, it's must be cheaper
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