The Colorado 400t is the best GPS for geocaching! I love it! I spent the day yesterday putting the unit to the test and it comes up 5 stars out of 5! First, I downloaded all the caches in a 10 mile radius from the website to my GPS. The caches show up with appropriate icons on my GPS map. Then I just started working thru the caches one after another. If you start with the closest cache (and yes, the unit will show you which one is closest), you can access all the same info about the cache on your GPS that you can access on website (i.e., description, hints, coordinates, logs). And, my favorite part, is you can "log" your success. After you "log" the cache find on the GPS, you can choose the option to go to the next closest geocache. I was able to "power cache" my way through six caches yesterday in a 5 mile radius.