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Posts posted by bobbarley
Please vote for me.
Editted to say "my avatar is not showing up though!"
Editted again to say "oh there it is. I had to register"
I've been thinking again about the 'drilling a drain hole in the knothole of the tree' ... is it possible that drilling a drain hole could be beneficial to the tree. The primordial soup that collects in the knothole could fester into something that could kill the tree. Just thinking out loud ... Any treeologist out there?
A tree can survive with its whole inside rotten as that is not living. The layer between bark and core is the living part and drilling a hole into this part could cause introduction of fungi or insects. While I dont condone the hooks or nails they would seal there own hole. You can sterilize any nail with gas line antifreeze or bleach.
Beware of rope around any tree as the tree needs room to grow. Tightly tied rope could cut into that living layer and strangel the tree as it grows.
I would like to suggest a bulking material like neoprene or such around the container that would allow a tight fit and keep out some moisture.
Of all the units I have tried (probably 12) I am happy with my garmin Map76. Its big but I am OK with that. Big buttons big screen means easier with with my big hands and gloves. I would lose my mind if I had to use one of those track point click thingys.
When one group says that we have to walk light so we can hear the birds only and not see another footprint, these are from people who can carry 65 lb over a 10 mile hike and think nothing of it. So sure, they don't want anyone updertting their serenity.
It doesn't have to be all or nothing - either way.
A person who preserves the wilderness for their own use (whether for hiking, ATV or other) is selfish not an environmentalist. The wilderness should be protected because it has value not for what it can do for us (humankind) but in and of itself. In environmental cirlces it is called "intrinsic" value.
How a person travels through the 'wilderness' shows what they value. Do you see the trees between you and the cache as an obstacle that must be conquered or removed, a challenge that is part of the game, the home of birds and animals or a miraculous part of creation/evolution/mother earth that should be respected and protected?
Changing others values, especially through a online forum is probably impossible. Changing yourself is alot easier.
The forest covers your tracks quickly. The "damage" caused by 100 hikers in a area pales in comparison to the effect of one large tree falling, ripping up a few hundred pounds of soil and rock, breaking other trees, and gouging the terrain on impact. And there are thousands of trees falling in our forests every year. Folks wring their hands about damage from off-trail hiking on National Forest lands which will be subject to timbering operations in future years. Need I say more.
The inlets of Alaska will eventually recover from the Exxon Valdez spill too. When I travel to "wild" places I would like to think that I am the first to be there and I travel ethically so that the next person will feel the same way. The impact of a single boot print on my hike is far greater than a large tree falling over.
Geocaching encourages people to travel a narrow path to a specific location. Techniques exist to minimize your impact both on nature and other visitor's experiences. Why wouldn't you at least try?
The big picture is that the social trails are not permanent and become over grown and disappear back into the surroundings with a season of growth.The big picture is that not all environments recover as well as you ideal. As little as 2-10 people walking on the same spot in a high alpine environment in one season leaves a trail that would take hundreds of years to recover. That only if there is no erosion that follows. But hey, you've logged that cache and aren't coming back so why should you care?
I've hiked on the Tundra on North Slope of Alaska in ANWAR and In the Deserts of Arizona. 10,000 years of Inuits hunting and hiking didn't do much for damage. A vehicle driven on a joy ride on the other hand does leave a trail. Since we are talking hiking I'm going to dismiss your claim. If you are talking vehicles that's different.The desert...I don't have as much experience but again you have 10,000 years of Indians...and again we are talking hiking, not Pre-Runners.
Lastly Leave No Trace in part compromises their own position due to politics. It's up to you to figure out which part. I found it interesting though when I did some digging that rather than do the true right thing, they chose the socially acceptable plan b which is worse. I'll admit that Leave No Trace, overall does try to promote what we are saying the average geocacher who is willing to bushwack already does.
Some parks and wild areas experience more visitation in one year than the total historic population of first peoples. Look around and you will see impact on the landscape left from hundreds of years of visitors. Tipi rings and bison kill sites, wagon ruts and ghost towns. You can dismiss my claim and ignore whats around you, its your choice. You can choose to walk lightly or not.
Renegade Knight, your last paragraph is confusing. Try not to speak in vague generalities without some coroborating facts. The average geocacher may not want to be lumped in with your statement.
Canadian Kilts don't exist. Brrr!
Except for Nova Scotia.
Oh there is a few people around Canada that drag out their kilts once and a while. Nova Scotia more often than the rest. I even saw a guy in Walmart the other day but I am pretty sure his was a skirt. It was a burgundy number with ruffles accented with fur trimmed combat boots and he was near the case holding the GPSs but I am sure that doesnt count.
I am ukranian and honestly I wouldn't be caught dead caching in traditional garb.
A friend of mine was helping a buddy the other day and noticed that when they brought their units together both started showing WAAS. Otherwise nothing. Their units were a Lowrance and a Magellan.
Any suggestions as to why this was happening? Is it good or bad to have two units close to each other?
I got Flintstones season 4. Oh wait thats not cache related. Sorry.
I took my two kids (2 and 6) to the south pole the other night for a cache.
I really like the Rite in the Rain Notebooks from the Groundpeak Store.
(Hey do I get and endorsement fee for this)
Rite in the Rain make all types of field notebooks. I am sure one would suit your desire.
A couple of statements have bothered me so far.
how do sand trails hurt the environmentand
When you look at the "big picture" it's kinda silly to trip the light fantastic around a bunch of dirt and plants.The leading authority on low/no impact wilderness travel is the Leave No Trace Organization. Should be required knowledge and practice for anyone travelling in the places we want to protect. Leave No Trace
Deserts and the far north are among the most fragile ecosystems because they are slow growing and take extremely long to repair that "sand trail". The big picture is that geocaching willy nilly as you stare at your receiver damages the shrinking wild spaces left that we value.
But hey if you are really into urban micros then "pave paradise and put up a parking lot". With none of those pesky national parks then we don't have to worry about being banned from them. (end sarcasm)
Everyone should do all they can to protect places like Whiskeytown Falls. Not cordon them off but preserve in original condition while we enjoy them.
Canadian Kilts don't exist. Brrr!
Being Canadian, I carry the biggest Pool Noodle the law will allow.
Minutes later, the crow was defiantly tugging on a full size skillet.
The crow/raven/ magpie family are among the smartest birds on the planet. They have been taught trick, words and have been observed using tools in the wild. I have also seen carcasses of deer spread all over the place as coyotes fight over it. Many animals will also take things away to work on opening them (rodents).
I always blame the beavers.
Depends on what your are doing with the compass. Orienteering, travelling, surveying or just occaisional geocahcing use? Look into many different types and learn what the features of each do. Don't be out with the wrong tool. Basic baseplate compasses generally do not have an adjustment for declination(difference between true and magnetic north)critical for map navigation. Some don't even have the right scales along their edge for the maps you have. For fairly precise travel in wild areas you should have a sighting compass and KNOW how to use it. I teach kids basic orienteering with baseplate compasses. I guide trips with a mirror sighting compass.
Sorry, I can't help. I'm in SK
What a confusing mess! How about metric.... or is that another thread?
I have read this forum top to bottom and I am very impressed with the attempt at making a difficult activity accesible. I went back and updated my older caches to reflect the new guidelines. Perhaps a email to all hiders to update listings would also clarify the situation.
I don't know if anybody would ever spend the money but how do Pelican boxes hold up to extended weathering?
I am going to buy one of thesefor my camera while canoeing though.
Are they all in Ontario?
Thanks for all the quick replies. I hope I wouldn't get beaten with an ammo can but it was inevitable. I am also a big fan of them. I was just inquiring about other types.
Just a note, nothing is waterproof. Many things come darn close but eventually everything will leak given time and circumstance. Even the hallowed ammo can.(end blasphemy)
I am aware of the waywarking site and section. Will Geomatics Canada use this info to track destroyed stations and improve scaled measurements? Or are we just posting a bazillion logs and pictures for naught?
I am hoping for a system more like the states where finding and logging uninteresting benchmarks serves some purpose.
I tried doing a search but that feature doesn't seem to work for me right now. I looked manually but most discussions revolve around the ammo can.
My question is, has anyone has tried this product and what have been the results?
They even come already cammoed! They are lockable too.
I can buy one locally for 15 bucks (canadian).
But do they hold up?
1 dog, 14 cats
Holy cow, thats alot of cats. Arent you supposed to be a recluse with that many!
I have ONE cat, an abyssinian, that I am happy that it still moves much less geocaches.
Ftf Certificates
in General geocaching topics
I too am interested in FTF Certs. Does anyone have a template?