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Posts posted by linguistkris

  1. What an interesting discussion! I'm so glad I am not alone with the dilemma. I would have thought my being uncomfortable with or frustrated by long searches was just about being me a newbie and needing to learn more about good hiding places and how to look unsuspicious while searching, but now I get the impression that that isn't all of it.

    I've had a few searches when the searching was a satisfying process and I was glad I had to poke around a good while before finding the cache, but there were a few others that made me uncomfortable or irritated me, even when they were successful (and much more so if they weren't). But having seen this discussion now I feel that it's perfectly legitimate to go caching for other reasons than just the find. It's certainly true I have a lot of learning yet ahead of me, but being led to discover pretty and interesting places and having a few more good walks is good enough in itself.

  2. Schau mal unter: Link




    Oh klasse, vielen Dank für den Tipp!


    Ich persönlich finde es auch toll, sich gemeinsam den Kopf zu zerbrechen; wenn mal kein wirkliches Waldwetter ist, setzen wir uns gemütlich mit 'ner Tasse Tee hin und brainstormen über verlockende Mysteries. Ich halte mich aber auch eher für den (Klein-)Rudeltyp.

  3. I find the Windows App to be far more intuitive and easy to use than the Android App.


    I'm so glad you said that. I was finding the first few days with the WP App rather difficult and asked a friend to talk me through it, but she uses Android and didn't recognise much either. I concluded that WP was worse/more difficult (as one sort of comes to expect with shoddily programmed or under-supported WP Apps, if they exist at all), but maybe it really only took some getting used to. I'm feeling I might be getting the hang of it two weeks or so into it.

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