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Everything posted by crockett3663

  1. http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=210117 There are some good descriptions and photos of what people put in their bags. It's really a bit of common sense (compass in case your batteries go dead, cell phone in case you get into a sticky situation and need to call for help for any reason, first aid kit, etc.) and whatever items you might need that might be germain to your geographical area.
  2. Outstanding!! The pictures in the log alone make this worth the look. Thanks for posting it Kit!!
  3. I guess I hadn't thought of GE or Terra for assistance. I rarely use GE and have never even heard of Terra until just now. I'm not even sure if I rember how to use GE to be honest with you. I suppose I could look into it and give it a try. I just thought there might be some locals in Cali that might be willing to lend a hand, that's all. And no...I'm not worried about former family members popping up as cachers. From what I know being a "Fmily buff", virtually all of the truly dangerous members have been imprisoned for many years with no fear from the general public of them getting out. In fact, during the program last night, several of the former family members were interviewed and have steadfastly denounced Charlie and his "teachings", so I think I'd be OK if I ever DID make it out there, but I do appreciate your concern.
  4. Last night on TV, I saw a program about Charles Manson and his family. Supposedly he and his "gang" commited far more murders that just the 7 Tate/LaBianca murders we've all become familiar with. I've seen the movie "Helter Skelter" and read the book more than once. I guess you could say I'm a bit of a Manson Family "buff". Anyway, during this show, investigators went out to the location of the old Spahn Movie Ranch outside of L.A. to follow up on a lead that some of Charlie's lesser known victims might be buried out there. They also went to the Barker Ranch, way out in Death Valley, to another of the Family's hideouts. Amazingly, some of the same buildings that Charlie and the family lived in are still out there. They were shown during the program, and inside some of the buildings were notes that curiosity seekers have "left" for Charlie and the Family. It got me to thinking, I wonder if any of these curiousity seekers might be fellow cachers who may have hidden some caches in the area. I know that the Spahn Movie Ranch was located on Santa Susana Pass Rd. I also know that the Barker Ranch is nestled in the Panamint Mountain Range. If there are any southern California cachers out there who might know these areas well and might be able to identify any possible caches out in those areas, I'd like to be able to read about them. I'm not planning a trip to California anytime in the future, but it might be kinda cool to read about them. I know...I guess I'm a little macabre. Forgive me...
  5. I'm a member of the Wisconsin Geocaching Association, and we're proud to say that we have a large contingent of female cachers. In fact, we have multiple women currently serving on our Board of Directors. I actually learned how to cache by at least two of those same women.
  6. I'm still fairly new around here, but I became a premium member the first day, because I knew that in order to download caches I needed to be, and I'm just too dadgum lazy to sit there and enter them all by hand. Now, if you ask me, I think that is a bit of an elitist thing, but it's still something I'm willing to put up with in order to make it easier on me...understand? I mean, the easiest way to download is to: A) Go out and buy a Garmin (which you're pretty much forced to do) Pay $30 for a membership (WAY cheaper than a single round of golf, my other passion) C) Install software and drivers, and start downloading So like I said, I think everyone should be allowed to easily download caches, regardless of membership type, or brand of GPS, but I don't make those decisions. So if I want to participate, I gotta do what I gotta do. Now I know this has gotten off of the topic at hand, but I think the real rant here by the OP has nothing to do with PMO caches, but rather the fact that he feels he's being forced to pay up for a premium membership, and (depending on what you want to accomplish) that is simply not the case. What I'm saying is that we all have CHOICES to make. You can: CHOOSE to get into geocaching CHOOSE your brand of GPS CHOOSE whether or not you want to become a "premie" Aside from wanting to have easy downloads and access to MOCs, you can choose to stick with your Magellan or TomTom or whatever you have, and you can choose to keep that $30 in your pocket. It's all up to you. There are 10s of thousands of caches out there in the world...are you really going to let yourself get all bent out of shape just because there are a few that are accessible only to those of us who CHOOSE to pay for the experience? I think you need to get over yourself and your own attitudes that there are "elitists" within our ranks, because in the short time I've been here, that certaily does not seem true to me.
  7. OK, I feel like an idiot. I've been caching for almost a year now, and yet today I'm stumped by a piece of terminology from this thread. Just what is a "LPC"?? I hopped over to the "Glossary of Terms" in an attempt to find the answer myself, but there was no listing under those letters in the Glossary. Someone want to give me an explanation?
  8. Go to your local hardware or big box store and pick up some copper tubing insulation. It's usually black and made of foam rubber. You can measure out and cut the length that you need. Then, to install it on your hiking staff, take a utility knife and slice it length-wise, so that when cut it looks like the letter "C" from the end. Wrap it around the staff and secure it with regular black electrical tape. It will protect you from blisters and also serve as a bit of a shock absorber for the palm of your hand.
  9. My whole reason for getting into this hobby was to spend more time with my son, who just recently turned 10. He and I have always had a bit of a tumultuous relationship, and I was desperately looking for something that we both could do that would keep his interest. I tried fishing years ago, but he just didn't have the patience. But he would always be out in the yard or at the park and finding "treasures": interesting looking rocks, a stick with a peculiar shape to it, etc. It dawned on me that he liked "treasure hunting" so I started Googling ideas and came across caching. I asked him if he'd like to try something like that, and he was all for it. So we attended a "Geocaching 101" class last year and learned how to go about it. Right after the class, we headed to the local Cabela's store and loaded up on gear: a new GPS, back pack, walking sticks, first aid kit, compass, etc., and dove into it hardcore. We've been out several times, although we've been taking the winter off. We haven't hidden our first cache yet, because I wanted to find a few and learn before I felt that I "knew" what I was doing. Last Fall we scoped out a location near our home, and I ordered some lock-n-lock containers from www.geocaching.com. Once the Spring thaw is sufficient, we will set about making our first "hide". When you're setting out with your little one, just be sure to focus on caches that are marked as "kid friendly" and are no smaller than "small" in size. "Regular" is even better. Those are usually tupperware containers, coffee cans, or ammo boxes loaded with kids toys. Letting her "find" the cache is also an excellent idea. There's nothing more frustrating for a kid than to have an older sibling or parent getting all the credit, so if you spot it first, encourage them to "look over there", pointing to where you know the cache is. My son is even coming around to finding micros. He loves whipping out his own multi-tool pliers to retrieve the log sheet from the container, so I always let him...anything to help him keep his interest. You've discovered a great family fun activity which not only brings families closer together, but also gets them out and being active, instead of sitting inside playing video games and putting on weight. They can also gain alot from seeing parts of their surroundings from different angles and discovering places they never knew were there. As far as I'm concerened, there is NOTHING negative that can come from family caching. Keep doing what you're doing and happy hunting to you!!
  10. If you're not too good with written instructions and are better with the hands on stuff like I am, another avenue you might want to try is to see if there are any caching organizations in your local area. From time to time organizations like that will hold classes for beginners, usually called "Geocaching 101" or "Intro to Geocaching". At those classes, experienced cachers (with every kind of GPS imaginable) will show you how to go about using your Magellan both with your PC and out in the field. Pair up with one of them and they can walk you through the whole process. I took one of those classes with my 9 yr ols son last year, and it was invaluable.
  11. Do you have a more localized caching association? If so, that might be a better place to ask. I know here in Wisconsin, where we have the Wisconsin Geocaching Association, many of the park directors both for the state as well as locally are all very familiar with the geocaching hobby, and are very receptive to caches being placed within their parks...as long as the rules of both the park's and the geocaching sport are being adhered to. In fact, many of the parks directors are on a first name basis with some of our more frequent hiders, so there should be no need to feel intimidated by those around the Denver area, either.
  12. multiple posts...disregard
  13. multiple posts...disregard
  14. As a general rule, stay away from automotive type places. They generally just deal in the dash mount types that are geared more toward road navagation. Instead, check out the sporting goods stores in your area. Places like Cabela's, Sportsman's Warehouse, Gander Moutain, and Bass Pro Shops are more likely to carry the handheld types more suited for caching. There is a Cabela's store just 15 minutes from my house, and that's where I purchased my Garmin 60CXs. You can also find good deals if you have an account at Craigslist or Ebay as well. Just make sure that the person you're buying from has a reputable rating.
  15. Here's what you do: 1) Go to www.geocaching.com 2) On the far left side of the screen, click on "My Account" 3) On the far RIGHT of the NEXT screen, click on "Update Home Coordinates" Power up your GPS and wait for it to find a satellite. Once it does, enter the coordinates shown. My home coordinates will bring me back to right here in front of my PC if I ever get lost. That should take care of it for you.
  16. To answer your last question, yes...if you click on "Auto-Renew", it will automatically renew your member ship after the first three months provided that you don't cancel ahead of time. My best advice is to just go for the full year and then not worry about it. Let's face it, it's not like you're going to be able to stop caching after three months anyway!! By then you'll be hooked!!
  17. Desertrver, thanks for an uplifting story. It's refreshing to see a couple your age getting out and being so active. Don't take this the wrong way, but most couples, when they reach their 60s, are either physically unable or have no desire to attempt something so physical. I think most are content to spend their days relaxing on their deck, or sitting at the nearest casino gambling their retirement away. Count your blessings that you and your wife are still able to get out and enjoy an active lifestyle. I'm just a month away from my 46th birthday, so I've got another 20 years before I reach the point where you are at right now. I had a quintuple bypass two years ago, and still struggle with my weight. When I read stories like yours, I wonder if I'll be lucky enough to physically pursue this hobby when I reach your age. Keep it up and thanks again for a great story. Happy caching!!
  18. Welcome to the obsession!! I could be wrong, but I think it's pretty rare for a caching team to allow a total stranger to join their ranks. Most typical caching teams are comprised of families, neighbors, co-workers, fellow students, etc. Usually, only after individual members are able to meet and greet other members do they join up in a true caching team. I have seen teams hook up together for a day of caching here and there, but when the time comes to log their finds, both teams log them individually. You'll observe this as you continue to hunt and check out other cachers' log entries.
  19. No harm, no foul...the day that geocaching gets so anal that we have to fight over who in a group gets to log a find is the day I get out of the hobby!! If you're hunting with friends who have GC accounts, everyone can log the find as long as they were present.
  20. I forget if I read about it on this site or a more localized one that I hang out on, but just this week I remember reading about how someone came across a package of condoms in a cache. That is the most "adult" thing I've ever heard of. The parent quickly pocketed the find and tossed it in the trash as soon as they could, and the kids were never the wiser. Anyone who knowingly puts any "adult" content within a cache should be booted from the hobby immediately, although I know there is no way to police that kind of activity. Just wishful thinking I guess.
  21. Well, the problem I had with the snake incident is that the guy literally ran over and grabbed it, with no display of fear or caution. That's fine if you're experienced in handling wild animals as he claims to be, but in this instance I think the more correct way to demonstrate it for John Q. Public is to either proceed with extreme caution or do your best to avoid contact altogether. Granted, there has to be some leeway for good ol' common sense, but my fear is that if a child sees the host do that, he/she might be tempted to follow suit when they're out in the woods hunting with mom and dad. Sometimes even mom and dad aren't quick enough to stop an eager child.
  22. Welcome to the fray, Water Rats!!
  23. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll have to go back and watch it again to catch that. I'd be curious to ask him just how literally he meant that. When I bushwhack, I try to not to harm as much of the ground cover as possible, but it's pretty inevitable that I'm going to step on and break a vine or branch along the way. However, as long as you're not deliberately cutting down vegetation at will, I think you're OK.
  24. I agree 100%. In fact, I hopped over to the "Topics" page, where just two days ago a video clip of a show called "Geo Man" was put up for critique. I mentioned in my last post there (made just minutes ago) that THIS is an example of what a proper geocaching show should look like, not that poorly executed piece that THEY were showing. I like HeadHardHat's idea MUCH better.
  25. Now THIS is what a geocaching TV show should look like!! Exciting - you never knew what was around the next corner Educational - showing different cache containers and hiding spots No buffoonery - like heading out into the woods with weak batteries No cursing - not necessary if you're going to be showing it to kids Check it out:
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