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Posts posted by rwsmith123
Battery strength was strong on both units. Regardless of where #10 was (I'm not certain), it was in the same location for both units, and one locked on immediately. And this is just one example.
My guess is that one unit got a lock on #10 when you were at a different location and when you were looking at both you were in an unfavorable location so the second unit was having problems locking on to it, the other unit already had a lock on it and was able to maintain it.
Clearly a case of "One test is worth One-thousand expert opinions!!!"I tested a 400t at REI today and it was able to read my 4GB SDHC card (I was able to display pictures from the 400t's picture viewer that I had stored on the card). So it seems that SDHC is not a problem, and if it can use a 4GB SDHC card chances are that it can use bigger cards as well.This points to the fact that to date, people have been talking to tech reps, translation salesmen. No one has been talking to factory engineers who actually designed the Colorado.
Lots of devices can use the bottom 2GB of an hd card - its that top 2GB that may or may not work - I stick with the tech notes that say hd cards shouldn't be used.
That's not what I've heard. From wiki:
SD and SDHC compatibility issues
As of early 2007, the simultaneous availability of non-standard 4 GB SD and 4 GB SDHC cards, and incompatibilities between SD and SDHC have caused confusion among consumers buying memory devices.
SD and SDHC cards and devices have these compatibility issues :
* Devices that do not specifically support SDHC do not recognize SDHC memory cards.
Here is what I was told today. The Garmin Techies had just come out of a Colorado meeting.
1) Memory cards: Max 4GB SD. This is not a micro SD and the Colorado does not currently support SDHC. Future versions may be able to support SDHC.
I tested a 400t at REI today and it was able to read my 4GB SDHC card (I was able to display pictures from the 400t's picture viewer that I had stored on the card). So it seems that SDHC is not a problem, and if it can use a 4GB SDHC card chances are that it can use bigger cards as well.
I'm guessing the boot up is loading the maps just like a nuvi. Does the 300 also take 40 seconds to boot?
I'll see if I can turn off the maps and then reboot to see. It does say "Loading Maps..." for quite a while during start up.
Probably because the map contains over 6000 segments. Another reason to come out with a topo map with a reasonable number of segments.
It appears that the City Navigator NT1 maps will have DEM info embedded in them so if you want 3d street maps you'll want to wait until those maps become available.
The format of the NT type maps require that the routing data is always sent. For non NT maps you can choose to send it or not.
I doubt that you can change the id of an SD card.
When you buy a card with preloaded maps that are locked, there are two files on the card. One file is gmapsupp.img which contains all the maps, and gmapsupp.unl which contains the unlock code which is based on the pid & fid of the map and the id of the card. If you have a gps with preloaded maps such as a nuvi, the same applies except the files are gmapprom.img and gmapprom.unl.
You can use a program called gmaptool to extract the individual .img files from the gmapsupp.img or gmapprom.img file so that you can use MapSource with the map. The maps are still locked so you can't load them to another gps without entering a proper unlock key into mapsource. So you can use MapSource to plan a route.
If you have a gps with preloaded maps you can contact Garmin and get the maps on DVD to use on the computer. However this can depend on the rep you talk to, most will send you the DVD for free, some may want to charge a small fee (around $15), and some may even say you can't get the DVD at all. So depending on the answer you get you may want to just call back. Getting the DVD is preferred over dissecting the gmapprom.img file since it is easier and by dissecting the gmapprom.img file you can't reconstruct the _mdr.img file which means that you'll lose the ability to search for addresses.
I know it's probably way too early to tell, but I wonder if the 24k topo maps will work on the new Colorado 400t. Particularly, I wonder if the 3d view will work...
I got the 60CSx when it first came out, and have been very happy with it, but this series seems to have some very intriguing new features.
It should give a 3d view for any map that has DEM info, that would include US Topo 2008, Topo 24k national parks v3 (v2 doesn't have DEM info), and a few 3rd party European maps.
I've created a cookbook on how-to create custom alerts & TourGuides on a Garmin GPS. The TourGuide alerts are particularly interesting because they alert you to proximity to a coordinate regardless of being on the same road as you are on... true straight-line proximity.
Nice guide.
I haven't done a formal test, but the nuvi 760 seems to give an alert for proximity points even when not on the same road as the point. It will also crash if you turn it on and you are within the proximity of a tourguide point.
Thank you - I've been trying to get this to work with Garmin Mobile XT but not having much luck. Maybe something that it just can't handle yet, but your "cookbook" will help me find out!I've created a cookbook on how-to create custom alerts & TourGuides on a Garmin GPS. The TourGuide alerts are particularly interesting because they alert you to proximity to a coordinate regardless of being on the same road as you are on... true straight-line proximity.GMXT, at least the palm version doesn't support custom sound for custom POI's. It also doesn't support pictures linked to custom POI's.
So just to verify, the stripped DEM maps will still have the contour data so you still have a ballpark elevation, it just won't have the exact elevation at each point?
I'm might be bored enough to make all those files for topo 2008....
Currently the program won't work with the Topo 2008 maps, I have to modifiy it to work. I'll post here when I have a new version.
300 versus 400t:
When I select all of US Topo 2008 in MapSource instead of getting the number of maps and the size I get the message "The map set is larger than 4GB" in red. Since my largest SD card is 4GB I can't test to see if it will generate the map or not. So it might not be possible to load all of US Topo 2008 onto an SD card to use with the 300. Something to consider...
You can easily exceed 2025 limit using "GmapTool v0.21". This program helps join different *.img files generated by Mapsource.
Collect all *.img files with 2025 limit, generated by Mapsource in one folder (must have different names). Insert to folder gmaptool program. In windows command shell execute sth like this:
gmaptool -jo gmapsupp.img *.img
Copy gmapsupp.img to "Garmin" folder in your SD card of your GPS.
Program can be downloaded from (the manual in english is included inside zip folder):
cheers! a.
gmaptool won't solve the problem. The problem isn't that you can't create a mapset with more than 2025 map segments, it's that the 60CSx won't be able to use more than the first 2025 segments in the mapset.
Will there be any performance related issues on GPS unit when map(s) are combined to one larger map?
A lot more calculations done internally?
There will be no performance related issues.
Hi Anders,
It looks like from the gpsmagazine review that they eliminated the POI categories such as "Food & Drink", "Lodging", "Attractions", etc. and just lump them all together, is that true?
Notice the warning against 4GB SD on the homepage of the SD Card Aassociation, who maintains the specicification:
I don't know if the 60CSx can handle cards larger than 2GB or not, but even if it can there is a 2GB limit on the file size for the FAT32 file system.
I was wrong, there isn't a 2GB file limit for FAT32. I was able to create a 2.5GB mapset on a 4GB SDHC card and use it in a Nuvi 760.
Notice the warning against 4GB SD on the homepage of the SD Card Aassociation, who maintains the specicification:
I don't know if the 60CSx can handle cards larger than 2GB or not, but even if it can there is a 2GB limit on the file size for the FAT32 file system.
Do any of the handheld GPS units offer the ability to connect to an external monitor for displaying the screen? This would be similar in concept to hooking up a laptop to a large LCD TV. Specifically, I will be installing a 5” or 7” monitor and backup camera system and I was thinking it would be great if the GPS could be displayed through the monitor as well.
Not a handheld unit, but there is this:
I am extremely impressed with the choice of lines, points and polygons avaialble for use in GPSMapEdit. I have been applying them to vector mapping data that I eventually load into my Garmin Legend HCx via cGPSmapper and Img2gps very successfully.
I have three queries arising, however:
1. Neither of the two urban area polygon styles I have tried display at all in my Garmin, yet something like City parks displays perfectly, with any line or point features appearing on top. I should have thought urban areas would have worked in the same way.
2. I am surprised that there is no symbol for a railway (railroad) station. I should have thought that would be an important feature so far as locating in GIS is concerned.
3. I should like to have the facility to load a grid or graticule for referencing and identification purposes (this would be an outlined transparent polygon file, with a grid reference attribute for each square).
I should appreciate any observations or advice.
1) Some Garmin units have an option to display urban areas or not. I don't know if the HCx has that option or not, if so it could be turned off.
2) If you use a .typ file with your maps you can change how points, polylines, and polygons appear for the map. So you could use feature point type 0x6417 (manmade place, other) for the railroad station, and customzie the icon that's displayed for that type with a .typ file).
3) There aren't any transparent polygons in the traditional sense, best way would be to use polylines to make a grid, again you could use a .typ file to control how the lines look, you could make them a very light grey so they don't stick out too much.
Ok, so I have unlocked the software with my 60CSx with Mapsource.
I selected the map I wanted to send to the GPS but why is '[ ] Include reoute calculation date." greyed out?
or does it even matter for City Navigator series of maps?
For non-NT versions of City Navigator you have the choice of sending routing data or not, for the NT versions you don't have a choice, routing data is always sent.
Despite putting a 4 Gg mini card in the 60 , I am still limited to the amout of the U.S. I can load onto this baby. Wasn't there someone who had figured out how to redesign the mapping program by Garmin to allow full US mapping? This limitation is really bugging me... Any help would be great.
I assume you are talking about the topo maps since there shouldn't be any issue about loading all of City Navigator maps:
I was shuffling things around to salvage some disk space and in the process lost my CNNA7.img file. Now MapSource won't even start and I lost my CNNA7 disk in a move.
Could anyone send their CNNA7.img file to ejnewman at gmail dot com? I still have all the files for the detailed map sections, CNNA7.tdb, and CNNA7.mdx; I'm only missing that one img file.
If no one sends you the file, let me know and I'll walk you through the process of generating a new one.
I did a search from the United States Patent and Trademark Office website and don't see where they have registered a trademark for "GeoCalc", just "The Geographic Calculator".
I want a streetpilot 2xxx in the nuvi widescreen form factor with high sensitivity chipset!!!
HOW-TO: Garmin Alerts & TourGuides
in GPS technology and devices
With the palm version of GMXT I still get an alert (some beeps) instead of my custom sound for proximity waypoints. The same for a tourguide point, instead of the audio portion it just beeps.