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Posts posted by avroair
Please remember events have to be 100 miles apart to have a unique version and these are for events only, not web stores.
Very cool. One of each please!
Love that it's trackable!
Very nice!
The coin looks great, Avroair. Is there a list of multi-event locations?
Not that I'm aware of, I'm not holding an event, and I didn't organize this. I have a list of locations, or at least the ones I know about:
New York
Ontario, Canada
South Bohemia
New Zealand
Manchester UK
Boise, ID
Cologne, Germany
I think there's another thread for them with photos.
That's right! 10 unique trackables for $25.00, none are duplicated. They make great travelers and each has a unique icon. Shipping is $6.00 for North America and $10.00 outside North America. There are NO micro geocoins, just trackable tags with an icon.
I have 15 packages ready to go, first come first served, email me through my profile if interested! Did I mention they make great travelers? Or door prizes for events? Or cheap additions to travel bug races? The packages are already made up so I don't have an exact inventory of each one. No pm's please.
Here's an FAQ:
A gallery of previous multi-event coins can be seen: Here. B0tl's coins
What is a multi-event?
A multi-event is a group of event locations that share the same theme and geocoin (with the same icon).
Who can host an 11-11-11 Multi-event?
Anyone! An individual, geoaching organization or group.
Are there any restrictions on where I can host my event?
The event format is totally up to you. The only rule is that events that don't share the same color combination be more than 100 miles apart. Two events with the same color/metal combination have no distance restrictions.
What if two people would like to do an event but they live within 100 miles?
Avroair stays out of regional disputes. I would suggest the two hosts work together on the same coin or find some other solution amicably. Preference will be given to a veteran event host over new host if parties can't agree. Options such as sharing a coin, moving events further apart or dropping one event have worked in the past.
Who designs the coins?
Avroair, although the design is posted in the forums and critiqued by the other hosts. The design is meant to be versatile so that many color and metal combinations are available. The coins are trackable at GC.com and have a custom icon shared by all the versions. Avroair is open to other people's designs.
What can I customize (what will make my coin unique)?
There are two main options:
1. Choice of metal finish (antiquing adds to the cost)
2. Choice of color enamel fills. The color options include sub-options like glitter, glow, translucent and pearl enamels. Some of these options add to the costs to the coin.
What's the minimum order size?
Minimum order is generally 50 coins. But there is a price break for ordering 100 coins. There is also a 25 coin buy back program where you can opt to have the vendor sell them for you. This is available before you get your coins.
How much do the coins cost?
Depends on what options you use. But typically starts at $6.00 per coin. The hosts decide on the retail price as a group. The 12-12-12 coin will probably be large and intricate.
How do I pick colors, metal and enamels?
Avroair will provide a 'color by numbers' outline of the coin artwork used for picking colors and enamels.
What happens if two hosts submit exact or similar colors?
The host who handed in their colors second will be asked to alter their colors.
Will we see mint artwork?
Yes, you will have a chance to approve mint artwork to make sure colors are correctly chosen. But there is no opportunity to change your colors at that stage, just confirm they are correct.
Will we get a sample?
Only if time permits and we only do samples of the first 2-4 coins submitted.
When will the coins be delivered?
Two weeks before your event. You will get a shipping notice when this happens.
How much is shipping?
Depends based on whether you are an international event host and how many coins you ordered.
How can I trade to get more of the versions?
There will be an opt in where each event host gets one of every other version that opted in. For instance if we have 40 versions, 25 hosts opt in, then 24 of your coins will be put in the opt in and you get 24 different versions, one from each event host.
Can I pre-sell the coins?
Reservations for coins is allowed, but these are event coins, they should be sold at an event.
Can I trade them before the events?
Only with other hosts. It's preferable not to have them sold on the open market before 12-12-12.
Can I buy a coin version for my shop and sell them?
No, please refrain from just commercially selling them on a website. This is an event coin, please take the time to list an event.
What should I do with extra coins after the event?
Anything you want, they are yours. Trade, sell, melt down...
List submitted, fingers crossed!
i'm now planning on a small gathering at a local ice cream shop, early evening. i do have a question though...will there be a souvenir for the gatherings that day?
ILYKNot that I know about. I haven't heard anything from Groundspeak (doesn't mean something isn't in the works though).
I know 12-21-12 is the end of the world, but what's to stop us preparing for it or partying, 9 days early! Was thinking of a Mayan themed multi-event coin for 12-12-12.
The only problem I see with a 12/21/12 coin is I KNOW there will be a 12/12/12 multi event coin and the two dates/projects would be awfully close together. Perhaps if the 12/12/12 coin is end of the world or Mayan calendar themed it could fit both bills??
That was the plan. 12-12-12 Apocalypse!
I am really happy with the way these came out. Antique Bronze is the only plating that I had made.
Very nice!! I'll be up for one/some.
Love the simplicity of it. Great job.
I like it reminds me of 5 years back in geocoins!
I can't get into the spread sheet.
I ordered mine! Please make more!! I love this collection.
What would you suggest?
Already have Cinco De Mayo, Holiday, Halloween.
I have a few Artist editions if anyone would like to trade.
The regular versions are available here:
Antique Copper, Antique Silver and Antique Gold
All on black nickel wheels.
Yes those are the three versions. I don't know the minting numbers.
Sorry for the lack of updates. The last few weeks have not been fun at work.
Status update:
The dies for the coin are in process. Custom color submission is due by December 15 (min quantity of 50). If you want a quantity of more then 10, but less then 50 a generic version will be available (color to be reviled Dec 15 – Order by Dec 30). Rumor has it that single coins will be available at a web site near you.
If you are interested in more info for a custom color, please e-mail through GC.
The Minnesota event has been published GC37EMF.
For those that have not completed the grid by the event, we are going have these flip ready to insert into the flip.
FYI the grid is also online under your geocaching stats tab. Shows all the days you are missing.
No L
in Trackables
HA! I got one of these in the mail and I had to read the No L part 5 times before it dawned on me! Nice coin and Thank You Very Much!
I wonder if the Cullen family crest and the Quileute symbols are fine then...they can't be copyright issues with things that are thousands of years old right?! I may have found my loop!
Those were the main design elements I suggested to the designer I approached with the Team Jacob/Team Edward coin. Like I said, she passed on the idea.
I think you still have to be careful. As far as I can tell the Cullen family crest was produced for Twilight, it's different than the ancestral one. As for the Quileute, you can try buying royalty free artwork. Even if something dates back 500 years, an artist who recently did their own interpretation is still copyrighted.
What's the rush? Isn't anticipation part of the fun of collecting?
Not when you get 1 ratings on shipping when it has nothing to do with you.
There are a pair of cachers in my local area who have a cache and some special swag items for streakers.
I have 8 Christmas stockings stuffed with a 5-pack of geocoins each available. No coin is repeated, all are trackable and none are micros! Some are my designs or my event coins. Some have pins with them too. $48.00 + $5.00 shipping.
Email me if interested.
I emailed him directly on November 17th and got no response. It's pretty close to the end of November now with no updates. I really don't understand why he advertises on the forums to pre-sell the coins and then won't provide updates on the forum. I'm even more frustrated that he didn't respond to a direct email since that is how he said he would prefer contact.
Maybe ping him on Facebook or something... probably just offline for the month.
in Trackables
The original cache matrix was a spinner. The stones one is a different coin.