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Posts posted by avroair

  1. can I expect anyone from the geocoin forums to want to trade with me, and how many should I plan on?

    Yes people like to trade.


    Is it common for people to want to buy instead of trade?

    Yes, more people buy than trade.


    Is it common to post a design and show it off at any stage of the minting process? I realize its probably dependent on the design, I know it would be for me.

    As long as you stick to the one coin = one thread rule you can post your artwork at any and all stages. I usually post when I have artwork drawn up from the mint or I have samples.

  2. I have the following coins for sale, first come first served. Weening out some extras.


    Shipping is $3.00 domestic and $4.00 foreign for the first coin. Add $1.00 per coin after that. Email me what you are interested in any, paypal or check. All are unactivated and trackable.



    Original Master of the Cache dragon

    Deadman's Party (antique gold v1)

    Geocoin Pendant (opening antique door) AS

    Egyptian Heart Vessel LE

    Checkmate two-tone

    North Carolina benchmark spinner

    11-11-11 North Carolina

    Voyage of Discovery Sea (gold)

    Cache Carefully Las Vegas sign

    Goonies Event Skull

    Migrations (AG)

    British Bulldog AG

    Everglades National Park gold

    Crop circle gold

    Celtic Peacock (gilded) AG

    Poraroca Endless Wave dolphins

    Fantasy butterfly

    Trade fairly or walk the plank (+ treasure map pin)



    Cache Wars II: Dark Side

    GCC club + pathtag January

    GCC club + pathtag March

    GCC club + pathtag February

    Geocoinfest South Carolina + matching proxy

    Migrations LE (AS)

    Washington State benchmark spinner

    Palenque, Aztec spinner



    Arabian Nights AE

    Deadman's Party LE (antique silver)

    Abacus counting caches AE

    Compass Rose 2007 bronze

    Compass Rose 2007 satin gold

    Cache Wars + 8 tags

    Lubeck Astronomical Clock AE

    Strasborg Astronomical Clock AE

    Space Shuttle nickel

    Geocoinfest Europe Cologne Spinner (attendee edition)



    Pink glow tranquility

  3. What? You couldn't get a bigger picture??? :laughing: Is it as heavy as we thought it would be?


    Yes! It's a hunk of metal. I showed it off at a couple of events and people were really lamenting about how coins have become so light to hold... but this baby will sink ya to down to the briny depths!


    The copper version will be available in August.

  4. So I do a King Tut event every spring at the Pyramid Ale house. This year's coin looks like this, I have a few left over if anyone wants to buy or trade for one:

    Trackable: YES

    Icon: YES

    This will also be the geoswag club coin for May. Pictured is my gold edition:





  5. So Chris Mackey has done it again! He's gone and designed a fantastic pirate themed coin for my upcoming Pirate Ships event: Pirate High Seas Adventure


    Event: Pirate High Seas Adventure

    What is it: Goblindust, Shopp99er, TTUMS and Avroair have rented two real pirate ships that were featured in the Pirates of Carribean movie. The ships set sail with 44 passengers each and will battle for 3 hours on the Puget Sound!

    The Geocoin: To commemorate the event we designed a geocoin with the help of uber pirate guru Fox and the Hound (Chris Mackey)


    Design: A skeletal pirate hand holding an intricate compass

    Trackable: YES

    Icon: UNIQUE

    Available: August, 2012


    Pictured below is the stowaway XLE, one per person for each attendee (antique gold)

    Common sale on Geoswag: Copper (not pictured)


    This is by far my most favorite Pirate geocoin to date! Sorry for the poor photos:




    The compass 3d detailing and skulls are amazing!




    How can you get one you might ask?

    1) you can wait until August

    2) you can buy one of 5 fundraising auctions on ebay, the funds will got to sponsor spots on board the ships.

    Auction #1 is here:

    Pirate High Seas Adventure auction

    3) Come to the event! It's a week after the Groundspeak Block Party!

    4) Win a cointest!

  6. The first round will be reservations, I can only imagine the angry mob that might show up at my door if someone missed out :lol:


    Any idea when you will have the reservations for these?

  7. Where can I find this coin now? It's gorgeous :D


    They were sold at geoswag.com or at the event. I'm not sure if they are sold out or not but you might watch there to see if they come up for sale again


    They are sold out. I hope they aren't reminting... it's almost April.

  8. Here is my coin idea- Shape like a holiday ornament(instead of regular round) front-celebrating the 12-12-12 with twelve written in several languages. On the back the joined hands like the Imagine Peace back with Peace written in 12 languages surrounding it.(If the Imagine Peace owner would give permission)


    It's a very cool idea and like LadyBee4T said it would make a lovely Holiday coin! I'm not sure about permissions for a group coin looking so similar to a mystery coin thing. And with over 50 versions of the 11-11-11, the coin needs to be able to be colored in SO many different ways. I'm also not sure if everyone in the group celebrates Christmas.

  9. I apologize if there is a thread on this already, but I received a package today address, by me, to me... I thought this a little odd, but when I opened it, out fell out a beautiful little Gratitude Mystery coin. Just wanted to give my sincere gratitude to the kind person who sent it, whoever you are. The coin is triangular shaped and says: Friendship Geocaching Memories on it. Such a nice gesture and something I thoroughly agree with so many great geocaching memories! The coin is trackable too! :D


    Thanks! B)





    Edited to add a photo, sorry about the poor quality:


  10. Kiss Me I'm 2.5% Irish...


    Sorry for the lousy photos...

    Trackable: YES

    Icon: YES

    Matching Pin: YES, (if you belong to the GC& PC club)


    Event = antique gold (pictured poorly)

    GC&PC Club = antique copper + pin

    Geoswag version = antique silver (available in early March)





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