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Posts posted by avroair

  1. Finally, please don't include any backsides... Need I remind you, this is a family show. Whatever artwork people do on their backsides, they do so in the privacy of their own homes... :)


    LMAO! Two front sides it is!

  2. But it's not the end of the world, it's the end of this long cycle. the mayan calendar was all about a long cycle rebirth where the world would 'change', not end.


    I do like the use of multiple languages of twelve however.


    Yeah but then I can't play REM at my event! :D I am working on a new slogan for that. And need to do some backside artwork. Any ideas for that? I have a few but can look at other options?

  3. I'm curious what everyone's opinion is to whether or not they feel geocoin interests are declining, or are collectors just becoming more selective on what coins they pursue to add to their collections?


    There's a selective element. Buying 30 coins a month isn't sustainable... you end up with thousands of $$$ worth of coins and bills to pay... I agree with Kealia that the issues surrounding coins can probably be distilled into 10 different issues that resurface every couple of years.


    Coins declining = no

    Selective buying = yes


    There's no such thing as a bad geocoin, some are just better than others. And all have a use after their shininess wears off... they can still be travelers!

  4. I was really hoping we could move away from a compass-rose-style rotationally symmetric design this time.


    It's not supposed to look like a compass rose. The Mayan calendar it has 'points' on it. A rotational symmetric design is easier to follow with color by numbers.

  5. Here is some rough artwork I had worked on a while back. It's not final, I need to add some detail to it and make sure points line up etc. The idea was that the out area would be bare metal and semi raised where as the inner area with thicker\darker lines would be fully raised with translucent coloring in those areas.


    Two possible titles:

    12-12-12 The End of the World Event

    12-12-12 The Event to End All Events



  6. Those look awesome! At $20 a piece it wouldn't leave my collection though. Have you seen the fossil geocoins by Tethy's C, he has some pretty cool ones too.


    When will there be pricing and order information?

  7. Welllllllll.... seems to ME that if it weren't for collectors coins wouldn't BE stolen. WHO's keeping the stolen coins? OR... who is the thief selling them to??? I have 4 coins. I've released all of them. I have almost NO hope that any of them will make it. I know ONE has already gone awol. I've only been caching for 2 months. My feelings are that they were MADE to travel... LET them travel.


    Sorry you are wrong. I can understand why you are hurt by people stealing your coins, it has happened to most of us. But people who buy coins for their own collection aren't the ones who steal from caches.

  8. Since They changed their price structure its become possible to forever list coins at high prices in the hopes of eventually finding that person who has to have it.


    I agree, it's the same listings over and over. At high fixed prices.

  9. I'm not willing to sell a coin for $5 when it cost me $10 five years ago.


    I guess you would call that depreciation... just like if you sold a car 5 years later you wouldn't expect to get the sticker price. When selling in bulk I would never expect to get my initial investment. If I were buying coins as an investment then see point 2 below for buying habits.


    Five points:

    1. there are less coiners than 7 years ago but the number have been stable for the past 4-5 years

    2. people are more selective and the market drives that --- quality over quantity, and tags have taken the place as trackable travelers

    3. there has been a glut of coin on ebay for 3-4 years now

    4. non-trackable doesn't mean anything anymore because the sentimental or nostalgic ways we traded or were given them as gifts has been lost

    5. I think there is just a sheer number of coins out there is overwhelming, and people are on a budget these days. The price has tripled since I started collecting. So vendors can either charge more or maintain costs and put out a crappier product...

    6. With some of the secondary prices being so low. It's a great time to buy coins and put them into the wild!

  10. I have the following coins for sale, first come first served. Weening out some extras.


    Shipping is $3.00 domestic and $4.00 foreign for the first coin. Add $1.00 per coin after that. Email me what you are interested in any, paypal or check. All are unactivated and trackable.



    Original Master of the Cache dragon

    Deadman's Party (antique gold v1)

    Geocoin Pendant (opening antique door) AS

    Egyptian Heart Vessel LE

    Checkmate two-tone

    North Carolina benchmark spinner

    11-11-11 North Carolina

    Voyage of Discovery Sea (gold)

    Cache Carefully Las Vegas sign

    Goonies Event Skull

    Migrations (AG)

    British Bulldog AG

    Everglades National Park gold

    Crop circle gold

    Celtic Peacock (gilded) AG

    Poraroca Endless Wave dolphins

    Fantasy butterfly

    Trade fairly or walk the plank (+ treasure map pin)



    Cache Wars II: Dark Side

    GCC club + pathtag January

    GCC club + pathtag March

    GCC club + pathtag February

    Geocoinfest South Carolina + matching proxy

    Migrations LE (AS)

    Washington State benchmark spinner

    Palenque, Aztec spinner



    Arabian Nights AE

    Deadman's Party LE (antique silver)

    Abacus counting caches AE

    Compass Rose 2007 bronze

    Compass Rose 2007 satin gold

    Cache Wars + 8 tags

    Lubeck Astronomical Clock AE

    Strasborg Astronomical Clock AE

    Space Shuttle nickel

    Geocoinfest Europe Cologne Spinner (attendee edition)



    Pink glow tranquility

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