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Posts posted by avroair

  1. There were conflicts in what was printed vs what was said, when the price changed suddenly I happened to go look at what was written and it said we could order 50 so I did. I also stipulated NONE going to Oakcoins. Not that it matters much now, it is a done deal. I am very unhappy with my coins they have pits and nicks in the metal before the plating was done(Something that should have been caught in the quality control before plating) and I have colored in areas that are different colors or variations of colors over the 50 coins(Another quality control issue). What ever mint they used owes some people an apology. If they weren't all already spoken for with a waiting list I would have sent them back.


    Michael, this does not reflect on you or on Avroair, you did your jobs the best you could. This was all mint error. But I would like to know if 75 of my coins were made because I would buy 7 more to fill my waiting list.


    The minimum order for the multi-event was 75 coins, not 50 so I am not sure if that was old text that wasn't updated or something. I was also surprised to see multiple versions at the same event under the 75... that was NOT what was stipulated. Glad this one is over my events were great and both had huge turnouts! :)

  2. I think he could list them in an auction format as long as the auction doean't end until the 12th.


    That's specifically what I didn't want to happen. It's been sorted out, it's was a rookie mistake. I know we are all sitting on plenty of shiny things for more than a week (I know I would rather have them early though rather than sweat to the last minute!) and to throw one out there on ebay is tempting. But I would ask can you please refrain until the 12th, these are event coins produced to celebrate a date. If anyone has problems after their event selling their order either talk to me (I can figure something out and give you some options) or Oakcoins who will buy back up to 25 coins.

  3. Are there any restrictions on this coin I should be aware of before listing it on e-bay?


    Yes. The Lackey 2005 is on the 'ethically unfit to ebay list' --- the code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules :P

    • Upvote 1
  4. I've been attending these since I was introduced to them back in 05,05,05 where I drove 100 miles to get to the event at 5:05 am!


    ....and it was uphill with a headwind both ways!!!!! :ph34r:



    You're right! It WAS cold too!


    Got my coins! Got my coins! Got my coins! And all the trades I made, and now I have to figure out what is what... all the versions look Gorgeous! Fantastic!

  5. Thanksgiving has past. I am thankful that all the coins will arrive on time. :D I am also thankful that this is the last of the X-X-X events. I've been attending these since I was introduced to them back in 05,05,05 where I drove 100 miles to get to the event at 5:05 am! This particular one was a slog with 63 versions!

  6. Did anyone else notice that this coin is NOT getting a custom icon?!!! :mad:

    Instead, each edition is getting its own entry with the 'event' icon.


    I don't recall this EVER being brought up in the discussion of this coin.

    That better not be the case...the 12/12/12 website clearly states under the coin specifications that it will have a custom icon.


    Hey Mark


    You should bring this to Michael's attention so we can get it fixed.


    Michael really should hit the "watch thread" button for this topic and be in here on a daily basis putting out spot fires and answering queries as they happen...


    People gotta calm down and relax. Michael has been away at a Mega Event doing his job. He gets back today. I pinged him on the icon, it should be unique and is a very easy problem to fix. Like every other multi event international orders go out first (11/14) and domestic orders go out (11/17).

  7. HI, I'm looking for penguin geocoins. I have the 2010 christmas penguin, but i can't find any others that are still for sale.

    Can anybody tell me if there are any available?




    Greetings Lady Pinguin


    Try the trading thread pinned to the top of the board.

  8. My Dragonfly Talisman TSUN edition




    your Neptune's Compass TSUN edition


    --> if interested, please contact me through my GC profile email






    still not ready! :lol:


    I have a few coins I got from Geocoinfest for trade:

    Merlin's Falcon

    Strike it Rich Coin Mine (comes with proxy)

    Colorado Colors / Welcome to Las Vegas LE (comes with proxy)

    Colorado Colors / Welcome to Las Vegas LE (comes with proxy)

    Earth Turtle 2012 nickel

    Earth Turtle 2012 black nickel

    Lucky Koi Koin yellow

    Wolfpack Geocoinfest Denver

    Wolfpack harvest moon

    Halloween Venetian Mask

    Block Party Venetian Mask

    Ronaldo 2 Venetian Mask

    Tranquility German gold

    Tranquility Pink BN

    Tranquility black widow nickel

    Marvelous Nature Geocoinfest edition

    Nutella Earth Turtle 2012

    Dragonfly GCF Denver Exclussive

    Nature's Compass (all 5 editions)

    Lucky Koi Koin white glow

    Small Things antique silver


    Email me with your list.

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