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Everything posted by avroair

  1. I would like to get a commitee started to help me set up some caches etc. At the Harriman Pirates & Picnic Event The following positions are available: 1. Crow'sNest (Cache placing team) - placing nearby theme caches, island caches etc. 2. QuarterMaster (Food team) - just to keep track of the food people are bringing 3. First mate Plunderer (Team Pirate treasure activity coordinator) - set out and run event 4. Cabin Boy (travel bug dropoff manager) - coordinate travel bugs 5. Cabin Button Boy - (patch and button coordinator) - theme ordering prizes and buttons 6. Culass McBlade - (welcome commitee) - responsible for sign-in and fees For some of these you won't even need to show up! Please e-mail me if interested and I can give you a more detailed description of the job title. Thanks!
  2. I would agree with this. Let me clarify. T: a WG$ L: nothing Is unacceptable in my mind. Since in my experience, my WG$ have never been logged in after people have taken them and remain that way. What is the use in placing them if they are no longer tracked?
  3. My wife used to sell insoles. They are generally useless unless you have no arch to your foot. Maybe look into getting different hiking boots?
  4. You are SUPPOSED to take a george and LEAVE a george. That is trading. You then log it into a site and keep it on you until you can place it into another cache. Question: Newbie cacher finds his seventh cache. There are 3 WG$ in the cache. The newbie 'trades' one. How many WG$ are left in the cache?
  5. Africa Loop trail maps available at any BrianSnat BigGame Store - he places them in the woods, you find them and lock yourself out of your car!
  6. Congrats... forward to 101 and beyond...
  7. Buttons are still on the way. (Basically, I have to pay for them so they get shipped). I know who did the loop so I can send you a button or put them at some special coordinates in the woods and you can pick one up... and then lock yourself out of your car, Just kidding, I will let you know when they arrive and are available.
  8. Congrats... I think No really great job! Now you have also cached in Africa so you ain't afraid to tackle the hard ones too!
  9. Awesome time! Had a blast! The only people miserable were the ones who couldn't attend! I met so many new cachers and met up with some familiar faces. Tagged along with PerfectTommy and Bldebabe to so some caching. An excellent day out in an area (and state) I had never cached in before! I am now (according to PerfectTommy) a right wank... I mean Tri-State cacher
  10. I think you have had quite enough of those for this week! Or was that Lunarby and Kar or Team Shibby with all the shot drinks? I shall let you know when they arrive. You are a scholar and a gentleman!
  11. I just put in an order of Africa Loop buttons. If anyone is trying the Africa Loop series in the next two weeks and can place them in Timbuktu for me, LMK
  12. Sounds like TeamDEMP is organizing a picnic event here for all of us to come along? That was an invitation right? Sounds like an invitation to me!
  13. Just a note for secret agents who don't bring cache pages. Mission 6 cannot be completed with out first completing 1-4 (not 5) and all cache missions 1-5 are NOT sequential so you can hit them in any order. In terms of rating from easier to harder: cache mission 3 cache mission 2 cache mission 5 cache mission 1 cache mission 4 cache mission 6 Hope this helps! Don't get caught, be discreet and follow the directions! CM HQ
  14. My wife already did that: T-bug Mission: To have him deported back to England. I was dragged away from the event at 1:30 a.m. so what time did you leave Brian?
  15. dadgum it! Why do I always stay out later for these things! My wife only just bought the 'I'm the host' deal! Had a great time meeting new cachers and see familiar faces! Had a blast sharing stories Hope to see you on the trails
  16. 7:30 p.m. Tonight - bring your brain for geocaching trivia
  17. Beer and Wings this evening! Stop on by And bring any t-bugs for trading... you might want to brush up on your Night Sweats trivia!!!
  18. What food stuffs can I bring?
  19. Congrats to the Frantic Cacher secret agent team. This NOC team was able to infiltrate 3 of the 6 enemy complexes... and still had time to practice maneuvers on the nearby training course!
  20. I can assure you my Cauldrons experience was way off the trail. I chose poorly. As for six cents, the new cache is in the same place as the old cache. I enjoyed both, but I believe the old one was better... but also very hard. How about being a secret agent for a day?!?
  21. I hear ya! Supersize that multi into 5 caches and I am game! Anything to keep the dopamine flowing! Unless of course you aren't addicted to those smiley's. Hiking is hiking and caching is caching... if the two intermingle then even cooler... and if there is more than one reward, cooler still.
  22. I go hiking, exclusive from geocaching. My wife hates caching so we go hiking instead. That's how I found the Africa loop in Harriman. We hiked 9 miles that day, and I only found one cache... but it was worth it, the hike alone was great. My disappointment rides with ill-placed 5 mile multis and ones that are not maintained properly.
  23. Yep. That would pump more dopamine into my reward circuit.
  24. What is the point in that? Unless each stage was unique and had a puzzle or specific chalenge? (such as Blood & Guts). Or was pitched in the description as a tough adventure.
  25. The difference for some of the older venerable caches are the log histories. I find it interesting who found it, when they found it, what method they used to find it... their adventures etc. A new cache doesn't have this sort of attached history. On the other hand, I do believe there are many caches placed with little thought. I found a cache in a Walmart parking lot. Doesn't this break geocaching guidelines for placing on private property? Since parking lots are not pubically owned. On the other, other hand, I welcome micros placed along interstate highways at reststops since they seem to have a purpose. what do i know anyways, I could spend all day arguing with myself
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