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Everything posted by avroair
Why don't you ask him, he already did another 500!
Congrats! Do you need a hint for Caber Tossing? Are you certain you do?
That's worth the drive alone! (hope she doesn't read the forums!) Great piece, they were able to simplify geocaching down to a couple of statements! Log on, type in your zip code... get out your GPS and start hunting...!!! Nah, none of you looked like Geeks! No really you didn't.
Congrats! Glad to be there for your 100th. Great caching with you! You picked a real climb for the 100th What a view!
Okay, on to the non-technical stuff. JMbella and Squealy - When you guys decide to do this loop together make sure you are holding hands so the locals know that you are taken. I now know why they named it Hariman (Hairyman) and Bear (Bare) Mountain - saw a nude couple by the lake. We stopped past the cache and just seemed to keep gawking at them! Lots of single people sitting on rocks too... Had a blast. Helmet was our resident Crocodile Hunter, frequently diving into the scrub brush and returning with a snake. Despite the 5.63 mile track log, I still maintain we did over 7 miles! I slept from 4 pm - 9 pm! I am looking to do either the Silver Mine series or another loop near Bear Mountain in the coming weeks if anyone else is interested?
Hey Marty, I just tend to go for that mantra when placing caches. I am not placing them for a newbie to drive up and grab, but rather they need some thought, experience, luck and GPS skills to find them. Whereas, I would agree that micros should be reserved for situations that warrant them, I was merely pointing out that the drive bys fall under the same scrutiny.
Okay we are meeting at around 9:30 a.m. so people can gather, be merry and whatever else, the parking coordinates are (and please don't all try and grab the same parking spot ) Parking is at the loop on Rt 6 at N 41 18.965 W 074 03.002 Bring some food for lunch and see you guys tomorrow, rain or shine!
I respectfully somewhat disagree. Some caches are not meant to be found. Although it is evil to throw a micro over your shoulder. The challenge is finding the micro. If the cache owner wants to do that then we cannot suppress them into hiding only large ammo cans. But I do understand your point. If the sport is meant for GPS navigation why do we not have more multis or caches where you need to use your unit someway. By the same virtue, shouldn't the driveup caches in a local suburban park be under the same scrutiny as the micro in the woods?
They have TV's at the Rib place.
Queens IS Long Island
Congrats! Still have recovered you're Blue Dog huh? Friggin' LIer!
Can anyone help with placing a permanent cache at a couple of the event cache sites. Black Jack's Loopy multi - ammo can and two match containers Powder Monkey - decon box Swing the Lead - ammo can LMK if interested, you will be able to log them again.
Wow! That's over 20 people coming! Cool Wildlife beware... group cachers in the area!
Bring along your travel bugs to trade too.
Only if you want some kiddie 'secret agent' badges that i left in cache mission 6. Call me when you get stuck, should take about 5 hours, although I know someone who did it in 2.
If anyone is up for the cache missions (probably squeeze in 2 or 3) beforehand, I will be on call at 5:30 pm, my bus drops me off about 200 feet from Stage 1 of Mission 1. Mission 1 so far: Finds: 6 Accidental Finds: 1 Found but not logged: 1 DNF logs: 6 People who Didnot post a DNF but e-mailed me: 6 People I have seen doing Mission 1: 3 Anyone game? I dare ya!
* Flood control is enabled (v) - the action whereby once you start to pee you have to keep making returns trips to the bathroom (usually occurs during heavy drinking)
* Flood control is enabled (v) - the action whereby once you start to pee you have to keep making returns trips to the bathroom (usually occurs during heavy drinking)
I posted this in the Northeast Forums and got some great responses so I am reposting here. The Washington Post holds a contest to find alternate meanings for various words. The following were a couple of the winning entries: * Coffee (n.), a person who is coughed upon. * Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach. * Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk. * Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent * Negligent (adj.), a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in your nightie. * Gargoyle (n.), an olive-flavored mouthwash. * Flatulence (n.) emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller. * Pokemon (n), A Jamaican proctologist. Can you come up with any geocaching related alternative meanings, here's a couple: * Cache Swag (n.), the strut ones does after they find a WG$ * GZ (n), what long islanders call the state on the other side of the Hudson * Multi (n) - a type of grog * Mystery cache (v) - ducking at the last second to evade a tree hidden by the landscape (miss-tree kak-he) Added by BrianSnat: * Muggle (n.) - A small glass of beer * Decon Box (n.) - A roach motel Alternate: Decon Box (n.) - a brown paper bag lunch they give ex-convicts after they leave jail * Waypoint (v.) - to give directions * Travel Bug (n.) - Monteczuma's Revenge * URP (n.) - What you do after drinking warm soda * Markwell (n.) - To build a good hiking trail * YAPIDAKA (n.) - Part of Fred Flintstone signature call "yapidaka doo" Micro (n.) - My black pet bird Added by Crouching Hiker, Hidden Cache: CITO (v.) - to notice a hole in your boot briansnat (n.) - the dyslexic's spelling of "ant brains" Added by Skully and Mulder: * Virtual cache (n.) - Credit card. * Mystery cache (n.)- Money from an unknown origin. Added by JMbella: * Compass (n.): Free booty * GPS (n.): Geocaching Preoccupation Syndrome * Groundspeak: What you do after a long night of drinking Can you come up with alternate meanings for the same words or others?
Sweet! What does mine say? Dude!
After we are done we can hit something else like the couple at Lake Massa Whippi Massa whippi: is that native amerian for orgie? There are also a letterbox and some others along the palisades... if we are heading back by 1 pm we can meet up and do some more! 475.... 473.... 472 my numbers are going down, not up. Locationless caches are such a pain in the a**. So are their owners!
Quick!! Someone make this a picnic event!
Hey JMBella, stop congratulating yourself for approving caches!
Avroair + plus wife are 90% sure we will be there. We just have to discuss lodging. Are you guys placing a bunch of caches in the area? Like 12-18? Cause it looks like only one there right now!