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Everything posted by avroair

  1. Hey Junglehair, You have already met me, but I work in the city LMK when you are coming down.
  2. Registration for the event is at 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Please e-mail to confirm your prefered participation level before you show up
  3. Congrats Joe, thank you for putting so much time and effort into geocaching for LI and the whole tri-state area. I truly appreciate it.
  4. Wow! This turned sour in a hurry. How about just having a group hunt without an event? Saves you the trouble of having to deal with the planning. Just a suggestion.
  5. Saturday is forecast for heavy rain, Sunday has clear skies Wish I could join you, but the wife wanting me to do gardening. I asked her if I could do some planting... she said yes, just as long as it isn't a geocache. I am going up to Bear Mtn the following weekend
  6. Five Star NEW YORK... this cache will take you to: Times Square Rockefeller Center Carnegie Hall Central Park Historic Harlem Rose Center and Planetarium Belvedere Castle Columbia University If you are not up for that, there are over 20 caches in Central Park alone...
  7. Nice responses. I feel no need to jump in. What was the terrain rating on that cache?
  8. It was NO accident! His cache was within 528 feet of mine and getting all the attention! Watch out TBB! hope your harriman water cache is more distant now!!!
  9. Sweet all the more reason to have a geocaching MURDER!!!! I have hosted and attended a couple of events and in my experience it is both the wording and intent of the event that gets it approved needing modification. If you have an idea you can always bring it to the forums or e-mail the approver first to see if it will fly. My personal viewpoint is far stricter than the liberal interpretations given in the guidelines, events should be officially sanctioned since they involve working with reservations, parks, picnic areas etc. and officially represent geocaching. Therefore, admins should work closely with organizers (rather than just approving or rejecting) to put together a well executed plan. Much like if you are wearing a lifeguard shirt, you are legally obligated to save someone, we are ambassaders for geocaching.com and represent the website at our events. Just my thoughts
  10. In my logs I refer to 'brute-force' in two ways: 1. first getting to the cache, meaning bush-whacking physically rather than using a trail 2. at a cache site - physical search of every known spot rather than clever use of head If people have left a cache in an area which can be destroyed (which they often do), brute-force can be seen as trampling the area to look for the cache. Often after the obvious spots. I use brute force only as a last ditch effort and the wife is nagging me or I am 1 hour overdue for dinner... Then she uses brute force on me.
  11. Giants games? Who cares about them? You can pick up the score in the car on the way home... Or did you mean my SF Giants! Go Bonds! I will think about putting something together, I am currently jet-lagged. Weekend of the 11th is no good and 16th is Letchworth Gathering.
  12. Been there, was 1-3 on the caches... they are not hike and find caches, they are placed with evil intent!
  13. Any ideas We are running out of caches at Harriman!
  14. dadgum it! I need to stop printing out the cache pages from work....
  15. Wow! Cool! You have been busy! What do we do when we run out of caches in Harriman?
  16. The list is HERE What about logging archived locationless caches? Is that possible?
  17. In case people missed it... I am away and will e-mail specifics to people interested. Just leave a note on the cache page.
  18. Hey Alan, Sorry to hear that. Maybe we should do more caches in Europe!
  19. Missed what? Did you have it yet? Just did a cache here:
  20. PerfectTommy said all the important stuff... It is important to read the cache page and know what you are looking for. There is a link to a webpage that has them all listed so you dont need to go thru the actuall logs. Are you done with all the traditionals in your area?
  21. Oops. Cache event is now non-premium. Sorry for the accident.
  22. This event is open to everyone. Sorry, I must have clicked on premium by accident.
  23. Congrats on your milestone. You can cache with me in D.C. anytime! Just remember to wear orange!!!
  24. Oh you mean the new icons on the search pages... in the main forum most people like them. I think they look childish and clutter it up... but what would I know, I have only designed webpages for 10 years!
  25. No, sorry, let me clarify: On your geocaching homepage there is a button and a link: Geocaches (Mine) When I click on it it displays ALL of my caches, both archived and active. I would like to have two separate links where my active caches are on one page and my archived ones are on another page. I was using the event reference to show that my active event is at the bottom with my achived caches since it cannot be found until the day of the event. Hope this clears it up better.
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