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Everything posted by avroair

  1. Are you talking about the club version? There are two versions set for sale on Geoswag on Thursday.
  2. Looks like the red and blue will go on sale on Thursday.
  3. LMAO! Must roll sixes!
  4. Looks like you can be the first to get your hands on the coin! They have one up for sale as a mystery on ebay: HERE
  5. I can't control the sale when individuals decide to buy 20 coins for themselves. The newsletter went out at 11:00 pm PST which is 8 am in Europe. Yes, there is a reminting. Also, the red and blue versions haven't been sold yet, it was only the purple. I will try to update people on when those are going on sale.
  6. Royal Mercy Will be available tomorrow on the Geoswag presales page.
  7. They are available on the Geoswag presale page
  8. The reds and purples are sold out. We are currently reminting the Mardi Gras and Ronaldo versions since half of them had minting errors. I expect these to go on sale in early summer.
  9. Info sent!
  10. This is a trade thread that is quickly becoming a sales thread. Can we please keep it to trades so the thread isn't locked by Groundspeak.
  11. They are back in at geoswag.com
  12. Love em! Takes the addiction to a whole new level!
  13. The purple and the red versions are available. These are limited editions and won't be reminted: Presales Page
  14. gOt thEsE In thE mAIl tOdAy! thEy lOOk grEAt! sAlE shOUld bE sOOn!
  15. Apparently there was an artist edition made, I have 20 which arrived today.
  16. That's impressive! How long did that take?
  17. There are a couple left over stock (with pin) on Geoswags: Presale Page
  18. Got mine today too.
  19. Got mine today! They will all be set free traveling.
  20. Just a reminder that Jedi Training is on May 21st, that's a Saturday: Event listing: HERE Everyone is welcome! If you are interested in the Geocaching Game just add a will attend.
  21. Just a reminder that Jedi Training is on May 21st, that's a Saturday: Event listing: HERE Everyone is welcome! If you are interested in the Geocaching Game just add a will attend.
  22. You mean dried up!
  23. Yes, the world traveler on geoswag, but coins and pins have done quite a few that are on coincodes: The compass rose 2007, 2008 and 2009, a delaware and Gascans are also animated. It was being on coincodes that got me interested in the topic. There never seemed to be an official statement so I was curious if anyone got declined and why?
  24. So I know of one trackable coin which has an animated icon. I am curious if anyone knows why that was the only one allowed. Or better still why we can't do animated icons? Anyone tried to get one done etc?
  25. I have been told Thursday now.
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