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Everything posted by avroair

  1. Any word if these are still on schedule?
  2. Apologies, the rest of the summer will be bare-ish. No apologies necessary! I won't mind a bare-ish summer..my bank account will have time to recover. I would give ya a schedule, but the last one I did the thread got locked...
  3. +1 remember to use the TB number, not the tracking number. It's just below the title.
  4. DQ!!!!! March 4th... feel for ya, it's the reason I'm in Seattle. Can't complain.
  5. The second transport is away! (hooray!) Mailed some more out today!
  6. Original Four Antique Gold (2007) Antique Copper Limited Edition Antique Silver Black Nickel Artist Edition Later versions: 2 tone Antique Gold spinner on Antique Silver base Special Edition 2 tone Antique Silver spinner on Antique Gold base 2 tone Antique Silver spinner on Black Nickel base There might have been an antique gold on black nickel base. Was curious if the new spinning Welsh Dragon coin was a Dragon Spinner 2011 or from another source.
  7. Apologies, the rest of the summer will be bare-ish.
  8. Initially 100 of each, but I believe they will go on presale when they sell out since they benefit the red cross. Any idea when these will be back in the geoswag webstore?
  9. Any update on these?
  10. That's a good point. I was considering doing that to a couple of my older coins that shared an icon at the time (back then you had to buy 500 tracking numbers at a time!)
  11. Forgot to say, I got mine. They are a cool shape and I like the thickness. Well done! Let's hope they don't go missing when I release them.
  12. Yep. The number in the cart was entered wrong. I have a handful for trade. Edit to add: there should have been a purple and gold one too, not sure what happened to it... will have to follow up. I probably told them to not make it yet, then forgot.
  13. They failed to photograph the coin. F5 paid off before I destroyed it! (The F5 key that is) Got me a Kraken! :) And was about to add... they are on the bottom of the presales page, without a photo... HERE!
  14. These are available on geoswag.com presales page.
  15. They failed to photograph the coin.
  16. I thought we could only publish an event like this three months in advance. I counted on my fingers and I ended up with more than 3 showing! Do these events warrant special consideration? If so then I will also work on the listing... I thought it was 6 months. I will have to ask. CF30 It's 3 months unless you happen to be a reviewer who publishes their own events.
  17. I till have a few sets available. They are antique silver (+8 tags) for $23.00 shipped.
  18. What is a multi-event? A multi-event is a group of event locations that share the same theme and geocoin (with the same icon). Who can host an 11-11-11 Multi-event? Anyone! An individual, geoaching organization or group. Are there any restrictions on where I can host my event? The event format is totally up to you. The only rule is that events that don't share the same color combination be more than 100 miles apart. Two events with the same color/metal combination have no distance restrictions. What if two people would like to do an event but they live within 100 miles? Avroair stays out of regional disputes. I would suggest the two hosts work together on the same coin or find some other solution amicably. Preference will be given to a veteran event host over new host if parties can't agree. Options such as sharing a coin, moving events further apart or dropping one event have worked in the past. Who designs the coins? Avroair, although the design is posted in the forums and critiqued by the other hosts. The design is meant to be versatile so that many color and metal combinations are available. The coins are trackable at GC.com and have a custom icon shared by all the versions. Avroair is open to other people's designs. What can I customize (what will make my coin unique)? There are two main options: 1. Choice of metal finish (antiquing adds to the cost) 2. Choice of color enamel fills. The color options include sub-options like glitter, glow, translucent and pearl enamels. Some of these options add to the costs to the coin. What's the minimum order size? Minimum order is 50 coins. But there is a price break for ordering 100 coins. There is also a 25 coin buy back program if you don't sell at least half. How much do the coins cost? Depends on what options you use. But typically starts at $5.00 per coin. The hosts decide on the retail price as a group. How do I pick colors, metal and enamels? Avroair will provide a 'color by numbers' outline of the coin artwork used for picking colors and enamels. What happens if two hosts submit exact or similar colors? The host who handed in their colors second will be asked to alter their colors. Will we see mint artwork? Yes, you will have a chance to approve mint artwork to make sure colors are correctly chosen. But there is no opportunity to change your colors at that stage, just confirm they are correct. Will we get a sample? Only if time permits and we only do samples of the first 2-6 coins submitted. When will the coins be delivered? Two weeks before your event. You will get a shipping notice when this happens. For past multi event designs and colors see: B0TL's list
  19. Wow! That's pretty cool!
  20. The first wave was mailed today! Yes I still have a few sets.
  21. No it's an act of congress and can only does happen every 6 months I believe. Most of the time it's a 1 or 2 cent raise, but this increase seems much bigger on the heavier end. Still it cheaper and faster than shipping from Germany.
  22. It's the lump of coal version... expect it at Christmas!
  23. Cool the alchemist error coins did go into the grab bags!
  24. It shouldn't be there. I have inquired with Oakcoins. Usually for a club coin the artist gets half of the LE and the other half goes for sale for $19.97, so I am not sure if that is what happened (but the price is wrong anyhow).
  25. My event is over so I can Cointest away an extra Cache Wars gamepiece coin. See below: Rules: Tell us about the Light side of caching, something funny or light that happened to you while geocaching. Or tell us about the darkside when you did something you weren't particularly proud of or was funny or dangerous... 1. one post per person per 4 hour period 2. 7 day cointest 3. each story post must be a totally separate incident 4. winner picked by random number generator 5. no whining, or it's off to the mines of kessel or worse! 6. only comment on someone else's post if you also have a story to share
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