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Everything posted by avroair

  1. To be determined. The price isn't up to me.
  2. I am afraid I don't have any left. I sold them, traded them and gave a bunch away at my event (6-8 I think). Four were accidentally shipped to Guido in Germany so you stand a better chance with him! Some locals in Washington have them from the event.
  3. Ok the cointest is now over. Post #23 please step forward.
  4. So you aren't including the Mega geocoin which is 5" diameter?
  5. Sounds about right. I have considered wood, glass etc: tokens.
  6. This is the most accurate photo (sample C). I was given quite a few of these since Geoswag forgot to send me payment in coins for the club version. I have a buy-it-now Dutch auction on ebay for those who can't wait. If anyone would like to trade I'd be happy to look at their traders. They are available June 21st, I am not sure of the price, but there will be a sales limit of 5 per person I am told.
  7. Do you have to be so literal?
  8. I would form a list and post it in the forums then either apply prices to them or let people make you offers.
  9. The Loyalist, Cardinal and Assassin's Creed Musketeers are back up in the Geoswag Webstore
  10. YOU TEASE!!!!!!! I blame the mailman!
  11. These just arrived: Summer Solstice Venetian mask (or commonly referred to as Sample C): They will be available June 21st Two-tone nickel on satin gold, with translucent and glitter, and lots of tiny gems... This is a limited seasonal run (commonly know as an F5 edition!) and will not be reminted
  12. Zippity do da, zippity day! My oh my what a wonderful day! Summer Solstice Venetian Mask:
  13. Can't fault you there!!!!!!!!!!!! Cute, but so gawd dang annoying! That's for event #3: Return of the Mul-ti...
  14. Take a look at the free vector art program called "Inkscape". I have both that and Adobe Illustrator, and for me Inkscape does a trace of a scanned bitmap much faster and easier than AI does. I have tried out Inkscape it works fine. But I prefer illustrator for coin artwork.
  15. I think Han Solo Yep. Yellow was Han Solo. The order of the caches was the same order that the planets appeared in the three movies, each planet had a character that best fit with the planet (ewoks excluded!) Darth Vader was the first tag Tatooine = obi wan (light blue) Alderaan = DNFed, it wasn't there! Kessel = Han Solo (yellow) Yavin 4 = Leia (pink) Hoth = Luke (orange) Dagobah = Yoda (green) Bespin = Boba Fett (white) Endor = R2D2 (dark blue) Final = Death Star!
  16. My bad! That seems strange, sending you a coin. Yep, sets are $23.00 including shipping (coin + 8 tags)
  17. From top going right: dark blue = r2d2 light blue = obi wan orange = x wing luke red = vader pink = leia green = yoda white = boba fett For my event each ammo can was painted the same color as the tags and the symbols on the coins were spray painted on the sides. edit for grammar.
  18. There will be a dark blue and satin silver one available at GeoWoodstock.
  19. Cool stories! Did I ever mention the story about: Meeting a Dragon Some would see the Lighter Side, others the Darker side! Me? I just ran like the wind!
  20. Can't wait to meet a dragon! Waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... Now I know how George felt!
  21. Those are cool. Do you leave them in caches or only sell them?
  22. These are back up on the PRESALES page.
  23. I totally understand that is not about money. But you can have a reservation system in the forums where people fill out a form or submit an email. Then they get billed later on. You can also do that on twitter or a web page. I am not aware how you can limit one per person on ebay.
  24. The feedback at the event was very positive. The game was fairly complex but I think people figured it out quickly. So I am open to do a "The Cache Strikes Back" event next spring. Third transport is away! Yay! Everyone who ordered these has had their order shipped.
  25. Yes, I think there will be a problem with people just buying them all. Since if someone pays then they cannot say, you can't have it. Better to take reservations on a website for the first 125 people to submit. Mark Avroair
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