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Everything posted by avroair

  1. I will be making the artwork available color by numbers artwork available tomorrow. Haven't had a chance to set it up yet. I think antique nickel was an oversight. I will check.
  2. 1. avroair \ Seattle, Washington 2. Three Bottles \ Northwest Washington 3. Bo.T.L. \ Jihocesky kraj/Czech Republic 4. amagrud \ Mississippi 5. manu luq \ Spain 6. noto45 \ Illinois 7. Dale n Barb \ Space Coast of Florida 8. mmacgown \ long island new york 9. Funkymunkyzone \ Auckland, New Zealand 10. Keewee \ Canterbury, New Zealand 11. Dressel Dragons \ Pittsburgh 12. lizzardman \ Manchester, UK 13. mar-elendili \ Switzerland 14. pastor_b \ iowa 15. Lucecitka \ prague 16. ruud4 \ Netherlands 17. Atwell Family \ Denver, Colorado 18. AtlantaGal \ South Carolina 19. StealthRT \ Kansas city 20. kayakerinme \ New England \ Maine 21. micaudi \ Munich, Germany 22. longtomsilver \ Cologne, Germany 23. kini_ont \ ELTADA Ontario 24. AlliedOz \ Western Australia 25. Vanelle \ New York 26. scificollector \ Emerald Coast Florida 27. Team kizb \ Speicher, Germany 28. WebXXI \ Lisboa – Portugal 29. anne.and.eli \ Santa Cruz, CA 30. LadyBee4T and TeamEccs21 \ SE Michigan 31. sillygirl & jrr \ Oahu, Hawaii 32. LadyCache \ Nebraska 33. Crowesfeat30 \ St. Louis, MO 34. Guwapo's Papa \ Dunedin, New Zealand 35. fatkidsotwunite \ Georgia (Savannah) 36. joensue \ South New Jersey 37. NOSNOW \ Minnesota 38. gorfner \ Fayetteville NC 39. Cache_Kitty \ Indiana, USA 40. E&Cplus3 \ Nova Scotia, Canada 41. Team Luvbass \ Napa, CA 42. djds clan \ Sacramento, Calif Let me know if I am missing anyone.
  3. Thanks, the Antique gold should make an appearance at Mega Wales. The antique silver are available on the geoswag presales page: HERE
  4. Well, with the coins sales in the forums and tag and coin sales at the zoo I was able to donate to them collectively just under $2000! Of which $180 of that were cups of apple slices for the zoo animals! Thank you to every one who bought and donated directly to the zoo. On top of that we had 265 people attend! You guys and gals are awesome! I also have a few left if anyone is interested, I am covering the shipping. Mark Avroair
  6. I forwarded your email to Emma.
  7. Keep em coming! Have sent 30 invites to Emma so far.
  8. Avroair, Mrs Avroair and Lil Miss Avroair will be there... new coins... there will be a bunch at Oakcoins booth. For me... I have a few surprises I am bringing... and maybe a new Avroair Aviator...
  9. By the way one version will be in the August Geoswag.com coin and pin club. It will come with a chess piece pin.
  10. Got the samples. They look great, and the Queen's placement has been fixed.
  11. Thanks! I have a few left of each macaw email me if interested in any.
  12. I was told there will not be a 2011 version. Has anyone seen the new Volunteer coin? I have a 2011 German Groundspeak Volunteer coin. Is that what you are asking about?
  13. That sucks I mailed mine before everyone here and it's taking longer. Yes I have mamoreb's package then.
  14. Is your mail person holding your mail hostage? I mailed packages on the 27th and they have made them to the east coast by now. One certainly should have made it to you! Okay, I checked tracking and it said it was delivered on June 29th. Did your daughter swipe it? No that would have been the wife who absently put it on the printer for me to "find"
  15. Waiting on(DRESSELDRAGONS, E&CPLUS3, KEEWEE, MAMOREB, LOS MUERTOS, TOOJIN, ICE13-333, UKTIM, LEWISCLAN77 Got a Norwegian coin today, not sure who that was from.
  16. Probably. The gold ones are going to Mega Wales. The silvers should be available in the next couple of weeks.
  17. In 2008 I did a Celtic Peacock design. I was asked to do another one for MEGA Wales so here it is. The Gilded Celtic Peacock: Trackable with a unique feather icon 1.75" and 3 mm thick
  18. Working on getting an 11 11 11 Googledocs spreadsheet started. It should be ready by the end of the week. In the meantime if you have interest and would like an invitation to the private docs. Email me: Name: GeoNick: Event Location: (state country etc) Email (for invitation):
  19. I am hosting a Geocaching event at my local zoo July 9th (Link to event), where they care for sick or abandoned animals and carry out conservation and education awareness for endangered species. I am offering the Limited Edition event version of the coin here, all the money will be donated to the zoo. Zoo website: Cougar Mtn Zoological Park Macaw Geocoin Trackable: trackable with unique icon Finishes: black nickel (front shown below) and nickel finishes Size: 1.75" Versions: three different macaws Thickness: 3 mm Cost: $12 including shipping. At this time it's just a reservation system. Please Post if you are interested in a set (for $33) or a single coin. I will contact you with order information later. No commitment, but a great way to get a coin and donate to a worthy cause. Also, post if you own a Macaw or Parrot! Choices: Rio (red macaw) Patu (yellow macaw) Marvin(green macaw) If you want all three just say a set, there's a one $ discount per coin.
  20. Haven't received anything yet, hope to get some today!
  21. Schedule: Colors sumbitted by: August 18th Artwork approved by: August 29th Payment by: September 2nd Coins ship by: October 14th (includes international) What is a multi-event? A multi-event is a group of event locations that share the same theme and geocoin (with the same icon). Who can host an 11-11-11 Multi-event? Anyone! An individual, geoaching organization or group. Are there any restrictions on where I can host my event? The event format is totally up to you. The only rule is that events that don't share the same color combination be more than 100 miles apart. Two events with the same color/metal combination have no distance restrictions. What if two people would like to do an event but they live within 100 miles? Avroair stays out of regional disputes. I would suggest the two hosts work together on the same coin or find some other solution amicably. Preference will be given to a veteran event host over new host if parties can't agree. Options such as sharing a coin, moving events further apart or dropping one event have worked in the past. Who designs the coins? Avroair, although the design is posted in the forums and critiqued by the other hosts. The design is meant to be versatile so that many color and metal combinations are available. The coins are trackable at GC.com and have a custom icon shared by all the versions. Avroair is open to other people's designs. What can I customize (what will make my coin unique)? There are two main options: 1. Choice of metal finish (antiquing adds to the cost) 2. Choice of color enamel fills. The color options include sub-options like glitter, glow, translucent and pearl enamels. Some of these options add to the costs to the coin. What's the minimum order size? Minimum order is 50 coins. But there is a price break for ordering 100 coins. There is also a 25 coin buy back program if you don't sell at least half. How much do the coins cost? Depends on what options you use. But typically starts at $5.00 per coin. The hosts decide on the retail price as a group. How do I pick colors, metal and enamels? Avroair will provide a 'color by numbers' outline of the coin artwork used for picking colors and enamels. Where can I look at the artwork and what colors other event hosts have chosen? There is a googledocs spreadsheet being set up that will show all the events and the colors picked. It is not for public use and is by host invite only. What happens if two hosts submit exact or similar colors? The host who handed in their colors second will be asked to alter their colors. Will we see mint artwork? Yes, you will have a chance to approve mint artwork to make sure colors are correctly chosen. But there is no opportunity to change your colors at that stage, just confirm they are correct. Will we get a sample? Only if time permits and we only do samples of the first 2-6 coins submitted. When will the coins be delivered? Two weeks before your event. You will get a shipping notice when this happens. For past multi event designs and colors see: B0TL's list
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