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Everything posted by avroair

  1. I have a few artist editions available for trade.
  2. I was asked which designs. I can confirm some have astro clocks and or arabian nights artist editions.
  3. Ok I have 12 grab bags ready to go. I have designed a bunch of coins in the last years, and have many extras of my designs. These are all recent coins. There are no duplicates. Add to your collection or get some great traders! I'll also throw in a my micro coin as a freebie! You get: at least 2 limited edition or artist edition coins at least 1 future coin at least 1 coin and matching pin Price is $44.00 shipped (with tracking and insurance). Overseas I will have to send two packages for ($8.00) shipped. Email me through my profile for payment options. First come, first served. I have already made up the grab bags so I can't pick and choose coins for you (that's what trading is for!) Mark Avroair
  4. I've been working on an Arabian Nights coin for quite some time. Wanted to do the 1001 caches theme, as well as geocaching stories told. Well here it is: Size: 1.75" Thickness: 3mm Trackable: Yes Unique Icon: Yes Gem: Yes, in the middle of the back Versions:Aladdin (antique gold) with yellow, purple and turquoise Ali Baba (antique copper) with purple, red and green Scheherazade (antique silver) with orange, blue and turquoise Artist Edition (antique silver) blue, turquoise and red They all come in a light blue velvet drawstring bag Scheherazade version shown below: And the back: Available in late August or early September.
  5. That's the hardest one to get. This year's gold version will be in a limited quantity at MEGA Wales.
  6. Yeah kinda. Something with Serifs and a bit cursive with some flair. Serifs AND Cursive? I presume you're talking about something with non-traditional serifs, such as something with extra loops or extravagant embellishments? Or just something along the likes of Vladimir Script Yep something script, like the s*** Happens font or Billy Argel
  7. I just use mapquest to give me an estimate. I put in the address that I know (usually my house but could be a city) and then ask for directions to the city I want to go to. Gives me a time and distance estimate that way. So the 100 mile rule is based on a driving route or a straight line distance? My guess would be that it is a straight line distance but you need to talk to Mark if it is that close that a straight line versus driving distance makes or breaks it for you. It's a bit arbitrary but is enacted to stop two events cannibalizing each others attendees and coin sales. Doesn't make too much sense to have two rival cachers post events at the same time and each have their own version of a coin...
  8. I somewhat agree. Using your analogy, there is a disappointment when you expect to go on said road trip in your dream car only to find you have to sit on a donkey all the way instead, some get over the disappointment faster than others... I have seen some cool proxies, which I am happy to move along. If it's laminated paper I usually pass for fear I will lose it! Then again, I don't jump to caches with coins in them specifically.
  9. Yeah kinda. Something with Serifs and a bit cursive with some flair.
  10. Looks cool. I am not keen on the type font, seems a bit whimsical for a more classic design. Edit to add: where it says TIME, ENERGY, COMPASSION
  11. Emma is open to questions, I think you are talking about the geojellies? The googledocs page has a comments section at the bottom that could suffice.
  12. Sort of, we still need to do it as a color by number. Which should get posted or emailed to people today. avroair \ Seattle, Washington Bo.T.L. \ Jihocesky kraj, Czech Republic Luecitka \ Praha, Czech Republic micaudi \ Munich, Germany longtomsilver \ Cologne, Germany kini_ont \ ELTADA Ontario AlliedOz \ Western Australia Team kizb \ Speicher, Germany WebXXI \ Lisboa - Portugal manu luq \ Spain Funkymunkyzone \ Auckland, New Zealand Keewee \ Canterbury, New Zealand Guwapo's Papa \ Dunedin, New Zealand ruud4 \ Netherlands lizzardman \ Manchester, UK mar-elendili \ Switzerland amagrud \ Mississippi Dressel Dragons \ Pittsburgh pastor_b \ iowa Three Bottles \ Northwest Washington Atwell Family \ Denver, Colorado AtlantaGal \ South Carolina StealthRT \ Kansas city kayakerinme \ New England \ Maine anne.and.eli \ Santa Cruz, CA LadyBee4T and TeamEccs21 \ SE Michigan sillygirl & jrr \ Oahu, Hawaii LadyCache \ Nebraska Crowesfeat30 \ St. Louis, MO fatkidsotwunite \ Georgia (Savannah) joensue \ New Jersey NOSNOW \ Minnesota gorfner \ Fayetteville NC Cache_Kitty \ Indiana, USA E&Cplus3 \ Nova Scotia, Canada Team Luvbass \ Napa, CA djds clan \ Sacramento, Calif Johnny Rango \ Boise, ID Vanelle \ New York scificollector \ Emerald Coast Florida noto45 \ Illinois Dale n Barb \ Space Coast of Florida mmacgown \ long island new york Team A.I. \ Mesa, Arizona LionsLair \ Panama City, Florida
  13. The post was June 15th, that's over a month. The event is in August.
  14. Which city do you think has the best opportunity?
  15. Heh! Got my version of the coin today! Me like! So we went with three metals: Nickel = GCF europe debut. If they sell out there, cool... if not they are being put on Geoswag Copper = Geoswag version. Available late August Gold = Mine. 25 of each minted I have a couple of golds available for trade and will be bringing a few with me to events.
  16. I have a couple left of these if anyone is interested. $23.00 including shipping for the coin and 8 tags.
  17. Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls... it's that time again! To bid for the city for Geocoinfest 2012. If you have never attended a Geocoinfest, then there's one in the Charlotte you can try it out! If you would like to host Geocoinfest 2011 then you have come to the right thread! Past Geocoinfests: Twin Cities 2010 Salt Lake City 2009 Pittsburgh 2008 Temecula California 2007 It is now time to submit bids for Geocoinfest 2012, this is not a nominating or voting thread, this is for hosting the event, if you wanna host it, put together a team, a plan and a vision and then a bid. Pittsburgh put together a video showing off all the features of Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City did an interactive presentation... bids don't have to be that fancy, but they do have to be in by August 31st. Some things people need to think about: * these things take time to pull together, probably at least 7 months * the Geocoinfest would be held in the fall, usually close to Columbus Day weekend * the city needs to have an airport that is generally accessible * the city needs to have nearby attractions rather than just the coins * there needs to be ample hotels in the area, 3 coinfests have been hosted at hotels, but that isn't a requirement. * the city should not be near other MEGA events locations * we generally expect over 500-700 people (MEGA) so the actual site needs to hold at least that many * there needs to be 2 (preferably 3) local coin coordinators, we need coin people, not just general cachers, due to conflict of interest issues any geocoin vendor is not permitted to be part of the bids or the committees * need to work within a team environment And the toughest requirement of all: * you gonna have to work with me (avroair) so if you are fragile person then suck it up and deal with it! Previous event organizers will receive each bid and vote on their merits under 10 criteria. Then re-vote for the two finalists. This will be done September 6. The winning bid will be announced at Geocoinfest 2011 Charlotte.
  18. Yes there is texture under those areas.
  19. On it's way, you sent your info to my gmail account that I rarely check. Fixed now!
  20. I will be making the artwork available color by numbers artwork available tomorrow. Haven't had a chance to set it up yet. I think antique nickel was an oversight. I will check.
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