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Posts posted by avroair
On a semi-unrelated note, presumably at some stage we all have to decide what these coins will sell for? I'm not sure how this will work, as once again, shipping the coins to NZ, and probably some other places outside the US, is very very expensive (about 5 times as much per coin as within the US, for the benefit of the US hosts). Or will it basically be up to each event host as to how much they sell their coins to the general populace?
Well having hosted 2 of these events with version coins and being out of pocket $XXX last event.
Shhhhh do not tell the wife. It is up to each event holder to decide what you need to charge to cover costs, as pointed out some have to pay a whole lot more for shipping + finish + glow or pearl and it goes on... $104 for shipping to Oz this year... seems reasonable and will be factored into the overall cost of coins and hosting.
Most likely the Perth Australia price (Tho not set in stone)will be $11 bucks, we think it sounds reasonable and is in line with the event theme
Hmmm...I seem to recall the price being set the same for everyone participating in the previous events (except for the 888...which I remember setting our local price at $8.88...I thought it was cute, but ended up a making change nightmare).
I just noticed in the FAQ's that the host can set their own price.
That's correct. When we tried to set a price, the Europeans balked at 10 euros for 10-10-10. I think $11 for US event hosts is reasonable in connection with 11-11-11.
Hi All,
We'd like to make our Auckland event coin available to all the collectors, but we're unfortunately not in a position to trade - basically we can't afford to add that many coins to our collection right now. While we are sure all the other coins will look great, we're just not in a position to collect them all, but we're happy to help anyone who wants to do that.
We've come into this whole multi-event coin deal so that we can add another level of interest and fun to our 11-11-11 event, which we're already pouring a lot of our time and money into (see our event last year with 110 people, http://coord.info/GC29A3T, and we're going much bigger this year).
Is there any way the pre-arranged trading system, being set up with Oakcoins, can accomodate people purchasing one of our coins so it goes direct to them instead of us?
The alternative, if we get them all shipped to us and then others want to buy them, is that obviously there will be additional shipping costs for all the coins to come to New Zealand and then get posted off elsewhere.
If anyone would like to make 25 or 50 more coins available to Oakcoins, I believe they will trade on your behalf. More information to come.
There are some wonderful descriptions and photos. Like the book "On the Day You were Born", there is something awesome, cosmic and almost humbling about natures great mysteries such as migration. Kinda helps us reflect on our place on this Earth. Thanks for sharing.
Cointest Winner: post #88
Hope you enjoy the coin.
Closing in a couple hours...
Last chance today and tomorrow to get your migrations in!
Sorry if I wasn't reading them over the weekend, I was migrating to visit family.
Since these seem popular I made up another 10 grab bags, they are slightly different. The coins offered are similar (such as a different astro clock, a couple are the same, but no pins). Since I shipped all the last packages with insurance, the price is $45.00 shipped (with insurance) for a total of 5 coins. One of these is my personal avroair micro which is an added gift. I prefer a check or paypal. Shipping to a foreign country is an additional $4.00
The grab bag packages contain 4 coins:
all 4 coins are trackable
all 4 coins have unique icons
at least 1 Artist Edition version coin
at least 1 limited edition
no duplicates
no requests, the bags are already made up
The coins available to make the bags from:
astronomical clocks
assassin's respite
diving helmet
Atlantis lost continent
4 musketeers
crop circle
venetian mask
Arabian nights
Cache of the Titans Medusa
Cougar Mountain Macaw
Chess: check mate
Could I get a little help identifying them please?
Grab Bag 1
Arabian Nights AE
Celtic Circle of Life: blue (soul)
Egyptian Anhk club may
atlantis lost continent
macaw patu black nickel LE
Grab Bag 2
Arabian Nights AE
Celtic Circle of Life: purple (body)
june club coin with pin
atlantis lost continent AE
macaw marvin black nickel LE
The Cyprus flag micros are still available on geoswag.com
Diving helmet LE --- didn't design but gave the idea for.
Medusa tempest --- 2009 design
Avroair personal --- 2009 (antique copper), this is a micro and not the aviator
Macaw BN --- event version
Crop Circle (with pin) --- May Geoswag Club
Well, your photo is certainly better than the one I took!
1) Monarch Butterfly
2) Coho Salmon (local to me)
3) Grey Whale
4) Canada Goose
5) Green sea turtle
6) Arctic Tern
7) North american Caribou
Here are the 7 animals...
Now you guys just need to keep submitting this list A with something from B.
WOOHOO, I got my bag today. It had some cool coins in it including an Arabian Nights AE. SWEEEEEET!!!
Thanks Mark
Glad you liked them.
Nope. Nothing that I am aware of.
These are really cool. Will they be available at Geocoinfest EU?
My favorite migrating animal by far is the Arctic Tern.
And that so happens to be in the coin.
ever the reason, I've about had it with people who now pick up Travelers and then put them in other caches without logging them at all. It's happening more and more; at least three that we dropped of last week are apparently in this boat.
Cup half full, bright side... your coins are moving and not being taken outright. I understand the misery though. We have a travel bug \ coin hoarder (thief) in our area who has by best estimates over 4,000 bugs and coins in his possession... kinda a big, dark, black hole... there is just no reasoning with some people.
WOW WOW WOW - that is one beautiful geocoin!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great job Mark!!
Thank you. As I mentioned in my email my inspiration for the coin comes from the children's book: On the
Day you Were Born (Debra Fraiser), one of my favorites. I read it to my daughter all the time.
On one of the pages the news of a newborn's birth is passed from animal to animal (migration). I wanted to design a coin that celebrated the wonderful and mysterious idea of migration. With the animals migrating from North to South on the coin.
It will be the September geoswag club coin as well as a geoswag store version.
Ok an entry before I leave for the Bash. (Are you going this year Mark?)
Animals on coin
1. Bottlenose Dolphin
2 Robin
3 Monarch Butterfly
4 Tsun Turtle (so ok it is a sea turtle probably green sea turtle but I do like tsun's turtles!)
5 Elk -- male version
6 Coho Salmon
7 Canada Geese
The Canada Geese is what I would like to discuss...
Now here are some pretty interesting stuff about this stupid goose. Around here they no longer migrate. Yes they are pretty, at least I used to think so and of course the goslings are still cute but....they spread diarrheal parasitic diseases like Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum in their feces, and frequently nibble grass and shrubs on people’s lawns and landscapes. They can also transport ticks across the country. Of course probably not here because they don't go anywhere they have it too good...
But the next fact is what I really have learned about them. They POOP all over the place!! In my yard, on the paved walking paths and anywhere I want to walk or bike. Their poop is larger than my dogs and is more slimy too. In fact just 50 Canada geese can generate more than two tons of manure in one year! That is a LOT of poop! The birds' waste can cause poor water quality where they live. That fact came from kid's National Geographic. LOL
They seems to be territorial and attack my dogs if they get too close. They also can be loud. If we want to shake the eggs in the nests around the ponds we need a permit to do so otherwise it is illegal. Of course when these flocks cross the road we have to stop and they take their sweet time. I almost got rear ended last month because of that.
Ok so that isn't really about their migratory patterns but I had to say that and would really like the Canadians to take them back!!
Now on the the required stuff
Have you ever seen birds flying in a V formation? If so it was probably Canada Geese. The front position is rotated since flying in front consumes the most energy. Canada Geese leave the winter grounds more quickly than the summer grounds. Canada geese are known for their seasonal migrations. Most Canada Geese have staging or resting areas where they join up with others. Their autumn migration can be seen from September to the beginning of November. The early migrants have a tendency to spend less time at rest stops and go through the migration a lot faster. The later birds usually spend more time at rest stops.
Elevated thyroid hormones, such as T3 and T4, have been measured in geese just after a big migration. This is believed because of the long days of flying in migration the thyroid gland sends out more T4 which will help the body cope with the longer journey. The increased T4 levels are also associated with increased muscle mass (hypertrophy) of the breast muscle, also because of the longer time spent flying. It is believed that the body sends out more T4 to help the goose's body with this long task by speeding up the metabolism and temperature at which the body works. Also, other studies done show corticosterone levels to rise dramatically in these birds after and during a migration. Corticosterone is known a stress hormone, so it only makes sense that when these birds are stressed by flying long distances everyday, that more corticosterone is released into their system. It is believed that a higher level of corticosterone will help the birds better manage this task. (Bet you didn't know that tidbit!)
The number of geese that are migrating to the United States is shrinking because of lost habitats and changing weather and agricultural practices. Some Canada geese are migrating shorter distances or really not migrating at all.
Submitted by Roland Hulme on Mon, 2011-05-02 15:57
Royalty free stock image used
You got 3, 4 (I like em too, but you did name green), 6 and 7 correct.
one quick question...
while they were alive, my parents used to fly to florida fo the winter...does that count
ILYKWas wondering who the first person to bring that up would be! To answer, depends... were they geocachers or just migrating! Geocaching is migrating with a purpose!
Ok so I have to name 7 distinct animals and get the correct species that you have on the coin. Done
Name an amimal and discuss the migratory patterns. Can it be one of the animals on the coin? I have one there that I would like to discuss maybe in more detail that anyone wants to know......
Yes. The species I don't need a scientific name... just Grizzly bear rather than Bear.
As well as guessing all of the seven animals.
The King's Own will be going to Geocoinfest Europe. The Night's Watch version (black) will be sold in August on Geoswag.
Any plans for a GCF version?
Quick cointest that features my new Migrations geocoin design. Photo below.
Winner will be picked randomly out of people who answer both 1A and post correctly for 1B
Cointest rules:
1. there are two stipulations to enter:
A. as part of the answer name the seven animals featured.
names need to be specific: eg instead of bear say Grizzly Bear
B. Add an animal (and photo if possible) of an animal that migrates (doesn't have to be on the coin) give a few facts about the migration
2. one entry per day (if you edit your entry you lose)
3. if you pick an animal B. from above that has already been picked you lose
4. if you pick an animal that doesn't migrate you lose
5. please be careful about photo permissions and giving credit or you lose
6. have fun! do some research! or you will lose
7. cointest lasts 7 days (after that we'll migrate to something else)
I live in the Pacific Northwest which is famous for it's annual Salmon Runs. My city happens to have a Salmon Hatchery as well as a regional Festival called Salmon Days that runs the first week of October.
Thought it would be fun to design a migrations themed coin since travel bugs and geocoins migrate to their destinations through traveling from cache to cache.
The coin features a number of animals that migrate. Seven are featured on the coin, spreading the word of geocaching.
Trackable: YES
Unique Icon: YES
Size: 2"
Thickness: 3 mm
Versions: This will be the Geoswag club coin for September, there will also be an event version in different colors and well as a version for the geoswag website. Might also do a spring edition.
Here is a really bad sample photo since it's hard to see the turtles and other details under the enamel.
So here's the bare metal mint submitted artwork:
Circle of Four Geocoin
in Trackables
Is there any way to order these when they are in stock? I am not a fan of pre-sales.