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Posts posted by avroair

  1. I am very new to Geocaching and would be interested in purchasing a few U.S. State-Themed Geocoins, too.








    Also, I only want to buy round coins...does that make me weird?




    Whereas none of these are on the immediate list, Geoswag is coming out with state shaped benchmark spinner coins (they've done Washington, S. Carolina and N. Carolina so far). They feature a spinning benchmark within the coin of a state landmark. They also feature the oldest active cache and it's general location on the coin.

  2. I still say the ALL BLACK Mask would be the best of them all! I can't believe that someone didn't pick it as one of the earliest versions! I hope that avroair is able to get this one out!


    ALL BLACK - in celebration of the All Blacks winning the Webb Ellis Cup? (Rubgy World Cup)


    You mean from 1987?


    There are two other versions slated and that's it for a while:



  3. Ok, haven't been in the trade thread a for while, lots of cool things!


    I have the following for trade:

    Idylwood Pirate spinneref8a44f7-29d6-4eb6-99b7-b4fec2b65309.jpg

    Migrations Event coin





    Or might event part with my artist edition:



    Sepp and Berta pink Venetian mask


    Looking for:

    personal coins

    Delft Tulip or Trap Gavel

    Project Ape ticket silver

    UFO 3d one

    11-11-11 suncatcher

    mystery turtle (don't have that one yet)

    space gate LE (nickel or black nickel)

    any tranquility


    Trader lists, since I don't know all the new coins out there.

  4. Does anyone know where I can find this coin;




    It was sold on the GCF 2011 in Cologne, but I didn't see it there. Now I like to find it and trade or buy one. So if anyone can give me information on this one, please contact me.


    I have one of these (and the other version) for trade if interested. Email me.

  5. Sorry but I'm just too curious: when do you lift the secret which colors and metals for which version?


    I'm still very curious about the color/finish combinations! :rolleyes:


    Emma is away on vacation, I will post photos when I get them from her. The nerve to actually want a vacation!

  6. Did you say Geocoin & Pin Club October 2011 too? :)


    Nope. It's not a monthly club coin. But there should be a few for sale at Geocoinfest and I think there is a version for geoswag nearer Halloween.

  7. Here's coin #2 that myself and Chris Mackey (Fox and the Hound) worked on together for a Casino themed event I am having in December.

    Dead Man's PartyI've Got the Aces! You Bring the Eights!


    Trackable: Yes

    Unique Icon: Yes

    Gems: Of course

    Badass: Totally!




    I forgot to photograph the back which is also really cool. Will try to remember to take the shot.

  8. So I have been working on two coins with Chris Mackey (Fox and the Hound) for a little under a year. The first is for an event, with an extra version being sold on geoswag.


    Presentin, the Idylwood Pirate Spinner!

    Trackable: Yes

    Unique Icon: Yes

    Spins: Heck Yes!


    The coin is based on two dies with a ship's wheel forming the base and the skeletal pirate providing the spinning component! Deatailing only Mackey can provide!



  9. The coin club Sept coin version is shipping this week. I don't have any of these in hand right now. But my event and artist editions arrived today :wub: and I will try and take some good pictures tomorrow morning. They turned out great!


    A couple of changes were made to the details. The turtles now have ridged plates on their backs rather than just flat metal and the geese on the back now have wing feathers rather than just blank metal. I thought these details would add a little to the coin. :)


    The colors have been picked for the four versions available at this time:

    Geoswag edition

    Geoswag Coin and Pin club edition

    Event edition

    Artist edition


    There will probably be a version available for next Spring when all the animals are migrating back North (or South in the southern hemisphere).

    Is there any news on these?


    Yes, they are arriving soon. Sorry I was in Europe and missed this post. My event and artist versions have arrived.

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