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Posts posted by avroair

  1. I would bet there are other versions. I'm not sure of qtys or what the numbers mean.




    The coinfusion was originally a mystery coin project but they let the cat out of the bag early. Each of the four early personals: team fisur, dhobby1, moun10bike and indydiver each had their own metal version. I am not sure any metal versions were spared! If I remember correctly waypoint15 was approached by was not interested since they had stopped caching by then...


    Man! They should do a new coinfusion project with trackable versions! Sorry kinda off topic. Moop covered all of the IndyDiver parts.

  2. I thought this thread was about 2/29...not 12/12/12 ;)


    Me too. I got so excited I almost wrote count me in for 2/29, 12-12-12 and 13-13-13!!!


    I spoke to Bryan today about the 2/29 and Groundspeak are looking into ways to get the word out. I came up with: "Leap into Caching" "365 366 Caching" or "366 Days of Caching"

  3. I would love to see Las Vegas.....come in second! :ph34r:


    Any yes it is. For those who haven't heard, Geocoinfest 2012 will be in Denver Colorado GC2XW58 link here


    And Geocoinfest 2013 will be in Las Vegas, NV GC30FNQ (the cache is unpublished).


    Congrats to both teams, both bids were outstanding.

  4. When I first came across these event coins after the 10/10/10 event I naively thought that the colour schemes were state colours. After seeing a few more I realised that they were actually the personal expressions of the event hosts. With that in mind I thought I would share the background behind the Dunedin coin.


    The Dunedin Coin



    The coin is predominately bare metal with an antique bronze finish. This relates to the medals of the period. The metal finish also relates to the brasswork, including bullet and shell cases, that were part of a soldiers lot during the war. Blue and gold are the colours of Otago, the province which has Dunedin as its largest city, the blue linking both sides of the coin. The gold celebrates the gold rush era of the 1860's where much of Dunedin's early wealth came from. The jade centre and outer ring on the back celebrate the "Pounamu" or greenstone which is only found in the South Island of New Zealand. Te Wahi Pounamu (The Place of Greenstone) is a Māori name for the South Island.


    Wish mine were that symbolic. I picked colors that would stand out for the artwork and sample and then Emma used those to make the Seattle coin. Guess there is something symbolic about being the first into the fold... mine came out nice and I really like all the others who were in the trade.

  5. Thanks again for your comments. However, all coins are gone. I sold the last lot yesterday. I might do a small remint, though.


    If you remint, how about doing a different metal plating or adding some color.

  6. There you go w/ the All Blacks again! Can we do a Red and Gold one for Manchester United then?!

    :laughing: :laughing:


    Are they a Rugby Club? ;):laughing:


    I can categorically confirm that I will be doing neither a Manure or an All (omg is that the only sport we are good at) Blacks version. :P Both teams will win there respective league \ cup. So you can just relish that! :anitongue:


    There will however be one for the holidays. So happy holidays!

  7. I arrived with half a lock n lock full of coins and left with 3 lock n locks worth of coins! So I am having most of them shipped back to me. They will arrive at the end of the week and I'll post photos then... I think I spent $895.00 all told! :blink: (includes lunches too).

  8. I'm ready to make a nomination but need to ask...can moderators be nominated...the one I'm thinking of has all of the curves in all the right places :rolleyes: .




    LMAO! :laughing::antenna: She could respond with 'oh you flatter me!'


    Do they have a spewing tea on screen emoticon?

  9. Ok so I'm heading to Geocoinfest on Thursday night, but have some coins that won't fit in my carry on. Boo hoo. Anyways, I sorted them into 7 packages of 10 trackables. First 7 people who want them can have them. $3 each... plus shipping --- some will consider it a treat, others a trick since all coins are from the same design from an event I did this year, just different versions. There are also 5 tags. There are no micros, but there will be duplicates. Email me, no IMs please.


    But still 10 trackables at $3 each, is good for the caches right?!?


    1. sold

    2. sold

    3. sold

    4. sold

    5. sold

    6. sold

    7. sold

  10. That coin was a Moun10bike coin, and have had it since, esp when I heard that it supposedly holds clues to a secret cache hidden. Which I still think is well a bowl of wheaties.

    Actually, the part about holding clues to a puzzle cache is true. One version of Moun10bike's geocoins does hold the info for a puzzle cache out here in western Washington State. But I'm not sure if the cache is still active, nor do I remember which version it was for sure.


    MB Version 2. Yes, the cache is fairly close to me.

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