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Posts posted by t@ndre

  1. The original vendor is the german site. I believe these are sold out, but if any versions remain, the euro is the only way to purchase them. Even before you add the shipping charges, I think you'll find that their cost is probably around $17.40 each, which is why they're going for $20 plus on eBay. You probably won't find them for less unless you get lucky on an auction since their original cost is very close to $20.


    yeap by nature they are expensive ones starting from 14€ and were completely sold out on the site



    Even those resell-ed here in Portugal are all over also.


    But they are still over there.. somewhere :rolleyes:


    I personally still have about 12,000-13,000 unactivated coins in my attic and a bunch of the older versions of Tranquility Geocoins.



    If you happen to find an Antique Bronze and/or a Portugal gold in your attic, I would love to acquire them. They are the only versions I still need to complete my set of all 38 versions of the beautiful Tranquility geocoin.




    Nope, none of those.


    Ohh the Portuguese one (s).. so many after it :rolleyes:


    I only have these ones:

    Tranquility Geocoin Antique Nickel

    Tranquility Geocoin Black Nickel and Gold

  3. As far as I know there is still a version to be release in the Mega event in spain :rolleyes:


    That will be a 10 - 10 - 10 coin.


    The 36th version is the Mardi Gras. It is a thank you coin to all the event hosts, as well as a gift to people who join the GC & PC club (existing members of the club will also get one). It was mentioned in the Geoswag newsletter.





    PS--- It's polished gold with purple, green and yellow coloring.


    DAHH my mistake here!! sorry!

  4. Reminder...there are 35 versions (to the best of my knowledge) and the list can be found here:





    There are 36 total versions. :)


    Hi Mark,


    I'm sorry but i know 35 versions, no more.

    I haven't Ontario, Kitchener only on my Collection.


    I would like to get all of course. :D



    aka Bo.T.L.


    As far as I know there is still a version to be release in the Mega event in spain :D

  5. I have made up 12 grab bags with 5 trackable coins in each. All the coins have plastic flips first 12 people to email me with their email address, shipping address and geonick will get an invoice. Shipping is $3.50 dometic and canada and $6.00 foreign.


    Ready! Go!... (that's $4 a coin by the way!) No two coins are duplicated!


    PM sent

  6. Down 3-0 means nothing to the Flyers. Way to go.


    2-North Fork Seekers - Detroit Red Wings - Home

    5-Tethys C - Vancouver Canucks - Home

    7-fossillady - Vancouver Canucks - Away

    8-tommytrojan360 - Chicago Blackhawks - Home

    9-Red Otter - Boston Bruins - Away

    11-Gatoulis - Detroit Red Wings - Away

    12-Howlingmoon - Philadelphia Flyers - Away

    13-ghettomedic - Montreal Canadiens - Away

    15-SDewer - San Jose Sharks - Away

    17-LadyBee4T - Pittsburgh Penguins - Away

    18-dimkasmir - Boston Bruins - Home

    20-nggrfan - Montreal Canadiens - Home

    21-YemonYime - San Jose Sharks - Home

    24-t@ndre - Philadelphia Flyers - Home

    25-Odyssey Voyager - Chicago Blackhawks - Away

    31-TeamEccs - Pittsburgh Penguins - Home


    tommytrojan360 and Odyssey Voyager move on to the Western Conference finals with the Chicago Blackhawks

    SDewer and YemonYime move on to the Western Conference finals with the San Jose Sharks

    ghettomedic and nggrfan move on to the Eastern Conference finals with the Montreal Canadiens

    Howlingmoon and t@ndre move on to the Eastern Conference finals with the Philadelphia Flyers


    and conference finals start Sunday



  7. <snip>

    If Philadelphia wins - only 3 have picked them to beat Boston.


    1. Odyssey Voyager - 5 points

    2. SgtMikal - 3 points

    2. ngrrfan - 3 points

    3. Gatoulis - 2 points

    3. LadyBee4T - 2 points

    3. TommyTrojan360 - 2 points

    3. NorthForkSeekeers - 2 points

    3. Neeces and Nephews - 2 points

    3. fossillady - 1 points

    4. YemonYime - 0 points


    Whaddaya mean "IF"?!??!?


    crossing fingers here!

  8. does anyone in europe have an update as to average delivery days to receive an item from the U.S.? do you notice a long delay in the last week or two?


    no problems from my side

  9. Why 2009?


    LOL good question :)


    the think is that the process to choose a national coin here in portugal takes too long :)


    But we are changing the times and we are currently working already in 2010 version :)


    Regarding the coin, there is no reall important aspect for this coin be considered 2009 (as far as I know..)

  10. Just to let you know that here in Portugal our 10years event was a great success


    For the first time in Portugal we had a MEGA event :wacko:


    and guess what it was the first also in the all Iberia :o:D


    the lovely coin:




    the mega:




    the photo:



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